Brokering example sentences
Related (11): negotiating, intermediation, arbitrating, transacting, dealing, wheeling, bargaining, bartering, brokerage, mediating, broking
"Brokering" Example Sentences
1. He was a master of brokering deals.2. She was a skilled negotiator, able to broker the best terms.
3. Brokering a compromise between the two sides was no easy task.
4. He was a talented broker of peace.
5. His job was to broker deals between businesses.
6. The negotiator was able to broker a successful agreement.
7. She was good at brokering peace between warring factions.
8. They were able to broker a deal that everyone was happy with.
9. He was a master of brokering agreements between different countries.
10. She was a successful broker of business deals.
11. The diplomat was able to broker a peace treaty.
12. He was a skilled broker of contracts.
13. He was a successful broker of investments.
14. The negotiator was able to broker a mutually beneficial agreement.
15. The diplomat was able to broker a truce between the two sides.
16. The negotiator was able to broker a deal that was satisfactory to both sides.
17. He was a master of brokering a successful resolution to the conflict.
18. He was a skilled broker of negotiations.
19. She was an excellent broker of deals.
20. He was a master of brokering a solution to the problem.
21. She was able to broker a settlement that was beneficial to both parties.
22. He was a talented broker of business deals.
23. Brokering an agreement between the two sides took a lot of skill.
24. He was successful at brokering a compromise between the two sides.
25. She was a talented broker of investments.
26. The negotiator was able to broker a peace agreement.
27. He was a skilled broker of trade agreements.
28. She was an expert at brokering deals.
29. The diplomat was able to broker a settlement that was satisfactory to both sides.
30. He was a master of brokering an end to the dispute.
31. She was a successful broker of negotiations.
32. He was a talented broker of agreements.
33. Brokering a resolution to the conflict was no easy task.
34. He was a master of brokering a truce between the two sides.
35. The negotiator was able to broker a contract that was beneficial to both parties.
36. She was an expert at brokering peace between warring factions.
37. He was a successful broker of peace treaties.
38. He was a skilled broker of investments.
39. The negotiator was able to broker an agreement that was satisfactory to all parties.
40. She was a talented broker of contracts.