Blackening example sentences

"Blackening" Example Sentences

1. The smoke was blackening the sky.
2. The fire was blackening the trees around it.
3. The cloud of ash was blackening the air.
4. The soot was blackening the walls of the old chimney.
5. The tire marks were blackening the pavement.
6. The stain was blackening the carpet.
7. The scorch marks were blackening the side of the building.
8. The chimney was blackening with soot.
9. The burn mark was slowly blackening the wooden tabletop.
10. The grease stain was blackening the shirt.
11. The tires were blackening the pavement as they spun.
12. The oil spill was blackening the water.
13. The tires were leaving blackening skid marks on the road.
14. The smoke was blackening his lungs.
15. The fireworks were blackening the night sky.
16. The bruise was blackening on her skin.
17. The storm clouds were blackening the horizon.
18. His reputation was blackening by the day.
19. The rumors were blackening his good name.
20. The accusations were blackening her previously spotless record.
21. Her mood was blackening like the stormy sky.
22. The threats were blackening his wife and children's lives.
23. The ink was blackening his fingers.
24. The scandal was blackening his public image.
25. His history was slowly blackening with crime.
26. The police evidence was blackening his alibi.
27. The allegations were blackening her career.
28. The lawsuit was quickly blackening his finances.
29. The economy was blackening people's hopes for the future.
30. The soot was blackening the fireplace bricks.
31. The acrid smell of smoke was blackening the air.
32. The tire marks were blackening the freshly washed driveway.
33. The sun's rays were blackening his skin.
34. The forge fire was blackening the blacksmith's hands and clothes.
35. The locomotive's smokestack was blackening the air above the railway.
36. The dark mood was blackening her attitude toward others.
37. The exhaust fumes were blackening the inside of the garage.
38. His past was quickly blackening his future.
39. The burn scars were blackening his skin.
40. The accusation was gradually blackening his good name.
41. The ink stain was blackening the cream colored page.
42. The volcanic ash was quickly blackening the surrounding farmland.
43. The wildfire quickly blackened the forest it consumed.
44. The movement was blackening the government's reputation abroad.
45. The night was blackening around them.
46. His soul was blackening with hatred and rage.
47. The nail polish was quickly blackening her fingertips.
48. The tar was blackening the roof shingles.
49. The dirty water was quickly blackening the bottom of the bathtub.
50. The burnt toast was quickly blackening and filling the air with smoke.
51. The politician's scandal was quickly blackening his career.
52. The tattoo ink was blackening the artist's fingers.
53. The storm clouds were blackening the eastern horizon.
54. The boil on his skin was blackening and threatening to burst.
55. The chimney fire was blackening the walls and roof of the house.
56. The printer ink was blackening his fingers and staining the pages.
57. The campfire smoke was quickly blackening the faces of the children.
58. The spill was quickly blackening the clothes in the washing machine.
59. The scandalous news was quickly blackening her previously spotless reputation.
60. The ink spill was quickly blackening the white carpet.

Common Phases

1. The thick smoke was blackening the sky.
2. As the fire burned, the trees started blackening and charring.
3. The more oil on the pan, the faster it started blackening and burning.
4. The burnt wood was blackening the stovetop.
5. The vandals spray-painted blackening the walls of the building.
6. The coal was turning blackening as it heated up in the furnace.
7. The coals blackening in the campfire grill.
8. The pans were blackening from years of burnt food particles.
9. The tires were blackening from the heat as the vehicle burned.
10. The metal scaffolding started blackening from the intense heat.
11. The rocket booster's exhaust was blackening the launch pad.
12. The pilot could see blackening scorch marks streaking across the wing.
13. Storm clouds were blackening the horizon as the hurricane approached.
14. The pot holder caught fire, blackening and charring on the stove.
15. The bottom of the pan was blackening the kitchen ceiling.
16. The underside of the overpass was blackening from decades of vehicle exhaust.
17. The engine was starting to blacken from the internal heat and friction.
18. The freshly painted walls started blackening from the indoor fire.
19. The once white paint was now blackening from pollution and wear.
20. As the fire raged, the forest floor started blackening from the heat.
21. The lava flow caused rock structures along its path to start blackening and melting.
22. Smoke was rising and blackening the morning sky from the factory fire.
23. The candle's flame was blackening the holder as it burned out of control.
24. The burnt pancakes were blackening the bottom of the pan.
25. The scorch marks were blackening the bottom of the pot from the burner that was too hot.
26. The intense flames were blackening the victim's clothes.
27. After years of neglect, the chimney was blackening the walls and ceiling.
28. The building facade was blackening from the effects of years of pollution and grime.
29. The burnt toast was blackening and smoking in the toaster.
30. The food was severely blackening and stuck on the bottom of the pan.
31. The hot coils on the toaster were blackening from the carbon buildup.
32. The tree bark started blackening, curling and shriveling from the intense heat.
33. The hotplate on the stove was blackening due to years of spills and burnt messes.
34. The intense oil fire caused the facility to start blackening and crumbling.
35. The hot burner was quickly blackening the pan's cooking surface.
36. The victim's fingertips were blackening from frostbite exposure.
37. The fire breached the bedroom, blackening furniture and walls as it spread.
38. The greenhouse plants started blackening and withering in the extreme heat.
39. The fire alarm went off as the pan started blackening on the stovetop.
40. The rusted metal was blackening from years of being left outside.
41. The victim's clothing was blackening and disintegrating from the acid exposure.
42. The pavement was blackening from the overspray of the tar sealer.
43. The victim's fingers were completely blackened from the electrical discharge burns.
44. The room started blackening with toxic fumes as the experiment went wrong.
45. The old pan was blackening, scorching and burning all the food cooked in it.
46. The brush fire caused the hillside trees to start blackening and dropping burning debris.
47. The victim's clothes were blackening and melting onto their skin from the intense heat.
48. The burnt clothes were blackening in the dryer due to a malfunction.
49. The unharvested crop started blackening and dying in the extreme heatwave.
50. The structure was rapidly blackening as the massive firestorm approached.
51. The intense rays were blackening the victim's skin in mere minutes.
52. The metal siding started blackening and buckling under the intense temperatures.
53. The darkening clouds were rapidly blackening the afternoon sky.
54. Leaves on the vine started to blacken, shrivel and die from the bacteria infection.
55. The outside of the building was blackening and cracking due exposure to extreme weather.
56. The hot coals in the firepit were blackening in the night air.
57. The hot engines were rapidly blackening the aircraft's wings.
58. The intense laser was blackening the victim's eyeballs instantly.
59. The armor plating started blackening and melting under the fire of the plasma weapon.
60. The night sky was rapidly blackening as the clouds rolled in.

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