Bloom example sentences

Related (10): flowers, petals, budding, growth, blossoming, efflorescence, flourish, burgeon, prosper, thrive

"Bloom" Example Sentences

1. The cherry trees burst into bloom in the spring.
2. The rose garden was in full bloom.
3. The purple wisteria flowered and bloomed in late spring.
4. Tulips bloomed across the garden, creating a rainbow of colors.
5. Daffodils and crocuses bloomed in early spring, signaling the end of winter.
6. The orchards were in full bloom with pink and white blossoms.
7. Butterflies fluttered from bloom to bloom drinking nectar.
8. The garden was a riot of color as the flowers bloomed.
9. The hyacinths bloomed profusely, filling the air with their fragrance.
10. Lilies were starting to bloom in the pond.
11. The jacaranda tree bloomed with beautiful purple flowers.
12. The magnolia tree bloomed its giant white flowers.
13. Brightly colored azaleas bloomed along the garden path.
14. Apple trees bloomed with delicate white and pink blossoms.
15. The spring flowers were blooming all over the meadow.
16. Morning glories bloomed on the trellis surrounding the patio.
17. Irises were blooming around the fountain in the courtyard garden.
18. The potted orchid delicately bloomed with a single flower.
19. The gardenia bush bloomed with its sweet-smelling white flowers.
20. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom along the riverbank.
21. The flowerbeds were a riot of color as various plants bloomed.
22. Petunias and pansies bloomed in window boxes and planters.
23. Forsythia bushes bloomed bright yellow in early spring.
24. Peonies burst into bloom with their full, fragrant blossoms.
25. Beautiful hibiscus bushes bloomed year-round in the tropics.
26. Camellias bloomed profusely along the garden paths.
27. Wildflowers bloomed in shades of yellow, purple, and blue across the meadow.
28. Geraniums bloomed with cheerful red and orange flowers on every patio.
29. Perennials and annuals bloomed in neat garden beds.
30. Bees hummed from bloom to bloom, gathering nectar.
31. Vegetables began to bloom in the garden beds.
32. The bougainvillea vine burst into brilliant bloom along the trellis.
33. Jonquils bloomed in clusters, filling the garden with their sweet fragrance.
34. Hydrangeas bloomed in shades of pink, purple, and blue.
35. Night-blooming jasmine filled the air with its sweet scent.
36. Gladioli burst into bloom in dazzling arrays of color.
37. Orchids delicately bloomed from top-shelf to floor in the greenhouse.
38. The arbor was covered in wisteria blooms.
39. Summer bulbs like dahlias burst into bloom, adding color to the garden beds.
40. The blossoms of a magnolia tree burst into bloom.
41. The garden was alive with the buzzing of bees flitting from bloom to bloom.
42. Calla lilies bloomed in decorative pots.
43. The lavender bushes bloomed with fragrant purple flowers.
44. Planted bulbs burst forth into glorious bloom with colors of purple, yellow, and white.
45. Delicate plum trees burst into bloom with clusters of white and pink flowers.
46. Heather bloomed in shades of lavender and pink across the moorland.
47. Bluebonnets carpeted the Texas hillsides with their beautiful blooms.
48. The beds of impatiens burst into bloom, filling with bright red and coral flowers.
49. The rhododendron bush burst into a riot of pink and purple blooms.
50. Peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes bloomed in the greenhouse.
51. The home's landscaping was designed to ensure something was always blooming.
52. In early spring the bulbs burst forth into bloom after lying dormant all winter.
53. The vines that covered the trellis burst into bloom with clusters of purple flowers.
54. Buttercups dotted the hills, their cheerful blooms a welcome sign of spring.
55. The bougainvillea vine burst into crimson bloom, covering the wall in color.
56. The winter-flowering jasmine bloomed, perfumeing the air with fragrance.
57. Lantanas bloomed in vivid shades of red, orange, and yellow.
58. Flamboyant flame trees bloomed with clusters of red flowers.
59. The vines of wisteria burst into purple and white bloom.
60. Tropical hibiscus bushes bloomed in shades of red, yellow and pink.

Common Phases

1. Come into bloom- The flowers have opened and are now visible.
2. Burst into bloom- The flowers have opened suddenly and abundantly.
3. In full bloom- The flowers are fully opened at their best.
4. Bloom profusely- To produce an abundance of flowers.
5. Blooming- The state of having flowers open and visible.
6. Night-blooming- Flowers that open at night.
7. Spring bloom- The period of time when spring flowers open.
8. Winter bloom- The period of time when winter-flowering plants bloom.
9. Out of bloom- Past the time when flowers are open and visible.
10. Bloom early- To flower earlier than usual.
11. Bloom late- To flower later than usual.
12. Blooms of youth- The period of youth and early adulthood.
13. Into full bloom- Reach the peak of development or success.
14. Blooms and fades- Refers to something that is short lived.
15. From bloom to bloom- From one open flower to another.
16. Garden in bloom- A garden with many flowers open and visible.
17. Flowering/blooming career- A very successful period or stretch of productivity.
18. Bud to full bloom- The entire lifecycle from early stages to maturity.
19. Bloom where you're planted - Make the most of your current situation.
20. Youth is wasted on the young - Young people don't appreciate their bloom of youth.

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