Blur example sentences

Related (12): focus, indistinct, hazy, foggy, unclear, muddled, obscured, distorted, fuzzy, smudged, cloudy, indistinguishable.

"Blur" Example Sentences

1. Her eyes filled with tears and everything became a blur.
2. The car sped past in a blur of colors.
3. The photo had become blurry with age.
4. After a night of drinking, the previous evening was a blur.
5. The images quickly faded into a blur in her memory.
6. We watched the scenery fly past in a blur as the train picked up speed.
7. I tried to read the small print, but the words blurred together.
8. As I ran, the landscape became a blur of green and brown.
9. With my vision blurring, I struggled to read the sign.
10. His words became an incomprehensible blur as he spoke too quickly.
11. The colors melted into a blur as the painting dried.
12. The medication made my vision blurry and unfocused.
13. After the accident, my memory of events was a complete blur.
14. The car's headlights blurred into streaks of light on the wet road.
15. Her words became an incomprehensible blur as she spoke too quickly.
16. The car sped past us in a blur of movement and noise.
17. The years of her childhood had blurred together in her memory.
18. As I ran, the trees became a tall green blur on either side of the path.
19. As my tears fell, everything became a watery blur.
20. The photographs had faded into blurs of indistinct colors.
21. Her words ran together into an incomprehensible blur.
22. Tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision.
23. I blinked to clear the blurriness from my eyes.
24. The lights on the highway turned into streaks and blurs in the fog.
25. The punch made his vision blur as stars dance in front of his eyes.
26. My vision blurred as I started to faint.
27. After the first sip of whiskey, his memories became a blur.
28. The movement caused streaks and blurs in the photograph.
29. Her vision blurred as she stared at the computer screen for too long.
30. As the alcohol took hold, his thoughts became a blur.
31. The bright sunlight caused the words on the page to blur together.
32. My vision blurred and everything went black as I fainted.
33. The protesters marched past in a blur of colors and chanting.
34. His words were slurred and muffled into an incomprehensible blur.
35. All the luxury cars sped past in a blur of shiny chrome and leather.
36. The images of the party that night were a drunken blur.
37. The words on the page blurred together as my eyes grew tired.
38. The moving lights formed streaks and blurs in my vision.
39. The landscape became a speeding blur out the car window.
40. Looking at the sea made her remember a happy childhood in a blur of warm feelings.
41. With tears filling her eyes, everything became a watery blur.
42. The years between then and now had become a blur of hazy memories.
43. After the injury, her memory of the night's events became a blur.
44. The car sped past in a grey blur.
45. The colors on the canvas melted into blurs and streaks.
46. Fatigue made the words on the page blur together.
47. The shock made her memories of the accident a blur of disconnected images.
48. The motion of the waves caused the shoreline to blur.
49. My memory of that night is just a vague blur.
50. The bright lights caused the words on the page to run together in a blur.
51. Her words dissolved into a muddled blur of sounds.
52. The landscape sped by in a green and brown blur.
53. The fireworks lit up the sky in bursts of colorful blurs and streaks.
54. Alcohol made his memory of that night a blur of mixed-up images.
55. The car sped past in a red blur.
56. The lights from the house turned into streaks and blurs in my tired eyes.
57. My vision blurred as I looked up at the tall buildings.
58. The protesters marched past, chanting, in a blur of color and movement.
59. Looking at a computer screen for too long caused the words to blur together.
60. The years between childhood and adulthood had become a happy blur of fond memories.

Common Phases

1. Everything seemed like a blur after the accident.
2. The images on the screen appeared as a blur due to my poor eyesight.
3. His vision became blurry from intense staring at the computer screen all day.
4. We quickly ran across the field, a blur of motion.
5. The scenery outside rushed past as a colorful blur as we sped down the highway.
6. The last few days have been a blur with the stress of work and deadlines.
7. The lights around the stadium turned into a blur of colored spots.
8. My happy memories of childhood seem like a joyous blur now.
9. The commotion that followed left an indistinct blur of noise and movement in my memory.
10. The wine seemed to go straight to my head, blurring my vision.
11. The edges of the painting blended into a colorful blur.
12. I shook my head to clear the blur out of my eyes.
13. His speech was slurred and his eyes had a glassy blur.
14. In the early morning light, everything appeared hazy and unfocused, with blurry edges.
15. The moving cars appeared as a blur of colors on the highway.
16. The images merged together into an indistinct blur.
17. Through my tear-filled eyes, I saw the faces of my loved ones as a blur.
18. The strobe lights caused everything to appear as a spinney blur.
19. The days of my childhood now seem like a colorful blur.
20. After staring at the screen for so long, the text turned into a black blur.
21. My eyes were still adjusting, causing everything to look blurry and out of focus.
22. The whirling strobe lights caused a blur of motion and confusion.
23. Through the falling snow, I could barely make out her blurry figure walking away.
24. I wiped the rain out of my eyes to clear the blurriness from my vision.
25. As they ran past, it seemed like one constant spinning blur.
26. The champagne seemed to have gone straight to my head, blurring my vision.
27. I barely remember the event now; it seems like an indistinct blur.
28. The fast-moving car was just a red blur going past us.
29. Throughout the party, the guests were just a blur of faces and conversations.
30. After running so fast, everything appeared as a smeared blur.
31. My thoughts became a confused blur as I struggled to concentrate.
32. The images on television appeared as an indistinct blur due to the poor reception.
33. My memories of that trip seem like a pleasant blur now.
34. The lights of the city blended into a blur of colors after dark.
35. I quickly wiped my glasses to clear the blurriness from my vision.
36. Her speech was slurred and she stumbled around in a blur.
37. The fog made everything ahead appear as a hazy blur.
38. The two figures rushing past were just a blur of motion.
39. The lights seemed to blend into a multicolored blur.
40. The moving truck looked like an orange blur as it sped past.
41. The landscape whizzed by in a colorful blur as we traveled at high speed.
42. The edges bled together, creating an unfocused blur.
43. My eyesight is failing, everything seems blurry and out of focus.
44. After running so hard, the scenery seemed to merge into a glowing blur.
45. The images on the screen morphed into one indistinct blur.
46. My thoughts were racing too quickly, they became a confused blur in my mind.
47. The lights merged into a spinning blur of colors.
48. The noise seemed to join into one continuous blur.
49. The party now seems like an exhausting blur of people and small talk.
50. Through my watery eyes, I could barely make out her blurry figure.
51. The busy street became one great blur of traffic.
52. After a night of heavy drinking, my memories of the party remain a blur.
53. The words on the page blended into an indistinct blur.
54. The dark, rainy street appeared as an indistinct blur from my car window.
55. As they sped past, the bicyclists were just a colorful blur.
56. Her speech was slurred and she moved around unsteadily, seeming like a blur.
57. The walls morphed into a swirling blur as my eyes began to water.
58. The lights in the distance blended into a colorful blur.
59. The images merged together, becoming an indistinct, unfocused blur.
60. The stadium lights melded into a glowing blur above the field.

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