Bloating example sentences

Related (3): constipation, indigestion, overeating

"Bloating" Example Sentences

1. I woke up with a bloated stomach after eating too much the night before.
2. Bloating and gas pain are common side effects of that medication.
3. Whole grains and legumes often cause stomach bloating in some people.
4. She felt bloated and uncomfortable after eating the spicy meal.
5. Excessive sugar and sodium can lead to water retention and bloating.
6. Drinking too much soda caused her stomach to swell up with bloating.
7. Lactose intolerance often results in stomach bloating after consuming dairy.
8. Stress and anxiety can cause bloating and stomach discomfort.
9. He struggled with persistent bloating and gas pains for years.
10. Bloating after meals was a sign of a digestive issue that needed addressing.
11. The excessive bloating made her feel self-conscious and uncomfortable.
12. menstruation often causes water retention and bloating for many women.
13. Intense abdominal bloating is a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome in some people.
14. Her belly bloated up to the size of a watermelon after eating dairy products.
15. Increased abdominal bloating is a sign of premenstrual syndrome in many women.
16. Gluten intolerance often results in severe stomach bloating and discomfort.
17. I woke up with a painfully distended and bloated abdomen.
18. She noticed bloating and an enlarged abdomen after starting the new medication.
19. He suffered from relentless bloating and gas for many years.
20. Prolonged bloating and uncomfortable distension can indicate a medical issue.
21. I feel puffy and swollen from persistent bloating.
22. Excessive abdominal bloating made her pants feel too tight.
23. Soy products often cause significant stomach bloating in sensitive people.
24. High-sodium foods frequently result in fluid retention and noticeable bloating.
25. Constant feelings of stomach bloating and swelling made her miserable.
26. Her lower belly was painfully distended from excessive bloating.
27. She developed severe abdominal bloating as a side effect of the new drug.
28. The unpleasant sensations of abdominal swelling and tightness indicating bloating kept her awake at night.
29. Abdominal bloating tends to worsen as the day progresses.
30. Excessive abdominal bloating often interferes with daily activities.
31. Her stomach swelled up to the point of discomfort from severe bloating.
32. Excessive sugar often leads to noticeable bloating and swelling.
33. Large quantities of carbonated beverages frequently cause abdominal bloating.
34. Abdominal swelling and bloating often abate after egestion.
35. Excessive bloating can interfere with one's lifestyle and body image.
36. Persistent bloating may signal an underlying medical condition.
37. Abdominal cramping often accompanies severe stomach bloating.
38. Frequent stomach bloating usually indicates an intolerance to certain foods.
39. She suffered from continual abdominal swelling and bloating.
40. Puffy eyes and swollen fingers often accompany severe generalized bloating.
41. Unexplained weight gain associated with abdominal swelling suggests persistent fluid retention and bloating.
42. Severe and unrelieved bloating requires medical attention.
43. Bloating and feelings of abdominal fullness often improve after adjusting one's diet.
44. Her abdomen swelled up painfully due to extreme bloating.
45. Stomach cramping accompanied the severe abdominal bloating.
46. Severe stomach bloating can make clothing feel uncomfortably tight.
47. Increased waist size from fluid retention and bloating caused concern.
48. A distended abdomen due to excessive bloating made working difficult.
49. A pesky parasitic infection caused severe unrelenting stomach bloating.
50. Abdominal massage sometimes alleviates mild to moderate bloating.

Common Phases

1. I have been experiencing abdominal bloating after meals lately.
2. The doctor warned me that unhealthy eating habits could cause bloating and gas.
3. She complains of constant bloating and abdominal discomfort.
4. Excessive sodium intake may cause water retention and bloating.
5. Cutting back on simple carbs could help alleviate her bloating and discomfort.
6. Try reducing high-fiber foods if you have persistent bloating.
7. The bloating and cramping subsided after I reduced my dairy intake.
8. I often get bloated after eating bread and pasta.
9. Exercise can help relieve bloating by promoting digestive health and regularity.
10. The bloating finally went away after I cut out gluten from my diet.
11. Probiotics may help improve digestive health and reduce bloating.
12. He saw a doctor for bloating, nausea, and abdominal cramping.
13. Drinking more water can help relieve bloating by facilitating good digestion.
14. She described her symptoms as severe abdominal bloating and discomfort.
15. Take a walk after dinner to alleviate bloating and aid digestion.
16. The doctor prescribed anti-gas medication to reduce my bloating and discomfort.
17. Cutting back on carbonated drinks helped reduce her bloating and gas pains.
18. He developed severe bloating and abdominal swelling after the surgery.
19. The model complained of bloating on the red carpet.
20. The actress's dress looked tight due to bloating.
21. I experience bloating and discomfort when I eat too much sugar.
22. High-salt foods were causing my severe abdominal bloating and edema.
23. Her distended abdomen and bloating worried the doctor.
24. Reducing my portion sizes helped reduce the bloating and discomfort.
25. Dairy products are a common cause of bloating for many people.
26. The weight gain was due to bloating and fluid retention, not actual fat.
27. Stress and anxiety can exacerbate digestive issues and bloating.
28. The nurse advised her to monitor for changes in her bloating and swelling.
29. My jeans felt tighter due to food-related bloating and gas.
30. The model complained that her dress no longer fit due to bloating and water weight gain.
31. The bloating and cramping led her to suspect a food intolerance.
32. Chewing food slowly and thoroughly can help reduce bloating.
33. Excessive alcohol consumption contributed to her post-meal bloating.
34. The enlarged abdomen was caused by bloating rather than a serious medical condition.
35. Indigestion, bloating, and abdominal discomfort are common during pregnancy.
36. Cut back on foods that tend to cause bloating and swelling for you.
37. Frequent episodes of bloating and discomfort may indicate an underlying medical condition.
38. Tracking foods that cause bloating can help identify potential triggers.
39. Complaints of stomach bloating were common among the women she surveyed.
40. She went on an elimination diet to determine which foods were causing the bloating.
41. One sign of a food allergy is persistent bloating after eating that food.
42. The bloating and swelling subsided after switching to a low-FODMAP diet.
43. Food intolerances can lead to chronic symptoms like bloating and discomfort.
44. Bloating and distention are frequent complaints during menopause.
45. The model mentioned dealing with bloating issues due to her high-sugar diet.
46. He took an antacid to relieve the gas and bloating caused by indigestion.
47. Chronic bloating was a persistent problem despite multiple dietary changes.
48. She often experiences bloating, cramping, and diarrhea after eating gluten.
49. The doctor recommended cutting out carbonated drinks to relieve persistent bloating.
50. Irritable bowel syndrome often causes symptoms of abdominal bloating and gas.
51. Post-meal bloating can make clothes feel tight and uncomfortable.
52. Bloating and distention due to excess gas is known as meteorism.
53. Her persistent bloating turned out to be an early symptom of ovarian cancer.
54. Abdominal bloating and swelling are common during the premenstrual phase.
55. Many women experience cyclical bloating related to their menstrual cycle.
56. Doctors ruled out serious pathology as the cause of her chronic bloating.
57. The model has complained of bloating issues ever since having gastric bypass surgery.
58. Some colorectal cancer patients experience unexplained bloating as an early symptom.
59. I developed serious bloating after starting a new medication.
60. Abdominal bloating caused by systemic lupus erythematosus often responds well to steroid treatment.

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