Bowels example sentences

Related (10): intestines, colon, rectum, anus, feces, defecate, digestion, peristalsis, diarrhea, constipation



bowels (plural noun)

  - the part of the alimentary canal below the stomach; the intestine:

  - the deepest inner parts or areas of (something):


colon, entrails, viscera, guts, insides, innards, interior, inside, core, belly, cavity, pit, depths, recesses, innards, penetralia, Legal

"Bowels" Example Sentences

1. She writhed in agony as cramps gripped her bowels.
2. The knot of anxiety twisted in his bowels.
3. The putrid smell rose from the decaying bowels of the tomb.
4. Food poisoning had wracked his bowels for hours.
5. The wave of nausea churned his bowels.
6. The ancient tunnel system snaked through the bowels of the mountain.
7. Sounds echoed eerily through the cavernous bowels of the ship.
8. The decaying animal carcass festered within the bowels of the swamp.
9. His stomach churned and his bowels cramped.
10. The waste slowly worked its way through the bowels of the sewage system.
11. The ship listed dangerously as it took on water in its bowels.
12. The radiator hissed and groaned like a beast from the bowels of the earth.
13. Worms and insects crawled within the bowels of the rotting corpse.
14. The fecal matter made its way through the bowels of the organism.
15. Flames danced in the bowels of the inferno.
16. The beast scurried within the bowels of the tunnel.
17. The cargo ship carried its mysterious contents within its bowels.
18. The pipes shuddered and shook as the waste passed through their bowels.
19. Steam rose from the bowels of the Earth.
20. The frigid air chilled him to the very bowels of his being.
21. Dampness seeped from the bowels of the cave.
22. The pit of despair yawned within the bowels of his soul.
23. Flames roared within the bowels of the volcano.
24. The festering wound ached deep within his bowels.
25. Foul gases bubbled up from the bowels of the swamp.
26. The pipes groaned like living creatures as fluid rushed through their bowels.
27. Raw sewage flowed through the bowels of the sewer system.
28. The danger lurked deep within the bowels of the mountain.
29. His stomach churned and his bowels twisted in pain.
30. The twisting pathways led deep into the bowels of the dungeon.
31. The stench rose from the decaying bowels of the landfill.
32. Molten rock flowed through the bowels of the volcano.
33. Moans echoed through the bowels of the abandoned asylum.
34. Terror gripped his very bowels like a vise.
35. The ship's engines rumbled deep within its bowels.
36. Strange noises emanated from the bowels of the haunted house.
37. The chill permeated to his very bowels.
38. Pipes and wires snaked through the bowels of the old building.
39. The secret lay hidden deep within the bowels of the ancient ruin.
40. The decay spread like gangrene through the bowels of the city.
41. The ship sank into the ocean depths, taking its secrets to the bowels of the sea.
42. Trepidation gripped his bowels as he contemplated the danger ahead.
43. The pipes groaned and wheezed as the fluids passed through their rusty bowels.
44. The monster lurked in the bowels of the mountain.
45. The muck and filth flowed through the bowels of the sewer system.
46. The beast scurried deep within the bowels of the cave.
47. Fumes rose from the bowels of the factory.
48. The raucous music shook the very bowels of the building.
49. Foul emanations arose from the bowels of the swampland.
50. The waste slowly filtered through the bowels of the septic system.
51. Laughter rumbled deep within their stomachs and bowels.
52. The ship sailed into the storm, its bowels creaking and groaning.
53. The very foundations shook to their bowels.
54. The wastewater drained through the bowels of the plumbing system.
55. The maze led deep into the bowels of the hellish underworld.
56. The darkness seeped into the very bowels of his soul.
57. The creature lurked deep within the bowels of the cave.
58. The eerie cries echoed through the bowels of the abandoned mine.
59. The magma flowed through the lava tubes in the bowels of the volcano.
60. The stench rose from the rotting bowels of the neglected zoo.

Common Phases

1. The pain writhed in her bowels.
2. The disgust stirred deep in his bowels.
3. He felt a sickness rise from his bowels.
4. Her bowels twisted in agony.
5. His bowels cramped from the rotten food.
6. The stench emanated from the sewer bowels.
7. The disease ravaged her bowels.
8. The pressure built in her bowels.
9. The poison spread through her bowels.
10. The ticking time bomb sat in his bowels.
11. He urgently needed to relieve his bowels.
12. Her bowels burned with diarrhea.
13. The urge to empty his bowels became overwhelming.
14. She felt the movement in her bowels that signaled she needed to find a bathroom.
15. The cramping of his bowels kept him awake at night.
16. The snake coiled in the dark bowels of the cave.
17. Deep in the bowels of the ship, no one could hear him scream.
18. The underground tunnels stretched for miles through the bowels of the city.
19. The darkness felt claustrophobic in the bowels of the earth.
20. They explored the bowels of the ancient castle.
21. The creature slithered through the bowels of the spaceship.
22. The pipes running through the bowels supplied water to the whole building.
23. The bowels of the mountain rumbled with seismic activity.
24. The testiness bubbled in his bowels.
25. The screams echoed in the bowels of the forgotten prison.
26. Her empathy radiated from the depths of her bowels.
27. His guilt gnawed at his bowels.
28. His bowels churned with the onset of food poisoning.
29. The damp filled the bowels of the old ship.
30. The stench rose from the bowels of the sewer.
31. Her bowels churned with nerves before the performance.
32. The bowels of the aircraft carrier were dim and noisy.
33. The wind howled through the bowels of the cave.
34. The circuitry crisscrossed through the bowels of the robot.
35. The bowels of the volcano rumbled and shook.
36. The growling in his bowels signaled he needed the bathroom.
37. The bowels contain the intestines and parts of the digestive system.
38. The cramping in his bowels prevented him from sleeping.
39. The sludge built up in the bowels of the drain.
40. The cries of the anguished echoed through the bowels of Hell.
41. The cable lines ran through the bowels of the old subway tunnels.
42. The agony seared through her bowels.
43. The mirage led them down through the bowels of the earth.
44. The bowels of the ship groaned as it rolled through the waves.
45. The pressure increased in her bowels.
46. The excitement built in his bowels.
47. The mold grew in the damp bowels of the basement.
48. The call of nature stirred in his bowels.
49. The panicked pleas echoed through the bowels of the collapsed mineshaft.
50. The glee bubbled up from the depths of his bowels.
51. The hunger pangs twisted his bowels.
52. The heat built in his bowels.
53. The poker stone face belied the turmoil in his bowels.
54. The echoing cries of anguish through the bowels of hell.
55. The depression weighed heavy in her bowels.
56. Her bowels ached with longing.
57. The laughter rumbled from the depths of her bowels.
58. His bowels rumbled ominously.
59. The roots twisted through the bowels of the earth.
60. His bowels churned as the airplane dipped and banked.

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