Burble example sentences

Related (5): gurgle, babble, murmur, bubble, chatter

"Burble" Example Sentences

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Common Phases

1. The steam bubbled and burble from the kettle.
2. The stream bubbled and burble merrily over the smooth stones.
3. The toddler burbled happily to himself as he played with his toys.
4. The small child burbled nonsensical words as he chased after his mother.
5. The swarm of tadpoles burble and bubbled over one another in the shallow pool.
6. The old man burbled incoherently at the young woman sitting next to him.
7. The little creek burbled and chuckled as it wound its way through the woods.
8. The babbling brook burbled and splashed over the rocks in its bed.
9. The hot coffee burble and frothed as it poured from the press.
10. The stream murmured as it burbled its way through the countryside.
11. The bubbling waters burbled their way through the cavernous cave.
12. The herbal tea hissed and burble as it was poured into the mug.
13. The swamp gasses burble and hissed from the wetlands at night.
14. The champagne burble and fizzed in the flute as she toasted her friends.
15. The old man burbled away happily to himself as he sat on the park bench.
16. The babe innocently burbled and cooed in its mother's lap.
17. The young politician burbled bizarre ramblings at the campaign rally.
18. The soup burble and steamed on the stove as the chef added spices.
19. The fish tank burbled and bubbled with the movement of aerators.
20. The coffee machine groaned and burble as it brewed the hot beverages.
21. The fountain burble and splashed rhythmically in the garden courtyard.
22 The patient burbled nonsense in his delirium at the hospital.
23. The toddler burbled an unintelligible tune as she played in her crib.
24. The bubbling mud pits burbled and hissed, emitting noxious gasses.
25. The salmon burbled upstream against the powerful current.
26. The politician burbled platitudes about jobs and the economy.
27. The mushrooms stewed and burble on the stove, filling the kitchen with aroma.
28. The river burbled and rolled over the smooth rocks in its bed.
29. The melting wax burble and hissed as the candle burned down.
30. The excited child burbled words too fast for his mother to understand.
31. The boiling pot burble and steamed on the stove top.
32. The youth's words burbled out too quickly for the teacher to comprehend.
33. The bubbling mud pot burble and hissed, emitting sulfurous smells.
34. The demented old woman burbled nonsense words to herself.
35. The heated liquid burble and hissed as it boiled over.
36. The little babbling brook burble and chuckled as it wound through the forest.
37. The toddler burbled nonsense at the visiting relatives.
38. The gurgling river burble and chuckled as it slid over the smooth rocks.
39. The mess of thoughts and ideas burbled to the surface of his mind.
40. The pan sizzled and burble on the stove as the chef cooked breakfast.
41. The newborn babe innocently burbled and cooed in her mother's arms.
42. The pundit burbled exaggerated predictions of apocalypse.
43. The thoughts and ideas burble up from the subconscious mind.
44. The camera man had trouble capturing what the politician was trying to say, as his words just burbled out in nonsense.
45. The fountain burble and splashed, filling the courtyard with the sound of bubbling water.
46. The old woman burbled nonsense to herself as she sat alone in the nursing home.
47. The salesman burbled empty platitudes as he tried to make the sale.
48. The stockpot burbled and steamed on the stove as the stew simmered.
49. The liquid sizzled and burble loudly on the heated surface.
50. The river churned and burble as it flowed over the riverbed.
51. The politician burbled meaningless slogans and buzzwords to the rally.
52. The patient's thoughts burbled up into unintelligible speech.
53. The novice writer's sentences burbled and tripped over themselves.
54. The dish of rice burble and steamed on the stove.
55. The espresso machine hissed and burble as the coffee brewed.
56. The old man burbled nonsense from his rocking chair on the porch.
57. The liquid simmered and burble in the pan.
58. The cork popped out of the champagne bottle and the wine burble and fizzed.
59. The speaker's words kept burbling out in an incoherent stream.
60. The broth bubbled and burble on the stove, filling the kitchen with a savory aroma.

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