Budget example sentences

Related (13): money, expenses, income, savings, deficit, surplus, fiscal, allocation, austerity, cuts, revenue, spending, cost-cutting

"Budget" Example Sentences

1. The budget allocated funds for new school supplies.
2. We need to cut spending to stay within the budget.
3. She made a monthly budget to help control her money.
4. Congress approved the annual government budget.
5. Every quarter, we review our budget to see if any adjustments need to be made.
6. The low-budget indie film was surprisingly well done.
7. The state's budget deficits have reached record highs.
8. My parents taught me to create a reasonable budget and stick to it.
9. Her budget did not account for unexpected medical bills.
10. The holiday season often forces me to temporarily adjust my budget.
11. The company gave all departments a strict budget to follow.
12. They added budget line items for equipment upgrades.
13. There are line items in the budget for employee raises.
14. I had to put several expensive purchases on hold to get back on budget.
15. The UI/UX design costs are part of the project budget.
16. Budget constraints limited the scope of the project.
17. The budget overshot its targets in the first two quarters.
18. Our marketing budget increased by 20% this year.
19. Her budget does not have room for that big purchase right now.
20. They drafted a preliminary project budget for approval.
21. The budget for the research grant request needs to show a detailed breakdown of expenses.
22. The fundraiser helped expand our annual budget.
23. The tight budget means most employees will not get raises this year.
24. We increased the budget for marketing and advertising.
25. The film went hugely over budget due to production delays.
26. I carefully plan every purchase to stay within my monthly food and household budget.
27. The city needs to create a balanced budget to avoid more deficits.
28. I always create an annual budget to stay on track financially.
29. The renovation budget does not allocate enough for unexpected issues.
30. We ran over our event budget due to unanticipated costs.
31. Our budget cuts will likely result in layoffs.
32. The budget for the trip greatly exceeded our expectations.
33. You need to plan out a realistic budget and stick to it.
34. The capital budget covers major purchases and investments.
35. Government budget deficits can lead to economic instability.
36. He created a weekly and monthly budget to track his spending.
37. The research grant will help expand our laboratory budget.
38. Our defense budget has increased every year.
39. I stick strictly to my food and gas budget each month.
40. The proposed state budget includes tax increases.
41. The proposed budget hike for education was controversial.
42. Reducing spending is necessary to balance next year's budget.
43. The college's endowment helps fund the operating budget.
44. The project came in thousands under budget.
45. Their modest budget meant simple, DIY decorations for the party.
46. We faced budget cuts at work this quarter.
47. Many homeowners create monthly home and utility budgets.
48. I set a strict monthly grocery budget for myself.
49. The management team presented the annual operating budget for approval.
50. The proposed budget provides funding for new staff positions.
51. The annual travel budget is allocated based on job responsibilities.
52. Our budget adjustments aim to reduce waste and inefficiency.
53. The student government approved funding for the new club's budget request.
54. Sales have dropped, forcing us to tighten the departmental budget.
55. The tourism bureau's annual marketing budget exceeded $10 million.
56. We need to reduce costs to stay within the project budget.
57. Funding requests always far exceed the available budget.
58. The proposed spending bill far exceeds the budget.
59. The lower-than-expected sales forced revisions to the company's annual budget.
60. The smaller-budgeted film had more creative freedom.

Common Phases

1. Stay within budget
This means to not spend more money than the amount allocated in the budget.
2. Budget cuts
Reductions made to an organization's budget, often resulting in layoffs, reduced services, etc.
3. Over budget
When actual expenses exceed the planned amount in the budget.
4. Balanced budget
When planned revenues equal or exceed planned expenses in a budget.
5. Stick to the budget
To spend according to the planned amounts allocated in the budget.
6. Tight budget
A budget with little flexibility and only enough funds for essential costs.
7. Operating budget
A budget that covers the day-to-day, non-investment expenses of running an organization.
8. Capital budget
A budget that covers major investments and acquisitions of long-term assets.
9. Line item
A specific category in a budget with an allocated amount.
10. Budget deficit
When actual expenses are greater than actual revenues, resulting in a shortfall.

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