"Bloat" Example Sentences
1. The body bloats after death.
2. The bloatware on new computers slows them down.
3. Bloat can make clothes fit differently.
4. Swelling and bloat are common after surgery.
5. Severe bloating can indicate a medical issue.
6. The water bloats the rice kernels during cooking.
7. The bureaucratic red tape bloats government costs.
8. The bloating can make stomach discomfort worse.
9. Marketing budgets tend to bloat during the holiday season.
10. The whale's carcass bloated and floated to the surface.
11. Bloating and gas can make IBS symptoms worse.
12. Severe bloating is a common symptom of PMS.
13. Unnecessary features tend to bloat software.
14. Corticosteroids can cause facial bloating.
15. His swollen, bloated face showed signs of excess salt intake.
16. The bloated employee count increased costs.
17. Organizational structures tend to bloat over time.
18. Feature creep can bloat software projects.
19. Bloated budgets are an easy target for cutbacks.
20. Gluten can cause severe bloating in some people.
21. The bloating progressed until her abdomen was distended.
22. Severe bloating can be a symptom of ovarian cancer.
23. Programs written in C++ tend to bloat quickly.
24. The bloated sewer pipes needed to be replaced.
25. Bloat creates inefficiencies throughout organizations.
26. The bureaucratic process had bloated beyond necessity.
27. The bloated body floated down the river.
28. The bloated corpse was barely recognizable.
29. Bloating can make dress clothes feel uncomfortable.
30. The bloated investment fund collapsed.
31. Investors closely monitor for bloat in startups.
32. Bloating is a common symptom during menopause.
33. The bloated, rotting carcass emitted a foul odor.
34. The government's welfare program bloats with waste and redundancy.
35. The bloated server slowed the entire system.
36. Red meat can cause severe bloating for some people.
37. The application's features have bloated over the years.
38. Severe bloating is a possible symptom of ovarian cancer.
39. The bloated, drowned body floated to the surface.
40. Her bloated abdomen showed severe fluid retention.
41. His veiny, bloated face betrayed years of alcoholism.
42. The dilapidated shed had bloated and collapsed.
43. The bloated animal carcass emitted a putrid odor.
44. ACV helps alleviate bloating and gas.
45. Additives and preservatives often cause bloating.
46. The businessman's face was severely bloated from drinking.
47. Widgets tend to bloat applications.
48. Bloat compromises reliability and performance.
49. The application's feature set has bloated over the years.
50. The water retention caused her ankles to bloat.
51. Reducing sodium intake can help reduce facial bloating.
52. Unneeded files tend to bloat the filesystem.
53. The costs and staffing have bloated beyond necessity.
54. The bloating after the meal made him uncomfortable.
55. The government assistance program has bloated with waste.
56. The bloating progressed to the point of distention.
57. Government programs tend to bloat with unnecessary components.
58. The bloated, inflated policies led to financial troubles.
59. The corpse's limbs had bloated beyond recognition.
60. The program bloats with every release.
Common Phases
1. Feature creep - when additional features are continually added that cause software to
2. Scope creep - the process by which the scale or ambition of a project grows beyond its original planned scope, often causing it to
bloat and lose direction.
Bloatware - unnecessary software preinstalled on devices that
bloats them and affects performance.
4. Belly
bloat - the swollen or distended state of the abdomen, often temporary or due to excessive gas, fluid retention, or weight gain.
Bloating and distention - a sensation of fullness and weight in the abdomen caused by excess gas, fluid, or an enlargement of organs.
Bloated bureaucracy - a government system or organization that has grown inefficient through excessive complexity, often having more employees and levels than necessary.
7. Organizational
bloat - the process by which an organization grows larger and more complex than is efficient, optimal, or necessary.
8. Software
bloat - when a computer program or system becomes
bloated with unnecessary features or code over time, degrading performance and reliability.
9. Budget
bloat - when a budget increases beyond what is reasonable or necessary, often due to padding, waste, or inefficiency.
10. Feature
bloat - the phenomenon where a product's feature set grows very large and unwieldy, degrading simplicity, ease of use, performance, and maintainability.