Borne example sentences

Related (14): borne, bearing, birth, carried, transported, conveyed, delivered, sustained, endured, supported, experienced, undertaken, assumed, undergone

"Borne" Example Sentences

1. The burden was borne heavily by the village chief.
2. The flowers borne on the cactus stems smelled sweetly.
3. Patiently he had borne her spiteful remarks.
4. Her burdens were lightly borne with the comforting support of her friends.
5. The fruits were heavily borne on the old fig tree.
6. The soldier bore the injuries stoically.
7. Her tiredness was silently borne.
8. She had borne the brunt of the criticism.
9. He had silently borne years of insult and injury.
10. The weight of responsibility was still heavily borne by her shoulders.
11. The news was grimly borne by the messenger in haste.
12. The high temperatures were poorly borne by the crops.
13. Her grudge had been long and silently borne.
14. The scandal was ill-borne by her proud family.
15. The expenses were unequally borne between the partners.
16. Hardship has long been courageously borne by this village.
17. The cost of disaster relief was largely borne by taxpayers.
18. The weight of the world seemed heavily borne on his stooped shoulders.
19. The costs were mostly borne by the universities.
20. She bore the insult patiently.
21. He bore the burden with good grace.
22. Her patience was sorely borne.
23. The winter was ill borne by the malnourished children.
24. His losses were silently borne.
25. The crisis has been severely borne by the local community.
26. The failure was bravely borne by the students.
27. The consequences must be equally borne by all.
28. Her ingratitude was long and patiently borne.
29. The heat of summer was poorly borne by the elderly.
30. The stigma was gallantly borne.
31. The drought was heavily borne by farmers.
32. The load must be jointly borne by all.
33. Their poverty was stoically borne.
34. The travails of the journey were patiently borne.
35. The costs will be equally borne by the insurance companies.
36. The rigors of travel were well borne by the expedition.
37. He bore his blindness with great courage and optimism.
38. The expenses were unequally borne among the charity's donors.
39. His injuries were silently borne.
40. The insult was indignantly borne.
41. The fruit was abundantly borne by the trees that year.
42. The responsibilities were willingly borne by the volunteers.
43. The loss was sadly borne by his family.
44. The weight of the storm was poorly borne by the fragile roof.
45. The news was reluctantly borne by the messenger.
46. The costs of the project have largely been borne by taxpayers.
47. The expenses will be equally borne by all participants.
48. Her sorrow was silently borne.
49. The crisis was heroically borne by the survivors.
50. Hardship was philosophically borne by the pioneers.
51. Her bad news was gallantly borne.
52. His burdens were patiently borne.
53. His illness was bravely borne.
54. The consequences will be jointly borne by all involved.
55. The expense was unwillingly borne.
56. The heat was badly borne.
57. His depression was always quietly borne.
58. The weight of failure was heavily borne on his shoulders.
59. The costs will be proportionately borne by each department.
60. The loss was eventually borne with grace and dignity.

Common Phases

1. The burden had long been borne by the people.
2. Fruits of patience are borne over time.
3. Many worries were borne in solitude.
4. The storm was silently borne.
5. The grudge will be borne no more.
6. The losses were heavily borne by the weakest.
7. New life will be borne from these ashes.
8. The brunt of responsibility was borne by him alone.
9. The cross must be born to reach the crown.
10. The cost must be borne by those who benefit.
11. The dislike will have to be borne patiently.
12. The hardship was bravely borne by all.
13. The insult will quietly be borne for now.
14. The truth was hardly ever borne by fans.
15. The message could not be well-borne by the dove.
16. The grievance was silently borne for too long.
17. The blame has long been borne by a few.
18. The pain was stoically borne with few words.
19. The storm was calmly borne without complaint.
20. The future must be patiently borne, moment by moment.
21. The rumor will silently be borne with grace.
22. The triumph will be proudly borne with head held high.
23. The shame was quietly borne with dignity.
24. The fall had to borne courageously.
25. The baby was long awaited and happily borne.
26. The challenge had to be bravely borne.
27. The defeat was heavily borne by all.
28. The losses will long be silently borne.
29. The fruit had been long awaited and happily borne.
30. The changes will have to be patiently borne.
31. The good news is joyfully borne on swift wings.
32. The risks were miserably borne by the many.
33. The jokes were silently borne with forced smiles.
34. The misery will briefly have to be borne with hope.
35. The glad tidings will lightly be borne on the wind.
36. The news was stoically borne without emotion.
37. The suffering had silently been borne for too long.
38. The blows were calmly borne without retaliation.
39. The burdens are shared and patiently borne together.
40. The accusations were silently borne without reply.
41. The loss was bitterly borne with heavy hearts.
42. The sorrow will patiently be borne with peace.
43. The child had happily been long awaited and borne.
44. The darkness will have to be bravely borne.
45. The warnings have long been patiently borne.
46. The responsibility had always gladly been borne.
47. The humiliation will bravely be borne with resolve.
48. The anguish had heavily been borne for far too long.
49. The hopes are joyfully borne to fruition at last.
50. The danger will stoically have to be borne alone.
51. The misunderstanding has patiently been borne.
52. The injustice will silently be borne with grace.
53. The expense must be cheerfully borne together.
54. The consequences must honestly be bravely borne.
55. The fault was silently borne without complaint.
56. The praise was lightly borne with humility.
57. The punishment was meekly borne to prove innocence.
58. The tragedy had heavily been borne for years.
59. The outcome had satisfactorily been joyfully borne.
60. The storm will bravely have to be patiently borne.

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