Breath example sentences

Related (11): inhale, exhale, respiration, oxygen, lungs, respiratory, gasp, pant, wheeze, breathless, airflow.

"Breath" Example Sentences

1. He took a deep breath before diving into the pool.
2. The cold air burned in my lungs with each breath.
3. I could see her breath in the cold winter air.
4. The dog panted loudly, its breath coming in quick gasps.
5. I could feel her warm breath on my neck.
6. The runner struggled to catch his breath after finishing the race.
7. With bated breath, I awaited the doctor's results.
8. The heavy smoker wheezed with each breath.
9. He paused between sentences to catch his breath.
10. I held my breath as I slowly sank beneath the water.
11. The baby's first breath was music to the parents' ears.
12. With my last breath, I told her I loved her.
13. The sickness left me gasping for breath.
14. I took deep breaths to calm my nerves.
15. She listened to his shallow breath as he slept.
16. The icy air caught in my throat with each breath.
17. My breath caught in my chest when I saw her.
18. He took one final breath and then was still.
19. Excited breathless chatter filled the room.
20. The race left him breathless and exhausted.
21. I breathed a sigh of relief when the ordeal was over.
22. The acrid cigarette smoke filled the air with each breath.
23. My breath formed clouds of vapor in the cold air.
24. I could feel my heart pounding, breath coming in gasps.
25. Her warm breath tickled my ear as she whispered.
26. I listened to her steady, even breaths as she slept.
27. My breath quickened in anticipation.
28. The mint eased the foul breath.
29. The deep breaths calmed my anxious thoughts.
30. With bated breath, we awaited the coming dawn.
31. Her ragged breaths filled the room.
32. My heart raced, breath coming in short pants.
33. His breath no longer smelled of alcohol.
34. My breath caught in my throat and I froze.
35. I felt a sense of relief as I breathed in the fresh autumn air.
36. Her shallow breaths rattled in her chest.
37. Each breath sent pain shooting through my ribs.
38. He tried to steady his quick, shallow breaths.
39. The baby took her first breath and let out a loud cry.
40. I choked back tears, struggling to catch my breath.
41. Each breath was a painful struggle.
42. The scent of her perfume filled my senses with each breath.
43. Deep, even breaths helped calm the frenzied horse.
44. The child's breath smelled of candy.
45. Her ragged breath made me worried.
46. Her warm shallow breath fanned my neck.
47. I held my breath as I went over the steep hill on my bike.
48. The muggy air made it hard to catch my breath.
49. His breath smelled of alcohol and cigarettes.
50. She breathed a sigh of relief when the ordeal was over.
51. I listened to her steady breaths as she slept peacefully.
52. I breathed in the fresh salty air by the ocean.
53. My breath caught in my throat when I saw the accident.
54. Her warm breath tickled my ear as she whispered.
55. His rapid, shallow breaths made me worry.
56. The fragrance of her perfume filled every breath.
57. The muggy air left me gasping for breath.
58. I struggled to catch my breath after climbing the stairs.
59. With bated breath, I watched the plane land.
60. Her last breath came out in a shallow sigh.

Common Phases

1. He took a deep breath before entering the elevator.
2. The fresh mountain air was a breath of fresh air.
3. The polluted city air took my breath away.
4. Her last breath escaped her lungs as she died.
5. She let out a deep sigh of relief and finally relaxed.
6. The snow fell silently, breath-like.
7. He held his breath as she walked by.
8. I could see her breath hanging in the cold air.
9. The doctor listened to his patient's breath with a stethoscope.
10. His breath smelled of cigarettes and stale alcohol.
11. She breathed a sigh as her novel was finally published.
12. The rescue workers searched for any signs of life and breath.
13. The icy water took their breath away.
14. His shallow breath indicated he was close to death.
15. The child took shallow, ragged breaths.
16. The runner struggled to catch his breath after the long race.
17. He inhaled the soothing fragrance of her breath.
18. She gasped for breath as she ran up the stairs.
19. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw him.
20. The crisp autumn air filled her lungs with each breath.
21. The last remnants of her breath fogged the hospital room's window.
22. He spoke between labored breaths.
23. His quick breaths created little clouds in the cold air.
24. The old woman's frail breaths grew weaker.
25. They held each other in a tight embrace as they gasped for breath.
26. The cold winter air chilled his breath as he walked home.
27. The gossip came in hot, hurried breaths.
28. Her breath tickled his ear as she whisper her secret.
29. I could hear his heavy breathing in the darkness.
30. The nurses worked to keep the victim's breathing steady.
31. He answered between breaths after running up the stairs.
32. Their rapid, shallow breaths indicated panic.
33. The muggy summer air made it hard to catch your breath.
34. Her soft sighs were music to his ears.
35. The exhausted runners struggled to regulate their breathing.
36. You could see their breath in the cold room.
37. She took a deep breath and practiced her calming techniques.
38. The paramedics monitored the patient's breathing.
39. His final breath was a soft exhale.
40. They huddled together, their breaths mingling in the chilly air.
41. The news took her breath away.
42. Her breaths came out in labored gasps.
43. His last few breaths rattled in his throat.
44. The sweat made breathing difficult during the heatwave.
45. The soldier held his breath as he waited to advance.
46. The rescue workers could hear faint breaths coming from the rubble.
47. The blurry photograph almost took my breath away.
48. They counted each other's breaths to stay calm.
49. His breathing became more regular as he fell asleep.
50. She inhaled the scent of flowers with each breath.
51. His warm breath tickled her cheek.
52. Their breathless laughter filled the air.
53. The fresh air filled her lungs and cleared her mind.
54. His quiet breaths were the only sound in the dark room.
55. The warm summer breeze stroked her skin with every breath.
56. I could see his breath as he talked.
57. They danced in rhythm with each other's breaths.
58. The surgery was successful, but her breathing remained labored.
59. The rescue dog listened for tiny signs of breaths under the debris.
60. The doctor feared the patient's breathing would soon stop.

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