Bravos example sentences

Related (9): applause, cheers, acclamation, kudos, ovation, praise, compliments, accolades, plaudits

"Bravos" Example Sentences

1. The crowd showered the actors with bravos and applause for their fine performance.
2. The audience gave the singer bravos and a standing ovation for her rousing rendition of the aria.
3. The critics praised the dancer's performance, calling it brilliant and giving her bravos.
4. The comedic actor received thunderous bravos and cheers from the joyful audience.
5. The young pianist earned bravos and cheers from the crowd for her passionate and skillful interpretation of the concerto.
6. The singer received deafening bravos and thunderous applause after her stunning performance.
7. The artist received bravos from the critics for his groundbreaking new work of abstract art.
8. The crowd roared with bravos and cheers for the home team's last minute victory.
9. The enthusiastic audience greeted the comedian's performance with loud bravos and raucous laughter.
10. The readers praised the writer's debut novel with enthusiastic bravos and critical acclaim.
11. The film critics received the director's new thriller with rave reviews and bravos.
12. The long awaited return of the rock legends was greeted with thunderous bravos and cheers by die-hard fans.
13. The athletes received bravos and cheers for winning the gold medal in the Olympics.
14. The gymnast earned bravos and high marks from the judges for her dazzling and daring performance.
15. The dancer received much deserved bravos and standing ovations for her emotive and powerful performance.
16. The scientist received bravos from the academic community for his groundbreaking research.
17. The theatre troupe received bravos from critics and audiences alike for their innovative and moving play.
18. Bravos and cheers erupted throughout the garden party for the earl's dramatic speech.
19. The audience showered the dramatic diva with bravos and roses after her climactic finale.
20. The musical group received deafening bravos and cheers from the ecstatic fans.
21. The poet's collection of verse garnered much deserved bravos from fellow writers and critics.
22. The rock star was greeted with thunderous bravos and calls for encore from adoring fans.
23. The conductor received well deserved bravos and acclaim for leading the orchestra to a stunning performance.
24. The cast received deafening bravos and a standing ovation from the audience at curtain call.
25. The comedian's routine earned him uproarious bravos and laughter from the appreciative crowd.
26. The explorer received well deserved bravos from the academic community for her daring expedition.
27. The general received bravos and cheers from his troops for leading them to victory.
28. The brave rescue workers received bravos and thanks from the grateful community.
29. The champion received bravos from the crowd for his thrilling victory.
30. The trailblazing activist received bravos for her courageous advocacy work.
31. The actress received deafening bravos and cheers from the audience for her moving performance.
32. The daring stuntman received roaring bravos from the audience for his death-defying feats.
33. The young chess prodigy received bravos from competitors for her daring and innovative strategies.
34. Bravos resounded throughout the room for the student's eloquent valedictorian speech.
35. The savvy inventors received bravos for their groundbreaking new device.
36. The author received much deserved bravos for her bestselling novel.
37. The young artist received bravos for her gorgeous and moving painting.
38. The daring surfer received bravos from spectators for his death-defying stunt.
39. The matador received roaring bravos from spectators for his exciting and skillful performance.
40. The rabble-rouser received jeering bravos from his radical followers.
41. The master craftsman received bravos for his exquisite and intricate handiwork.
42. The researcher received deserved bravos for her groundbreaking findings.
43. The revolutionary received bravos from comrades for standing up to the oppressive regime.
44. The hero received roaring bravos from the crowd for his daring rescue.
45. The acrobats received thunderous bravos for their death-defying stunts.
46. The talented teen received bravos for composing a symphony at such a young age.
47. The war hero received much deserved bravos for his valor and sacrifice.
48. The young prodigy received bravos for her precocious skills and creativity.
49. The bullfighter received roaring bravos from spectators for his skill and bravery.
50. The brave firefighters received thunderous bravos for rescuing people from the burning building.

Common Phases

1. The audience shouted bravos for the amazing performance.
2. The appreciative crowd showered bravos on the talented actors.
3. The students gave bravos to their favorite professor as he walked off the stage.
4. Bravos erupted from the audience after the stunning musical number.
5. The cheering crowd shouted bravos and waved their hands in the air.
6. The theater erupted with bravos at the curtain call.
7. The comedic performance had the whole crowd laughing and shouting bravos.
8. The standing ovation included thunderous bravos and loud applause.
9. The highly skilled gymnast received many bravos from the crowd after her perfect floor routine.
10. The eloquent speech was met with immediate bravos from the audience.
11. The action-packed play had audience members shouting bravos during the climactic scenes.
12. The incredibly talented singer was showered with bravos and roses from her adoring fans.
13. After a long night of bravos and speeches, the winners took home their coveted trophies.
14. The magical performance seemed to bring the audience to its feet with round after round of bravos.
15. The band received rapturous bravos as they finished their rocking encore performance.
16. The brilliant soloist bowed to the bravos of the packed concert hall.
17. Bravos rang through the air as the actor took the stage to give his final curtain call.
18. The talented pianist finished the concerto to a standing ovation and thunderous bravos.
19. The inspiring oration received enthusiastic bravos from the room full of listeners.
20. The enthusiastic bravos greeted the final notes of the passionate musical piece.
21. Wave after wave of bravos greeted each performer as they exited the stage.
22. The deafening bravos served as a well-deserved tribute to the exceptional dancer.
23. The entire production was met with thunderous bravos and cheers from the beginning to end.
24. Bravos erupted all around as the opera diva hit the final high note perfectly.
25. The juggler managed to keep all six balls in the air, earning heartfelt bravos from the crowd.
26. Bravos filled the air at the conclusion of the dramatic one-act play.
27. Bravos drowned out the orchestra as the curtain fell on the magical show.
28. The well-deserved bravos were music to his ears after all the hard work he had put into the performance.
29. The enthusiastic bravos served as motivation for the young gymnast to keep practicing and improving.
30. The talented singer bowed deeply as bravos erupted from the audience.
31. The dramatic reading elicited spontaneous bravos from the listeners.
32. The celebrated poet received countless bravos as she finished reading her collection of poems.
33. Bravos erupted passionately from the audience of prestigious theater at the end of each gripping act.
34. The comedian left the stage to the roar of raucous bravos and applause.
35. Bravos seemed to come from every direction as the symphony hit its spirited conclusion.
36. The prima ballerina received thunderous bravos for the grace and beauty of her performance.
37. The comedian got the biggest laugh of the night and bowed deeply to bravos and whistles from the crowd.
38. After a stunning gymnastics routine, the young athlete walked off the mat to bravos and cheers from the stands.
39. Their enthusiastic bravos assured her she was on the right path as an up-and-coming artist.
40. The audience sprang to their feet, shouting bravos and stomping as the legendary singer took the stage.
41. Bravos echoed through the concert hall as the final haunting note of the violin concerto faded away.
42. The entire audience rose as one to shower the cast with well-deserved bravos and applause.
43. Her hard work and endless sacrifices were rewarded by the heartfelt bravos from those who witnessed her performance.
44. The famed opera singer bowed over and over again to the deafening bravos and cheers from the sold-out theater.
45. Bravos filled the air as the curtain fell, signaling the end of another triumphant performance.
46. The powerful melody and inspired lyrics united the audience in thunderous bravos and cheers.
47. Bravos erupted throughout the auditorium as the final scene played out on stage.
48. The audience tossed flowers and shouted bravos as the curtain lifted one last time.
49. Bravos erupted from the entire theater at the conclusion of the drama-filled ballet.
50. The epic poem moved the audience to tears and then to bravos at its conclusion.
51. Her encore was met with shouts of "Brava!" and more bravos from the appreciative crowd.
52. Bravos interrupted the singer between verses as the audience made clear their admiration for her gifts.
53. Bravos filled the room after the speaker finished her passionate and stirring remarks.
54. The classic play still manages to draw bravos and audience satisfaction after hundreds of years.
55. Bravos erupted after the final twisted plot reveal brought the riveting story to a satisfying close.
56. The packed auditorium rose in unison to shower the musicians with thunderous bravos.
57. The athlete received well-deserved bravos from the adoring fans after her record-breaking performance.
58. Bravos erupted as the tightrope walker finished her daring routine unscathed.
59. The incredibly moving story garnered bravos from even the toughest critics.
60. The soaring melodies drew tears from the audience and then bravos as the symphony reached its end.

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