Branchings example sentences

Related (5): divergences, bifurcations, ramifications, offshoots, forks

"Branchings" Example Sentences

1. The tree had many branchings that reached out towards the sky.
2. The river had several branchings that led to different parts of the forest.
3. The company had several branchings that extended into different industries.
4. The plot of the story had several branchings that kept the reader engaged.
5. The investigation had several branchings that led to different suspects.
6. The academic field had several branchings that focused on different areas of study.
7. The recipe had several branchings that allowed for different ingredients to be substituted.
8. The road had several branchings that led to different towns.
9. The family tree had several branchings that traced back many generations.
10. The company's marketing strategy had several branchings that targeted different demographics.
11. The algorithm had several branchings that accounted for different scenarios.
12. The political party had several branchings that represented different ideologies.
13. The design had several branchings that allowed for customization.
14. The map had several branchings that showed different trails to take.
15. The game had several branchings that led to different endings.
16. The conversation had several branchings that covered different topics.
17. The history lesson had several branchings that explored different regions.
18. The exercise routine had several branchings that allowed for modifications.
19. The educational program had several branchings that catered to different learning styles.
20. The musical composition had several branchings that incorporated different instruments.
21. The garden had several branchings that led to different flora and fauna.
22. The trip itinerary had several branchings that allowed for flexibility.
23. The scientific experiment had several branchings that tested different hypotheses.
24. The menu had several branchings that offered different cuisines.
25. The investment portfolio had several branchings that diversified risk.
26. The painting had several branchings that incorporated different colors and shapes.
27. The fashion collection had several branchings that showcased different styles.
28. The therapy technique had several branchings that addressed different issues.
29. The architecture had several branchings that incorporated different materials.
30. The language had several branchings that led to different dialects.

Common Phases

1. The tree had many branchings; each one leading to a different part of the forest.
2. The trail had several branchings; we had to choose the right one to reach the summit.
3. The river had many branchings; we followed the largest one downstream.
4. The company had several branchings; they expanded into different markets over the years.
5. The family tree had many branchings; we traced our ancestry back several generations.
6. The project had several branchings; we had to decide which direction to take it in.
7. The story had several branchings; each one leading to a different plot twist.
8. The highway had several branchings; we took the wrong exit and got lost for hours.
9. The decision had several branchings; we weighed the pros and cons before making a choice.
10. The conversation had several branchings; we discussed a variety of topics throughout the night.

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