Brightenings example sentences

Related (19): radiance, illumination, light, sparkle, glow, shine, brilliance, sheen, luster, gloss, glint, twinkle, flash, beam, flicker, glisten, shimmer, coruscation, scintillation.

"Brightenings" Example Sentences

1. The brightenings in the sky were caused by the aurora borealis.
2. The sun's brightenings can be harmful to your eyes if you don't protect them.
3. She added some brightenings to her painting to make it more colorful.
4. The flickering brightenings of fireworks lit up the night sky.
5. The electrician fixed the brightenings in the ceiling by replacing the light bulbs.
6. The happy news brought brightenings to their faces.
7. The artist used different shades of yellow to create brightenings in his painting.
8. The city's streetlights created brightenings that allowed people to stay out at night.
9. The mystic claimed to see brightenings in the aura of those around him.
10. The company's new advertising campaign had brightenings that reflected their optimism.
11. The brightenings in his eyes signaled that he was excited about the upcoming show.
12. The scientist discovered the brightenings in the star's light spectrum were caused by a chemical reaction.
13. The flowers' brightenings added a tropical touch to the garden.
14. She used her makeup to add brightenings to her cheeks and highlight her features.
15. The chef added some brightenings to the dish by using citrus fruits.
16. The fire's brightenings made the dark forest more visible in the night.
17. The hummingbird's feathers had brightenings that reflected the sunlight.
18. The stained glass window had brightenings that created a kaleidoscope of colors in the room.
19. The actor's brightenings on stage made the audience feel the character's joy.
20. The singer added some vocal brightenings to the song to make it more lively.
21. The light fixture had some brightenings that created a warm and cozy ambiance in the room.
22. The mosaic had small brightenings that made the image more detailed and realistic.
23. The photographer enhanced the photo's brightenings to create a vibrant and cheerful mood.
24. The candle's flickering brightenings added a romantic touch to the dinner.
25. The speaker's brightenings in her speech made the audience feel optimistic and motivated.
26. The sunset had brightenings that created a picturesque view of the horizon.
27. The beach was filled with brightenings of the sun and the waves.
28. The party decorations had glittering brightenings that brought excitement to the room.
29. The neon signs had brightenings that attracted customers to the business.
30. The tree's brightenings of autumn leaves made the landscape look charming and colorful.

Common Phases

1. The brightenings in the sky were a sign of a perfect day; I could not wait to go for a hike.
2. It was amazing to see how the street brightenings improved the entire neighbourhood; it gave a sense of security and liveliness.
3. The brightenings in her eyes reflected the joy she felt inside; it was heart-warming to see her that happy.
4. The brightenings in her paintings gave them a depth and vibrancy that was hard to miss; they were truly masterpieces.
5. The brightenings on the faces of the kids when they saw the fireworks were priceless; it was a moment of pure delight.
6. The brightenings in the conversation lifted the mood of the group; they were happy to have each other's company.
7. The brightenings in the garden made it look magical; it was a serene and peaceful place to be.
8. The brightenings in his performance mesmerized the audience; they were in awe of his talent.
9. The brightenings in the weather made it a perfect day to spend on the beach; it was an ideal vacation.

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