Branch example sentences

Related (8): twig, limb, bough, offshoot, division, tributary, subsidiary, extension

"Branch" Example Sentences

1. The tree branches swayed in the wind.
2. I climbed up the branch to see the bird's nest.
3. The library has many branches throughout the city.
4. They opened a new branch of their business last year.
5. Students can register at any branch of the university.
6. The river has many branches that flow across the countryside.
7. The company plans to expand into new branches of business.
8. The army commander divided his troops into several branches.
9. The caterpillars were crawling along the tree branches.
10. The family branches of the family tree are very large.
11. I can reach my office from any branch of the bank.
12. The main river divides into several branches in the delta.
13. Many branches of science aim to understand life.
14. The class read about the branches of government.
15. The branch of economics deals with how resources are allocated.
16. The snow had piled up on the branches of the bush.
17. We walked under the cool shade of the tree branches.
18. The company is branching out into new technology sectors.
19. Crowded branches mean increased competition for resources.
20. The road split into two branches at the fork.
21. The police department is divided into several branches.
22. The tree branches were coated with a thick layer of ice.
23. The math curriculum covers all branches of mathematics.
24. The branches of knowledge are interconnected.
25. A limb broke off one of the lower tree branches.
26. The military divided into several branches many years ago.
27. The executive and judicial branches balance the legislative branch.
28. The vines climb up the branches of the old oak tree.
29. The company plans to branch out into related industries.
30. The main topic has many branches and subtopics.
31. Branches of government include the executive, legislative and judicial.
32. The robins built their nest in a crook of tree branches.
33. The limbs of the ancient tree had many thick branches.
34. Government branches set priorities and allocate resources.
35. The tree had low hanging branches we had to duck under.
36. He wanted to branch out and start his own company.
37. The path split into two branches that led in different directions.
38. The family tree branched out into many different lineages.
39. Different religions branch off from the same spiritual roots.
40. The main river branches into many tributaries.
41. The legislative branch makes the laws in Congress.
42. The tree branches intertwined to form a canopy of leaves.
43. The branches of science are related and complementary.
44. The river branched into three channels as it neared the sea.
45. His career has branched out into several related fields.
46. The library aims to serve all branches of knowledge.
47. The tree branch broke under the weight of the bird's nest.
48. The path branched into multiple smaller trails.
49. The judicial branch interprets laws made by Congress.
50. Many branches sprang off the main trunk of the family tree.
51. The executive branch carries out and enforces the laws.
52. The two branches of the river meet and join as one.
53. The tree grew many thick branches over the years.
54. Science has many branches that build upon each other.
55. The politician tried to branch out his public image.
56. The roots and branches of science are deeply connected.
57. The new law aims to reform the judicial branch.
58. We stopped to rest in the shade of a low hanging branch.
59. Different cultures branch off from common roots.
60. The expedition split into two branches to cover more ground.

Common Phases

1. Branch out - To diversify one's activities or interests.
E.g. I want to branch out and explore other career options.
2. Branch office - An additional office of a larger organization.
E.g. The company has branch offices in major cities across the country.
3. Branch of government- One of the parts that make up a system of government.
E.g. The three branches of U.S. government are the executive, legislative and judicial branches.
4. Branch of knowledge - A major area of study within an academic discipline.
E.g. Mathematics consists of many branches of knowledge such as arithmetic, geometry and algebra.
5. Family tree -A diagram representing the genealogical branches of a family.
E.g. I spent hours tracing the branches of my family tree.
6. Tree branch- One of the elongate structures arising from the trunk or main stem of a tree.
E.g. Birds were nesting in the high branches of the oak tree.
7. Branch out into- To expand one's activities into a new area or field.
E.g. The company plans to branch out into renewable energy sources.
8. Branches of science -The major areas that science is divided into for study.
E.g. The branches of natural science include physics, chemistry and biology.
9. Branch of the military - One of the service branches that comprise the armed forces.
E.g. The Army, Navy and Air Force are the main branches of the U.S. military.
10. Branch a sentence- To split a sentence into two independent clauses joined with a conjunction.
E.g. I went to the store, and I bought several items on my list.

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