Intelligence example sentences

Related (23): wisdom, knowledge, intellect, perception, comprehension, understanding, insight, reasoning, cognition, acumen, capability, aptitude, skill, talent, savviness, proficiency, expertise, erudition, literacy, education, cleverness, brilliance, creativity.

"Intelligence" Example Sentences

1. The general's military intelligence revealed a plot to invade the capital city.
2. The recruit excelled at the cognitive tests measuring fluid and crystallized intelligence.
3. The new algorithm produces state-of-the-art artificial intelligence.
4. Foreign intelligence suggested the country was developing nuclear weapons.
5. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to recognize and manage one's emotions.
6. The spy sought to extract useful intelligence from the prisoner.
7. The defensive coordinator formulated a game plan based on intelligence gathered on the opposing team's tendencies.
8. The spy agency collected intelligence on potential terrorist threats.
9. Intelligence analysts parsed the satellite photos for clues.
10. The government agency collects intelligence to protect national security.
11. Their intelligence estimate predicted the dictator's regime would soon collapse.
12. The anthropologist studied the impact of hunter-gatherer culture on human intelligence.
13. The spy acted as an agent of intelligence to secretly assist the war effort.
14. The student showed high academic intelligence but lacked social intelligence.
15. Her low aptitude scores cast doubt on her intelligence level.
16. The researcher found a positive correlation between brain size and intelligence among different species.
17. The agent worked undercover to obtain national security intelligence.
18. Artificial intelligence helps machines mimic human cognitive capabilities.
19. The military deployed its surveillance systems to gather intelligence on enemy movements.
20. Leadership requires high levels of cognitive and emotional intelligence.
21. The suspect claimed the charges against him were based on faulty intelligence.
22. The psychologist measured the child's verbal, spatial and mathematical intelligences.
23. Human intelligence relies on both innate abilities and environmental factors.
24. The hacker used artificial intelligence software to crack the passwords.
25. The blunder revealed a serious lapse in the agency's intelligence gathering.
26. The analyst examined the intelligence obtained through clandestine means.
27. Students must develop critical thinking skills and use their intelligences wisely.
28. The spy worked behind enemy lines to gather intelligence on troop movements.
29. The reporter relied on confidential sources within intelligence agencies.
30. The artificial intelligence program outperformed the human competitors.
31. The photographic images provided crucial visual intelligence.
32. The imperial intelligence network spanned the entire kingdom.
33. Our intelligence suggested the enemy planned to strike at dawn.
34. Their sophisticated intelligence gathering operation relied on multiple sources.
35. The doting parent praised her child's high intelligence and giftedness.
36. He aims to develop his emotional intelligence through introspection and therapy.
37. Technology is constantly creating new opportunities to augment human intelligence.
38. The intelligence analyst uncovered clues that confirmed her hypothesis.
39. The media quickly uncovered flaws in the government's intelligence claims.
40. The scientist conducts groundbreaking research on intelligence and the human brain.
41. Dog handlers rely on canine intelligence to detect bombs and drugs.
42. His above average intelligence did not translate to wisdom or common sense.
43. The criminal mastermind outwitted police using cunning intelligence.
44. Intelligence reports warn of an imminent security threat.
45. Pattern recognition is an essential component of both human and artificial intelligence.
46. The training enhanced the recruits' tactical intelligence.
47. Social intelligence enables people to navigate complex interpersonal relationships.
48. The theory of multiple intelligences suggests people have different cognitive strengths.
49. The computer possesses superior computational intelligence but lacks common sense.
50. The intelligence officer gathered data through field reconnaissance.
51. The government denied any involvement in the illegal intelligence operation.
52. The spy novel explored the shadowy world of international espionage and intelligence.
53. Linguistic intelligence involves sensitivity to the sounds, structures and meanings of words.
54. The intelligence testing revealed developmental delays that required intervention.
55. The covert action depended on intelligence gathered by foreign agents.
56. The youth demonstrated prodigious mental intelligence at an early age.
57. Human intelligence depends on the complex interaction of genes and environment.
58. The military seeks to enhance soldiers' battlefield intelligence through training simulations.
59. The rookie spy spent years developing an intelligence network in a hostile country.
60. The suspect was known for his high intellectual intelligence but lacked common sense.

Common Phases

actionable intelligence
classified intelligence
covert intelligence
sensitive intelligence
crucial intelligence
intelligence agency
intelligence briefing
intelligence community
intelligence failure
intelligence gathering
intelligence official
intelligence operation
intelligence report
intelligence sharing
intelligence sources
intelligence threat
intelligence failure
military intelligence
open source intelligence
raw intelligence
real time intelligence
secret intelligence
intelligence assessment
strategic intelligence
tactical intelligence
visual intelligence

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