Blat example sentences

Related (8): blatant, blather, blazon, blabber, blatherer, blatherskite, blazer, blaze

"Blat" Example Sentences

1. The balloon blatted as it deflated.
2. The car alarm blatted loudly all night.
3. The toddler blatted on the guitar, making loud noises.
4. The foghorn blatted out across the bay.
5. The trumpet blatted out an off-key tune.
6. The monkey blatted loudly from the tree.
7. The class clown blatted out answers to get laughs.
8. The machine blatted and clunked as it started up.
9. The three large geese blatted loudly as they landed in the pond.
10. The frogs blatted from the pond all night.
11. The trumpet player blatted out a wrong note.
12. My dad blatted and honked on his old saxophone.
13. The frog blatted as a warning to the predator.
14. The damaged car alarm blatted constantly for hours.
15. The kazoo blatted annoyingly.
16. The musician blatted off-key on the flute.
17. The pig blatted loudly from the sty.
18. The motorcycle blatted and roared loudly.
19. The door blatted when it slammed shut.
20. The klaxon blatted a warning alarm.
21. The toy horn blatted loudly, scaring the cat.
22. The police siren blatted loudly outside.
23. The duck quacked and the goose blatted.
24. The baboon blatted loudly at the lion.
25. The outboard motor blatted and sputtered before starting.
26. The dog blatted at the cat running past.
27. The bus horn blatted loudly at the cyclist.
28. The parrot blatted imitations of the phone.
29. The cow blatted at the farmer.
30. The drill blatted and vibrated in his hands.
31. The broken clown horn blatted sadly.
32. The tuba player blatted loudly, drowning out the other instruments.
33. The horse blatted loudly as it galloped past.
34. The foghorn blatted eerily through the thick fog.
35. The jet engine blatted loudly as it started up for takeoff.
36. The dinosaur roar toy blatted loudly, scaring the baby.
37. The foghorn blatted again to warn the ships.
38. The train whistle blatted as it approached the crossing.
39. His braying laugh blatted across the room.
40. The car backfire blatted loudly in the night.
41. The boat horn blatted to announce their arrival.
42. The dying water heater blatted and sputtered.
43. The toy truck blatted across the floor.
44. The ram blatted loudly to challenge the other males.
45. The outboard motor blatted and coughed to life.
46. The malfunctioning robot blatted random mechanical noises.
47. The coyote howled and the geese blatted in response.
48. The police siren blatted as it sped past.
49. The tone deaf singer blatted loudly into the microphone.
50. The bald eagle squawked and the geese blatted.
51. The train whistle blatted loudly as it approached the crossing.
52. The dying lawnmower blatted and backfired.
53. The seal barked and the elephant blatted.
54. The malfunctioning stove fan blatted loudly.
55. The child's trumpet blatted out a loud, joyful tune.
56. The parrot blatted imitations of the phone and doorbell.
57. The old car blatted loudly as it tried to start.
58. The sick goat blatted loudly in pain.
59. The bleating lambs blatted to their mother.
60. The toy puppy blatted when pressed.

Common Phases

1. Blather on/out- to talk at length in a stupid or meaningless way
"Please stop blathering on and get to the point."
2. Blather nonsense - to speak nonsense or meaningless words; to talk foolishly
"Ignore him, he's just blathering nonsense."
3. Blathering idiot- an insulting expression for a person who talks stupidly
"Stop acting like a blathering idiot!"
4. Blathered excuse- a silly, meaningless excuse
"He offered up some blathered excuse for being late."
5. Blathered gibberish- nonsense or meaningless talk
"Ignore his blathered gibberish and get back to the subject."
6. Blather about/on - to speak at length about something in a silly or pointless way
"Instead of blathering on about nothing, he should say something useful."
7. Blather and blether - to talk nonsense; to babble pointlessly
"Stop blathering and blethering and say something meaningful!"
8. Blather forth - to talk excessively or meaninglessly
"He blathered forth for an hour without saying anything of substance."
9. Blather away - to continue talking at length in a pointless manner
"Try to ignore him blathering away and complete your work."
10. Blather mercilessly - to talk excessively, stubbornly, and without sense or meaning
"The old man blathered mercilessly, telling the same stories again and again."
Hope some of these "blat" phrases are helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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