Buriedambiguity example sentences

Related (5): concealed, obscured, veiled, hidden, enigmatic

"Buriedambiguity" Example Sentences

1. There was a buried ambiguity in her words that made me question her true intentions.
2. The buried ambiguity in the boss's instructions made it difficult to know what he really wanted.
3. His buried ambiguity about his past made me wonder what secrets he was hiding.
4. The lawyer's buried ambiguity in his closing statement made it hard to understand his argument.
5. The politician's speech had several buried ambiguities that led to confusion among the audience.
6. The novel was full of buried ambiguities that added depth to the complex characters.
7. The detective had to sift through the buried ambiguities in the witness's testimony to find the truth.
8. The poem's buried ambiguity gave it an air of mystery and intrigue.
9. The architect's design had a buried ambiguity that made it both functional and visually interesting.
10. The artist's paintings often contained a buried ambiguity that left room for interpretation.
11. The buried ambiguity in the journalist's article made it difficult to discern the facts from the opinions.
12. The songwriter's lyrics often had a buried ambiguity that allowed listeners to connect with the music in their own way.
13. The scientist's data had a buried ambiguity that needed further analysis to fully understand.
14. The buried ambiguity in the teacher's lesson plan caused confusion among the students.
15. The buried ambiguity in the doctor's diagnosis made the patient uncertain about their condition.
16. The buried ambiguity in the CEO's strategy left the employees unsure about the company's direction.
17. The buried ambiguity in the historian's research made it difficult to draw accurate conclusions.
18. The buried ambiguity in the religious text sparked debate among the scholars.
19. The buried ambiguity in the movie's plot kept the audience guessing until the end.
20. The buried ambiguity in the love letter added a layer of nuance to the writer's feelings.
21. The buried ambiguity in the song's lyrics made it a timeless classic.
22. The buried ambiguity in the designer's fashion collection made it innovative and unique.
23. The buried ambiguity in the athlete's performance made it entertaining to watch.
24. The buried ambiguity in the comedian's jokes made them both funny and thought-provoking.
25. The buried ambiguity in the chef's recipe gave the dish unexpected flavors and textures.
26. The buried ambiguity in the hacker's code made it difficult to detect their malicious actions.
27. The buried ambiguity in the writer's novel kept the readers engaged throughout the story.
28. The buried ambiguity in the musician's melody added emotional depth to the song.
29. The buried ambiguity in the photographer's image left room for interpretation by the viewer.
30. The buried ambiguity in the magician's trick impressed and bewildered the audience.

Common Phases

1. I'm not sure what you mean; can you clarify your statement?
2. The instructions are unclear; there is buried ambiguity in the text.
3. This situation has a lot of buried ambiguity; we need to investigate further.
4. The email's tone is difficult to interpret; there may be buried ambiguity in the message.
5. I'm hesitant to proceed with this project; there seems to be buried ambiguity in the specifications.

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