Bewilderedness example sentences

Related (10): perplexity, confusion, bemusement, disorientation, daze, shock, astonishment, incredulity, befuddlement, bewilderment

"Bewilderedness" Example Sentences

1. The bewilderedness on his face was evident when he heard the news.
2. I couldn't help but feel a sense of bewilderedness as I listened to his explanation.
3. Her bewilderedness was understandable given the unexpected turn of events.
4. The level of bewilderedness among the audience was palpable as the magician performed his tricks.
5. Despite his experience, he still felt a sense of bewilderedness when faced with a new challenge.
6. The newspaper headlines only added to the general state of bewilderedness in the city.
7. I could see the bewilderedness in his eyes as he struggled to make sense of what was happening.
8. The complexity of the situation only added to the general sense of bewilderedness among the team.
9. The sheer magnitude of the project left us all in a state of bewilderedness.
10. Despite their best efforts, the team was unable to overcome their bewilderedness and make progress.
11. The speaker's accent only increased the general state of bewilderedness among the audience.
12. The suddenness of the attack left everyone in a state of bewilderedness.
13. The bewilderedness in his voice was obvious when he asked for an explanation.
14. The confusion and bewilderedness on her face were almost comical.
15. The strange behavior of the animals added to the general state of bewilderedness in the area.
16. The complexity of the legal system left many people in a state of bewilderedness.
17. Even the experts were surprised by the extent of their own bewilderedness.
18. The sudden change in circumstances left us all in a state of bewilderedness.
19. Despite their best efforts, the investigators were unable to eliminate their own bewilderedness.
20. The ambiguity of the situation only added to the general state of bewilderedness among the group.
21. The bewilderedness on his face quickly turned to anger when he realized he had been deceived.
22. The complexity of the instructions left us all in a state of bewilderedness.
23. Despite their training, the soldiers still felt a sense of bewilderedness on the battlefield.
24. The strange noises coming from the woods only added to the general state of bewilderedness among the campers.
25. The sudden influx of new information left everyone in a state of bewilderedness.
26. The general state of bewilderedness made it difficult for anyone to make a decision.
27. The complexity of the problem left us all in a state of bewilderedness.
28. The strange behavior of the equipment only added to the general state of bewilderedness among the technicians.
29. Even after hours of discussion, the group was unable to overcome their own bewilderedness and come up with a solution.
30. The sudden appearance of the mysterious figure only added to the general state of bewilderedness among the witnesses.

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