Meaty example sentences

Related (10): beefy, substantial, hearty, filling, robust, juicy, flavorful, dense, weighty, muscular.

"Meaty" Example Sentences

1. It was a meaty steak, full of flavor.
2. The roast was cooked to perfection, juicy and meaty.
3. She prepared a meaty chili to warm us up on the cold day.
4. They ordered hamburgers with big, meaty patties.
5. The barbecue featured meaty ribs and pulled pork.
6. The stew was filled with chunks of meaty chicken and vegetables.
7. They enjoyed a meaty meal of filet mignon and lobster tails.
8. She grilled up some meaty lamb chops on the barbecue.
9. He made a meaty sauce with tomatoes, red wine and rosemary.
10. The soup contained meaty chicken pieces and carrots.
11. They had a meaty Sunday dinner of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.
12. We fried up some meaty chicken wings in hot peanut oil.
13. The meaty lasagna was filled with layers of pasta and beef bolognese.
14. The argument was meaty, addressing substantive legal issues.
15. His article provided a meaty analysis of the political situation.
16. The debate included some meaty policy proposals.
17. There was a meaty substance to our discussion.
18. The report delivered some meaty recommendations for reform.
19. The book offered a meaty exploration of the historical events.
20. The professor delivered a meaty lecture on constitutional law.
21. The story had a meaty plot with twists and turns.
22. The candidate's speech included some meaty proposals for economic growth.
23. The interview contained some meaty political analysis.
24. The professor gave us a meaty reading assignment for the next class.
25. Meaty issues require nuanced discussion and debate.
26. The negotiations tackled some meaty agenda items.
27. Critics found the book to be lacking meaty content.
28. The film explored a meaty range of societal issues.
29. The new season is set to tackle some meaty philosophical questions.
30. The argument section provided a meaty discussion of key issues in the study.
31. The meaty discussion left me deep in thought.
32. The editor wanted a more meaty start to my short story.
33. The movie trailer promised a meaty sci-fi plot.
34. The play dealt with some meaty ideas about morality and choice.
35. The book lacked enough meaty content to maintain my interest.
36. The op-ed piece offered some meaty insights into the current political climate.
37. The panel discussion featured some meaty debate between experts in the field.
38. The blog post had a meaty headline but lacked substance.
39. His political speeches contained meaty comments about government policy.
40. The magazine provides meaty reporting on a variety of topics.
41. The professor gave a particularly meaty lecture on existentialist philosophy.
42. The meaty tome weighed a ton and took months to finish.
43. The art show explored meaty themes of life and death.
44. Journalism needs to provide more meaty investigative reporting.
45. The series promises to deliver some meaty storylines this season.
46. The essay provided a meaty analysis of the assigned text.
47. The book review praised the novel's meaty plot and complex characters.
48. The proposal contained only a meaty summary of actual recommendations.
49. Critics wished the movie had developed a meatier plot.
50. The in-depth analysis provided a meaty backdrop to current events.
51. The book features a meaty cast of characters and intricate plotlines.
52. The panel featured experts offering some meaty perspectives on the issue.
53. The op-ed provided some meaty food for thought.
54. The policy white paper delivered some meaty data and analysis.
55. The group discussion tackled some meaty ethical dilemmas.
56. The syllabus promised some meaty course material.
57. The lecture delivered a meaty analysis of the seminal work.
58. The candidate's platform included some meaty economic ideas.
59. The article lacked substance and failed to offer any meaty insights.
60. Journalists have an obligation to provide meaty facts and background to stories.

Common Phases

1. She cut a meaty slice of roast beef for her sandwich.
2. He devoured the large, meaty steak.
3. The rack of lamb had thick, meaty chops.
4. The leg of lamb was particularly meaty this year.
5. They enjoyed a hearty, meaty stew on the cold winter's night.
6. The burgers were nice and juicy, with plenty of meaty flavor.
7. I'm looking forward to that meaty pot roast for dinner tonight.
8. The subject matter of the book seemed a bit dry; I was hoping for something more meaty.
9. The political discussion provided a meaty topic of debate.
10. The interview focused on several meaty issues affecting the nation.
11. I enjoyed the meaty, robust flavor of the chili.
12. The burrito was packed with beans, rice, and several meaty fillings.
13. The book offered some interesting but meaty philosophical arguments.
14. The movie tackled some meaty moral and ethical dilemmas.
15. The drumsticks were the meatiest and most flavorful part of the chicken.
16. That's a particularly meaty topic for a dissertation.
17. His job interviews always include some meaty technical questions.
18. The policy discussion covered several meaty points.
19. Her articles always included plenty of facts and meaty details.
20. The thick, juicy pork chop was delightfully meaty.
21. The meal ended with a meaty fruitcake packed with nuts and candied fruit.
22. The spicy sausages were wonderfully meaty.
23. The drumstick was too meaty for the toddler to chew properly.
24. The politician's speech provided some meaty talking points for the debate.
25. Loaded with thick slabs of bacon, the BLT had a nice meaty flavor.
26. The speech provided several meaty issues for the class to discuss.
27. The hot dogs were perfectly meaty and succulent.
28. His speech offered many meaty points for deeper analysis.
29. The filet mignon had a nice, juicy, meaty texture.
30. The movie's plot had some meaty elements but failed to fully develop them.
31. The debate provided many meaty arguments on both sides of the issue.
32. The report was quite meaty and factual.
33. The review provided some meaty critiques of the movie.
34. The magazine article tackled several meaty social issues.
35. The novel deals with some meaty themes of friendship, love, and mortality.
36. The turkey breast had a beautifully moist and meaty texture.
37. The book provided an in-depth look at some of the meatiest problems facing humanity today.
38. The bratwurst had a nicely spiced meaty flavor.
39. The recipe called for spicy Italian sausage, which added a meaty richness to the chili.
40. The steak had tons of rich, meaty flavor.
41. The discussion tackled some meaty themes of morality, ethics, and human nature.
42. The pork chops were wonderfully meaty and tender.
43. The legs and wings of the rotisserie chicken were the meatiest parts.
44. The teacher anticipated some meaty questions at the end of the lecture.
45. The interview provided some meaty insights into the project.
46. The bouillon cubes added a rich, meaty flavor to the soup.
47. The bacon added a delightfully meaty crunch to the salad.
48. The lengthy discussion provided plenty of meaty fodder for future consideration.
49. The book offers a nuanced and meaty analysis of the data.
50. The brief provided a meaty summary of the key points.
51. The patient's X-rays showed a nice, meaty tumor.
52. The lobster tail had a particularly meaty and juicy texture.
53. The chapter provided a meaty overview of the major events.
54. The lamb patties had a nicely seasoned, meaty consistency.
55. The dish was rich, spicy, and wonderfully meaty.
56. The topic provides plenty of meaty fodder for discussion.
57. The panel features some meaty discussion points.
58. The article lacked enough meaty facts to substantiate its claims.
59. His arguments have a certain meaty depth.
60. The soup stock had a rich, meaty flavor.

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