Brawniness example sentences

Related (10): muscularity, strength, power, might, bulk, stamina, toughness, vigor, sinew, athleticism



  - noun form of brawny



brawny (adjective) · brawnier (comparative adjective) · brawniest (superlative adjective)

  - physically strong; muscular:


brawny, strong, muscular, muscly, powerful, mighty, Herculean, strapping, burly, robust, sturdy, husky, lusty, sinewy, rugged, bulky, hefty, meaty, solid, beefy, hunky, hulking, ripped, shredded, buff, jacked, stalwart, thewy, stark, scrawny, puny, weak, Legal

"Brawniness" Example Sentences

1. The wrestler's brawniness and size intimidated his opponents.
2. His brawniness allowed him to easily lift the heavy weights.
3. Despite his brawniness, he was gentle and kind to his friends.
4. The weightlifter's muscular frame and brawniness were the result of years of training.
5. The laborer's brawniness was well suited for the physically demanding work.
6. Her brawniness belied her kindness and nurturing nature.
7. He favored athleticism and brawniness over intellectualism.
8. The athlete's brawniness appeared to be natural rather than the result of focused training.
9. His brawniness and muscular physique were exaggerations made for the camera.
10. Bodybuilders train to achieve an exaggerated brawniness and muscular definition.
11. She appreciated his brawniness and strength but wished he were more intellectual.
12. The superhero's cartoonish brawniness made his character seem one-dimensional.
13. His brawniness was comically incongruous with his meek personality.
14. Her appreciation for his brawniness quickly faded when she learned of his dim-wittedness.
15. The actor's sculpted physique and brawniness conveyed masculine virility.
16. While his brawniness garnered attention, his lack of finesse garnered criticism.
17. Her attraction to his brawniness overshadowed other considerations.
18. He flaunted his brawniness, unaware of how childish it made him appear.
19. Despite his considerable brawniness, he was timid and easily intimidated.
20. The athlete's fixation on brawniness and winning came at the expense of sportsmanship.
21. His macho brawniness seemed forced and overcompensatory.
22. She admired his charm more than his superficial brawniness.
23. The brawniness required of the job left little time for intellectual pursuits.
24. His overly developed brawniness gave him an unnatural, steroid-enhanced appearance.
25. Brawniness alone does not bring happiness or fulfillment.
26. He mistook his brawniness for strength of character.
27. His brawniness gave her a sense of safety and protection.
28. His youthful brawniness quickly gave way to middle-age spread.
29. She appreciated his brawniness within limits; beyond that it became unappealing.
30. His brawniness hid a fragile ego that demanded constant praise.
31. Many admire brawniness but few admire brutishness.
32. His brawniness served as a reminder of his gender privilege.
33. His brawniness impressed her initially but ultimately bored her.
34. She preferred wit over brawniness.
35. With age came wisdom to temper his youthful desire for brawniness.
36. His brawniness masked a gentle soul.
37. Brawniness had become more bro-like than manly.
38. Brawniness alone does not build intimacy or long-lasting love.
39. He earned respect not through brawniness but character.
40. Brawniness can intimidate but words have a greater impact.
41. Brawniness without virtue rings hollow.
42. Brawniness commands a certain initial attention but wisdom retains it.
43. Brawniness competed with femininity for her attention.
44. Brawniness conveyed dominance more than strength.
45. When brawniness is paired with compassion, it combines the best of masculinity.
46. His brawniness stemmed more from insecurity than confidence.
47. While brawniness garnered attention, wisdom won her heart.
48. His superficial brawniness quickly lost its novelty.
49. His brawniness only emphasized his intellectual frailty.
50. Brawniness proved fleeting; wisdom endured.
51. While brawniness appealed to her physical desires, wisdom attracted her soul.
52. Brawniness proved fleeting; character endured.
53. Eventually brawniness became tiresome; wit remained alluring.
54. His brawniness masked a fragile character.
55. Brawniness alone cannot invoke real passion.
56. His boasted brawniness paled in comparison to her quiet strength.
57. Brawniness commanded respect; wisdom inspired it.
58. Brawniness signified physical dominance; wisdom signified mental mastery.
59. Brawniness draws attention but rarely sustains it.
60. Brawniness built muscle; wisdom built character.

Common Phases

1. Despite his brawniness, he was gentle and kind.
2. His brawniness allowed him to easily lift heavy weights.
3. His brawniness belied his kind nature.
4. His brawniness intimidated his opponents.
5. His brawniness masked a fragile ego.
6. Brawniness alone does not build character.
7. Brawniness attracted attention but wisdom sustained it.
8. Brawniness commands an initial respect but wisdom gains a lasting one.

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