Book example sentences

Related (10): novel, tome, paperback, hardcover, manuscript, volume, publication, anthology, textbook, folio

"Book" Example Sentences

1. I need to book a hotel for our vacation.
2. She booked a flight to Los Angeles last week.
3. The library has a wide selection of books to choose from.
4. He borrowed the book from a friend.
5. I reserved a table at the restaurant to celebrate her birthday.
6. The detective started reading the crime novel to learn more clues.
7. The aspiring author has written several unpublished manuscripts.
8. Please sign your name on the checkout form before leaving the library.
9. They were thumbing through the magazine while waiting for their order.
10. My favorite fairy tale is about a princess and a dragon.
11. I bought the new fantasy novel by that bestselling author.
12. The magazine article provided interesting facts about the topic.
13. She read the entire book in just two days.
14. I need help finding a specific reference book in the library stacks.
15. The hardcover book had lovely illustrations.
16. I checked out an audiobook from the library to listen to while exercising.
17. The children's story had a good moral lesson at the end.
18. The cover of the magazine caught my eye from the newsstand.
19. The page numbers in the manuscript need to be corrected.
20. The play contains many memorable quotes.
21. Have you preordered the sequel to that bestselling novel yet?
22. I scanned the pages of the dictionary for the word's definition.
23. The children's book had colorful illustrations on every page.
24. He tore out the coupon from the Sunday newspaper.
25. She remembers every plot twist in that mystery series.
26. I need to return the library books before they're overdue.
27. The text was very small on those pages.
28. Make sure you double space your manuscript for easy reading.
29. The Encyclopedia has volumes of information on various topics.
30. The journal article had lots of helpful data and graphs.
31. The e-reader allows me to carry hundreds of books at once.
32. The font size is adjustable on my tablet.
33. I need to print a copy of the article for my research paper.
34.Turn the pages of the storybook gently so they don't tear.
35. Online content has largely replaced magazines and newspapers.
36.The book review summarized the key themes and plot.
37. The library recently updated their online catalog system.
38. I always make marks and highlights in the books I read.
39. Will you pass me that stack of newspapers on the corner?
40. The almanac has statistics and facts from the previous year.
41. The horror novel had an element of suspense in each chapter.
42. He is compiling an anthology of short stories by new writers.
43. We are discussing this biography for our book club meeting.
44. I'll try to find it in the reference section at the back of the library.
45. The new textbook has a color coded index for different subjects.
46. The script for the play was written in an archaic style.
47. The poems use vivid imagery and emotive language.
48. The author inscribed my copy of the novel with a personalized note.
49. The footnotes cite reliable sources for the information provided.
50. The dictionary defined the unusual word exactly as I suspected.
51. None of the bookshelves have enough room for my growing collection.
52. Do you mind holding my place while I check another volume?
53. I misplaced my reading glasses and can't make out the small print.
54. The pages have yellowed with age but the binding is still intact.
55. Our publishers finally sent us galleys of the new history textbook.
56. The index helps locate specific topics within the long chapters.
57. Will you hand me that literature anthology on the desk?
58. I found some lovely first edition copies at the used bookstore.
59. Notes scribbled in the margin provide insight into the previous owner.
60. The instructors handed out our syllabus for the semester.

Common Phases

1. By the book - Following rules or instructions exactly as written.
2. Book smart - Having knowledge gained from books but lacking practical experience.
3. By the books - Following rules and procedures strictly.
4. Bookworm - A person who reads a lot of books.
5. Open a book - To begin studying or reading.
6. Book learning - Knowledge gained from books rather than experience.
7. Book it - To move or travel very fast.
8. Off the books - Not recorded officially, illegal or unauthorized.
9. Throw the book at - To punish someone severely, using the full force of the law.
10. Have one's nose in a book - To be deeply engaged in reading.

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