Bruise example sentences

Related (9): injury, discoloration, contusion, trauma, mark, swelling, soreness, hematoma, ecchymosis

"Bruise" Example Sentences

1. I got a bad bruise when I fell off my bike.
2. The boy had a large bruised area on his thigh from where he was hit by the ball.
3. The doctor applied an ice pack to the bruise to help reduce swelling.
4. The swollen bruise on her ankle was turning purple.
5. She had a bruise on her arm from bumping into the table.
6. The boxer's arms and legs were covered in ugly bruises.
7. Mom applied arnica oil to help heal the bruise.
8. The girl got a bruise on her knee when she fell off the swing.
9. The toddler had a bruise on his forehead from bumping into the table.
10. The athlete iced the large bruise on his shin after the injury.
11. The doctor examined the bruised area carefully to rule out any fractures.
12. The impacts left painful bruises all over his body.
13. The toddlers were always covered in bruises from bumping into the furniture.
14. The apple bruised when I accidentally dropped it.
15. The grapefruit had brown bruised spots from being dropped.
16. The fruit in my backpack was bruised and started to rot.
17. The fruit was badly bruised and couldn't be sold.
18. The doctor advised icing the bruise several times a day to speed up healing.
19. He got a nasty bruise on his shoulder from where the tackle hit him.
20. The rough handling left the strawberries badly bruised.
21. The fallen apples were bruised and rotting on the ground.
22. The bruise on her arm was turning a sickly yellow color.
23. She had a huge, ugly, purple bruise from where she was hit with the ball.
24. The child complained of a bruised knee after falling off the slide.
25. Purple bruises covered his forearm after blocking the punches.
26. Icing a bruise immediately after an injury helps reduce pain and swelling.
27. The toddler always showed me his latest bruises with pride.
28. He had bad bruises all over his shins from playing soccer.
29. The runner had swollen, bruised feet after the marathon.
30. The player had a bad bruise on his calf muscle from being hit with the hockey puck.
31. The handle on my suitcase bruised my fingers from rubbing against it.
32. The rough treatment of the produce left the fruits severely bruised.
33. The blood vessels under the skin leaked blood, causing the bruise.
34. The small bruise on her knee didn't hurt but looked really ugly.
35. The apples bruised from being roughly packed into the cardboard box.
36. The apples I bought were already badly bruised.
37. The child's bruised ankle was swollen to twice its normal size.
38. The boy showed off his bruised and scabbed knees to his friends.
39. The bruised berries had to be tossed into the compost bin.
40. The lane ropes left ugly purple bruises on his arms.
41. The kid was always covered in bruises from climbing trees.
42. The fruit seller didn't have many customers due to the badly bruised produce.
43. The bruised apples will have to be used for baking instead.
44. The child's bruised shin was tender to the touch.
45. The bumpy ride left many passengers with bruised backsides.
46. Her thighs were bruised and sore after hours of horseback riding.
47. The bruised area on his leg was turning yellow as it healed.
48. She had nasty grapefruit-sized bruises on her legs from the car accident.
49. The bruises on my legs are finally starting to fade.
50. The athlete's legs were covered in ugly purple bruises from practice.
51. The doctor examined the child's multiple bruises and abrasions.
52. The toddler kept pointing to the new bruise on his knee and laughing.
53. She had massive purple bruises on her arms and legs from falling off the swing.
54. I had ugly brown bruises all over my shins from playing rugby.
55. The produce had to be heavily discounted due to the severe bruising.
56. The bruised fruit smelled slightly rotten and was mushy to the touch.
57. The skin around the deep bruise was swollen and tender.
58. The produce was unattractively bruised by the time it reached the store.
59. The toddler showed off his bruised knees like they were medals of honor.
60. The grapes had brown bruised spots and started to mold.

Common Phases

1. Black and blue: Used to describe having extensive bruising on the body after an injury. "I was black and blue all over after falling down the stairs."
2. Love tap: A light, barely harmful hit or punch, often intended to be playful but leaves a minor bruise. "The kid gave me a love tap on the arm that left a bruise for a week!"
3. Bruised ego: When one's pride is injured, especially through rejection, criticism or failure. "She had a bruised ego after failing the exam."
4. Kiss it and make it better: An expression used by parents to soothe a child after a minor injury like a bruise. "The boy fell and scraped his knee, so his mom kissed it and said 'I'll kiss it and make it better.'"
5. Bruise like a banana: To bruise extremely easily. "He bruises like a banana. Even the lightest bump leaves a mark on his skin."
6. Purple with bruises: Covered in extensive bruising, turning the skin purple. "His arms were purple with bruises after the football game."
7. Heal/Mend your bruises: To spend time recovering from an emotional or psychological injury, like a bruised ego. "He needs time to heal his bruises after the bad breakup."
8. A bruise that won't heal: An emotional wound that lingers and is difficult to recover from. "The cruel comments left a bruise that still won't heal, after all these years."
9. Purple with anger: Extremely angry, turning red or purple in the face. "He was purple with anger after witnessing the injustice."
10. Leave bruises: To physically mark or damage someone through injury, leaving visible bruises. "The rough play left bruises on the child's arms."

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