Blown example sentences

Related (10): explosion, burst, deflated, inflated, gust, winded, shattered, wrecked, ruined, devastated.

"Blown" Example Sentences

1. The window was blown out by the hurricane.
2. The politician's cover was blown when reporters obtained secret documents.
3. The leaves were blown all over the yard by the strong winds.
4. The fuse had blown, leaving the house without power.
5. The tires on the truck were blown out after driving over the nails.
6. The quarterback blew the big game by throwing three interceptions.
7. The surfer took a big blow to the head and was blown to shore.
8. The dam was blown up by the military to slow the enemy's advancement.
9. The balloon animals were blown up for the children's party.
10. The candles have blown out; the room is now dark.
11. The complaints were blown out of proportion by the media.
12. His mind was blown when he realized the truth.
13. The leaves were yellow and red, and blown against the house.
14. The balloon was blown up to its full size.
15. The tire pressure was blown down for better traction.
16. He was blown away by her beauty and charm.
17. The soccer player's header blew past the goalkeeper for the game winner.
18. The audience's applause blew the roof off the theater.
19. The trumpet player blew a high, clear note.
20. Her story was blown out of proportion by the media.
21. The news of his success blew across town like wildfire.
22. The blood vessels in his eyes had blown from years of drinking.
23. The photographer's flash had blown out the image.
24. The director blew up at the actor for forgetting his lines.
25. The sky was blown clear after the big storm.
26. The chef blew the dinner and burned everything.
27. The popcorn had blown all over the floor.
28. The budget was blown out of the water with so many overruns.
29. Her hair was blown back in the wind.
30. The mission had blown its cover during the raid.
31. The trumpet solo was beautifully blown during the parade.
32. The hurricane had blown the roof clean off the barn.
33. The surfer got blown in on an overhead wave.
34. The window had blown closed during the storm.
35. Her plans had been totally blown away by the hurricane.
36. The baseball had blown past the shortstop for a base hit.
37. His mind was blown by the mathematical theorem.
38. The musician blew a smooth, melodic chorus on his saxophone.
39. The glass vase had blown over and shattered on the floor.
40. The candles had blown out during the power outage.
41. The whistle had blown to signal the end of the game.
42. The storm had blown down several trees in the neighborhood.
43. The athlete blew out his knee during the big game.
44. The mission had been blown wide open when the spy was captured.
45. The chef blew a kiss to her beloved as she greeted him.
46. The horn had blown loudly to signal for the train to depart.
47. The high notes were beautifully blown on the flute.
48. The leaves had blown all over the autumn landscape.
49. The athlete blew air into the inflatable mattress.
50. His plans had blown up in his face due to poor execution.
51. The fuse had blown, leaving the house pitch black.
52. The speaker had blown out, rendering the stereo system useless.
53. The whistle had blown to signal the start of the race.
54. The trumpet solo was majestically blown during the jazz set.
55. The dandelion seed had blown away on the wind.
56. Her cover was blown when she tripped the silent alarm.
57. The candle flame had blown out during the earthquake.
58. The boombox speaker had blown and was distorted.
59. The trumpet solo was softly blown during the ballad.
60. The athlete blew into his hands to warm them.

Common Phases

Blown away: surprised, astonished, or amazed in a positive way.
e.g. I was blown away by how beautiful the view was from the top of the mountain.
Blew it: to ruin or spoil something, often through carelessness or incompetence.
e.g. I blew it on the final exam and failed the class.
Blew my mind: to find something so amazing or thought-provoking that it changes one's perspective radically.
e.g. When I saw Halley's Comet in 1986, it really blew my mind.
Blown to bits/pieces: destroyed completely.
e.g. The bomb blew the building to pieces.
Blow a fuse: to burn out an electrical fuse due to too much current.
e.g. The old toaster keeps blowing fuses because of a short circuit.
Cover is blown: one's secrecy or anonymity has been compromised.
e.g. When the the guards discovered his disguise, his cover was blown.
Blew it out of the water: to outperform something by a very wide margin.
e.g. Our team's performance at the finals blew the competition out of the water.
Blown to smithereens: destroyed into very tiny pieces.
e.g. The bomb blew the building to smithereens.
Does this set of examples help illustrate common phrases using the word "blown"? Let me know if you have any other questions!

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