Brains example sentences

Related (6): intelligence, intellect, mind, cognition, cranium, brainpower

"Brains" Example Sentences

1. He's really smart, he has a pair of good brains on him.
2. Eating leafy greens can help nourish your brains and improve cognitive function.
3. The professor poured over the text for hours, determined to understand it with his brains.
4. You've got to use your brains if you want to figure this puzzle out.
5. She studies hard and absorbs everything with her brains like a sponge.
6. The boxer got his brains knocked out in the fight.
7. Intelligence comes from hard work, not just the brains you were born with.
8. The teacher praised her student's quick brains and ability to think fast.
9. He focused his brains power on the math problem and tried to solve it logically step by step.
10. Albert Einstein was known for his genius brains and revolutionary theories.
11. You need to exercise your brains as well as your body for optimal health.
12. I want the smartest person on this team, I need big brains for this project.
13. My brains are fried from staring at that computer screen all day.
14. The professor challenged their young minds and put their hungry brains to work.
15. She read voraciously, feeding her inquisitive brains with knowledge.
16. Using your brains now could save you a headache later.
17. The kids were bored out of their brains on the long car ride.
18. The boxer returned to the gym against the advice of the doctor who said his brains had been turned to mush.
19. Music can stimulate the neurons in our brains and improve cognitive function.
20. The children's curious brains were overflowing with questions.
21. He has the facts and figures memorized but lacks the brains to analyze the data critically.
22. That puzzle is too hard, it will fry our poor little brains!
23. The boxing match left the young man with clearly damaged brains.
24. Tech companies are competing furiously to develop products that capture and enhance human brains.
25. There's nothing wrong with your eyesight, it's just your brains that are failing to make sense of it.
26. Many consider mathematics to be the purest exercise of the human brains.
27. Education expands young minds and exercises weary brains.
28. She's sharp as a tack, she has more brains than a room full of professors!
29. It takes more than just brains to be successful, you need drive and ambition too.
30. Reading stores knowledge that feeds our brains for years to come.
31. Their young brains soaked up information like sponges at the beach.
32. Try crossword puzzles or sudoku to keep your brains active as you age.
33. Her parents wanted to nurture her inquisitive brains from a young age.
34. Exercise not only helps your body but also improves blood flow to the brains.
35. He worked his wearied brains through the night to finish the challenging report.
36. His mental powers were so limited it was a wonder he had any brains at all.
37. Learning a musical instrument can help develop new neurological pathways in your brains.
38. I suspect her weird behaviors are due to some physical defect in her brains rather than mental illness.
39. The hope is that stem cell therapy may one day repair damaged brains and cure certain disorders.
40. Scientists are working to understand how experiences shape and rewire our brains over time.
41. Researchers believe exercise promotes the growth of new neurons in aging brains.
42. The professor's lecture got their young brains buzzing with questions.
43. I couldn't understand a word of that book, it went right over my tiny brains.
44. There's more wisdom in poor people's brains than in all philosophies.
45. Smartphones and social media may be rewiring young brains in undiscovered ways.
46. He applied his keen brains and analytical skills to cracking the difficult case.
47. Playing video games has been show to improve coordination and multitasking ability in young brains.
48. She coasted through school on her naturally bright brains and witty charm.
49. Use it or lose it applies particularly well to human brains.
50. The chance to learn about science thrilled their curious young brains.
51. That course on quantum physics was like downloading an encyclopedia directly into my brains.
52. Many fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that help protect brain cells and aging brains.
53. The serious students spent evenings discussing abstract concepts and pondering big ideas with their keen brains.
54. Too much screen time may hinder the development of young and growing brains.
55. The harsh reality of failure slowly penetrated her idealistic brains and dampened her optimism.
56. Regular puzzles and brainteasers are a great way to keep your brains sharp as you age.
57. His knowledgeable brains had been sharpened and honed by years of research and study.
58. The violent video game left my son with nightmares and I fear it may have damaged his young, impressionable brains.
59. Learning a new skill engages the brains and delays cognitive decline.
60. The lecture filled my hungry minds and exercised my weary brains.

Common Phases

1. Use your brains! - Encouraging someone to think logically or intelligently.
2. All brawn and no brains - Someone who is physically strong but lacks intellectual ability.
3. She wears the pants/Shorts in the family - Implying a woman is the more intelligent or dominant one in a relationship.
4. Save your brains for something important - Telling someone not to strain their mind over something trivial.
5. Fry your brains - Be so mentally taxing that it inhibits cognitive ability.
6. They don't make them like they used to - Implying people are not as intelligent as past generations.
7. Brains over brawn - Privileging intelligence over physical strength.
8. Pouring over something - Studying or examining something very carefully and attentively.
9. Mental exercise - Any cognitive activity that stimulates the brain.
10. Sharp/Quick brains - Someone who thinks fast and intelligently.
11. Gray matter - The brains and central nervous system, often used to refer to intellectual ability.
12. Brain food - Any food or activity that is thought to boost brain power or cognitive function.

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