Bury example sentences

Related (10): grave, tomb, inter, entomb, sepulcher, mummify, inhumate, plant, cover, eliminate



bury (verb) · buries (third person present) · buried (past tense) · buried (past participle) · burying (present participle)

  - put or hide under ground:

  - place (a dead body) in the earth, in a tomb, or in the sea, typically with funeral rites:

  - lose (someone, especially a relative) through death:

  - completely cover; cause to disappear or become inconspicuous:

  - move or put out of sight:

  - deliberately forget; conceal from oneself:

  - overwhelm (an opponent) beyond hope of recovery:

  - involve oneself deeply in something to the exclusion of other concerns:


inter, entomb, plant, sepulcher, inhume, exhume, hide, conceal, cover, secrete, enfold, submerge, sink, embed, engulf, immerse, enclose, tuck, cup, enshroud, reveal, hide, disguise, dissemble, mask, veil, suppress, repress, show, disclose, confess, absorb, engross, occupy, engage, busy, employ, distract, preoccupy, immerse, interest, involve

"Bury" Example Sentences

1. The children buried their father's ashes under the willow tree in the backyard.
2. The construction crew will bury the electric cable underground.
3. Every night, the dog buries his bones in the garden.
4. The city plans to bury the trash deep in the landfill.
5. The mother cat buried her kittens in the garden soil after they died.
6. They'll soon bury you under a mountain of paperwork.
7. The cowboys hastily buried the bodies of the outlaws after the shootout.
8. The PR disaster threatens to bury the company's reputation for years.
9. The flooding rains threaten to bury nearby towns under water.
10. We need to bury the hatchet and move past our differences.
11. I was struggling to stay afloat until you came along and lifted me up, rather than bury me.
12. The soldier solemnly buried the folded flag.
13. Don't bury your head in the sand and pretend nothing's wrong.
14. The rich soil will help the seeds bury their roots.
15. The archaeologists carefully buried excavated artifacts to preserve them.
16. The grave diggers prepared to bury the casket.
17. She buried her face in her hands and sobbed.
18. They'll never bury the truth of what happened that night.
19. He buried himself in his work to avoid thinking about her.
20. The company intends to bury the customer in offers and coupons.
21. The thieves buried their loot and hid the treasure map.
22. Let's bury the hatchet and make up.
23. They buried me in paperwork until I could hardly breathe.
24. We had to bury Grandpa's favorite pipe with him.
25. I don't want to bury myself in debt by spending too much.
26. The workers buried cables underground.
27. The dog buried his bone in the backyard.
28. The media coverage of the scandal threatens to bury his political career.
29. The reporter had to bury several paragraphs deep in the article.
30. She buried her nose in her book.
31. They buried the time capsule for future generations to uncover.
32. He buried himself in work.
33. The refugees were made to bury the bodies of those who died.
34. We had to bury our old cat in the backyard when she passed away.
35. Burying seeds in fertile soil gives them a chance to grow.
36. He buried his face in his hands and sobbed.
37. Let's bury the hatchet and be friends again.
38. The murder victims were buried in shallow graves in the woods.
39. They tried to bury him under an avalanche of paperwork.
40. They intend to bury their rivals under a barrage of advertising.
41. They kept her buried under mountains of debt.
42. The rising floodwaters threatened to bury the city.
43. The tsunami buried tons of debris.
44. We buried her favorite toy with her.
45. The sandstorm threatened to bury the nomads' caravan.
46. Burying herself in work helped her forget her troubles.
47. The storm threatened to bury the town in several feet of snow.
48. The cat carefully buried its deposits.
49. The wolves intended to bury their prey and save it for later.
50. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled the sweet scent.
51. They moved her in the fall and buried her under a willow tree.
52. The rising floodwaters threatened to bury everything in its path.
53. He buried his memories of her deep in his heart.
54. The roots need to bury deep into the rich soil.
55. The magnitude 8 earthquake buried thousands of people alive.
56. Let's bury the past and start fresh.
57. The kids buried each other in the sand.
58. They intend to bury you in paperwork until you drown.
59. The archaeologist carefully buried each artifact she uncovered.
60. My troubles kept threatening to bury me, until you came along.

Common Phases

1. Bury the hatchet: To make peace and let bygones be bygones.
2. Bury your head in the sand: To pretend there is no problem by ignoring or avoiding it.
3. Bury oneself in work: To immerse oneself completely into one's work, sometimes as a way to avoid dealing with personal problems.
4. Bury someone/something in paperwork: To overwhelm someone with excessive amounts of paperwork and documents.
5. Bury someone/something under: To overwhelm someone or something to the point of being ineffective.
6. Bury your nose in a book: To read engrossedly, totally absorbed into the book.
7. Bury your talents: To waste one's talents by not using them or developing them.
8. Bury your roots: To establish yourself firmly and securely.
9. Bury the lede: In journalism, when important facts are hidden deep into an article.
10. Bury the lead: In journalism, when important facts are not highlighted upfront in an article.

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