Brainchildren example sentences

Related (11): Ideas, inspirations, creations, innovations, inventions, concepts, musings, plans, schemes, thoughts, projects.

"Brainchildren" Example Sentences

1. I have many brainchildren that I hope to develop into successful businesses someday.
2. As an artist, my brainchildren are my works of art that I pour my heart and soul into.
3. Many of the world's greatest inventions were the brainchildren of people who refused to give up.
4. The book was filled with the author's brilliant brainchildren that captivated readers everywhere.
5. The CEO was always on the lookout for new brainchildren to add to the company's portfolio.
6. My students always come up with incredible brainchildren that leave me impressed.
7. The scientist's latest discovery was the result of years of hard work and countless brainchildren.
8. As a writer, I pride myself on creating unique brainchildren that challenge and inspire readers.
9. The team of developers worked tirelessly to bring their latest brainchildren to life.
10. In order to succeed in business, you need to cultivate your brainchildren and turn them into profitable ventures.
11. The musician's new album was a culmination of years of experimentation and his most cherished brainchildren.
12. The entrepreneur's many brainchildren required her to juggle multiple projects at once.
13. The engineer's latest invention was the brainchild of many sleepless nights and countless revisions.
14. Some of the best ideas come from unexpected places, and the CEO encouraged his employees to share their own brainchildren.
15. The inventor's many brainchildren were fueled by a passion for creating innovative solutions to everyday problems.
16. The politician's latest proposal was a brainchild that he hoped would improve the lives of his constituents.
17. The artist's paintings were his brainchildren, each one a reflection of his unique vision and style.
18. The software developer's latest app was the result of months of brainstorming and many failed brainchildren.
19. The world's greatest discoveries and advancements were the brainchildren of brilliant minds who dared to dream big.
20. The entrepreneur's many brainchildren drove him to take risks and explore new opportunities.
21. The writer's latest novel was a culmination of years of hard work and many brainchildren that came before it.
22. The musician's creative process was all about exploring new sounds and ideas, and his best brainchildren came from experimentation.
23. The scientist's groundbreaking research was the result of many brilliant brainchildren that challenged conventional thinking.
24. The teacher's greatest joy was watching his students bring their own brainchildren to life.
25. The engineer's latest invention was a testament to his ability to turn his many brainchildren into functional products.
26. The CEO's many brainchildren were guided by a vision of creating a better, more innovative future.
27. The artist's studio was filled with his many brainchildren, each one a unique expression of his artistic vision.
28. The inventor's greatest challenge was turning his many brainchildren into tangible products that people would use and enjoy.
29. The entrepreneur's willingness to take risks and pursue his many brainchildren was what set him apart from his competitors.
30. The writer's greatest satisfaction came from seeing his many brainchildren come to life on the page.

Common Phases

1. My brainchildren include a novel, a screenplay, and a collection of short stories.
2. I'm always coming up with new brainchildren, from innovative business ideas to art projects.
3. Having brainchildren is a prerequisite for being a successful entrepreneur.
4. Our team brainstormed a variety of brainchildren for the upcoming campaign.
5. Many of my brainchildren have never come to fruition, but I still cherish them as creative inspiration.
6. I'm constantly nurturing my brainchildren, whether they are writing projects or new ways to improve my skills.
7. Some of my best brainchildren have been the result of collaboration and bouncing ideas off of others.
8. Creativity is essential to producing great brainchildren, but it takes hard work and determination to bring them to life.
9. I love exploring the possibilities of my brainchildren and seeing where my imagination can take me.
10. It's important to prioritize and focus on your most promising brainchildren, rather than spreading yourself too thin.

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