Bounded example sentences

Related (12): boundary, limited, confined, defined, enclosed, circumscribed, constrained, marked, restricted, delineated, demarcated, border

"Bounded" Example Sentences

1. The coastline is bounded by the sea.
2. The property is bounded by fences on all sides.
3. The civilized world was bounded by the Roman Empire.
4. His imagination was bounded only by his dreams.
5. The ravine acted as a natural boundary that bounded the village.
6. We hiked along the trail that bounded the lake.
7. The horizon bounded our view as we stood atop the hill.
8. The highway bounded one side of the farm.
9. They built a wall that bounded the entire estate.
10. The park was bounded by churches on two sides.
11. The river bounded the edge of the forest.
12. The bounded rationality of humans leads to cognitive biases.
13. The line of trees bounded the meadow.
14. His vision was bounded by his narrow perspective.
15. The kingdom was bounded by the Great Mountain Range.
16. The mountain ridge bounded their valley home.
17. The tributaries bounded the island in the river.
18. The lake bounded the northern end of the park.
19. The swampland bounded one end of the property.
20. The farmer's fields were bounded by hedgerows.
21. Their world had once been bounded by the four walls of their cell.
22. She wanted her children to have broader perspectives, not bounded by limitations.
23. His ambitions were bounded by fear of failure.
24. Her vision was bounded by what she could already see.
25. They traveled beyond the boundaries that once bounded them.
26. The path bounded by trees led to a secret garden.
27. The rows of corn bounded the vast fields.
28. The mountain range bounded the northern area of the kingdom.
29. His rationality was bounded by his lack of knowledge.
30. Their worldview had once been so bounded by material possessions.
31. The ravine acted as a natural bounded that separated the village.
32. Her knowledge on the subject was bounded by what little she had read.
33. His horizon was bounded only by what he could physically see.
34. The child's view of the world was still so bounded.
35. Their geographical location bounded them to that region.
36. The forest bounded the estate on three sides.
37. Her talents were bounded by her unwillingness to try new things.
38. The students were bounded by the curriculum and textbooks.
39. His logic was bounded by erroneous assumptions.
40. Their definitions were bounded by societal norms.
41. The wall bounded the camp on the east side.
42. The teacher sought to broaden the bounded horizons of her students.
43. The area was bounded by farmland on all sides.
44. Their new home was bounded by forests, fields, and mountains.
45. The bounded rationality of humans often leads to errors in judgment.
46. The once limitless nature of space had become bounded.
47. The patch of wildflowers was bounded by the road on one side.
48. His creativity seemed so bounded by societal conventions.
49. The developmentally-disabled child's views were still so bounded.
50. Their energy was bounded by the resources available to them.

51. The lake bounded by trees made a perfect picnic spot.
52. Their perspective was so bounded by their life experiences.
53. His ambitions were still so bounded by fear.
54. Their choices were bounded by financial constraints.
55. The child's mind was still so bounded by a narrow worldview.
56. The path bounded by stones led to the hidden beach.
57. The new director sought to broaden the bounded thinking of the employees.
58. The fields were bounded by hedgerows on all sides.
59. The mountains bounded the valley on three sides.
60. The city was bounded on all sides by farming country.

Common Phases

1. Bounded rationality refers to the cognitive limitations of humans that constrain rational analyses and decisions.
2. To broaden one's bounded horizons means to expand one's perspective beyond narrow limitations.
3. Bounded vision refers to a limited field of view that constrains one's perspective.
4.Within bounded limits refers to something that is constrained by certain restrictions.
5.A bounded region is an area delineated or confined by boundaries.
6. Bounded passions are desires that are limited or constrained in some way.
7. Bounded creativity is creativity that operates within certain constraints or limitations.
8. Her bounded imagination could not conceive of possibilities beyond what she had experienced.
9. Bounded energy refers to limited reserves of strength that constrain one's abilities.
10. With bounded resources refers to having constraints due to limited access to supplies or support.

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