Confess example sentences

Related (10): confession, admit, avow, disclose, concede, reveal, profess, acknowledge, declare, unveil.

"Confess" Example Sentences

1. He finally confessed to stealing the money.
2. Under intense questioning, the suspect began to confess.
3. The interrogator tried every tactic to get the criminal to confess.
4. The priest told the sinner to confess his sins.
5. After years of lying, she finally confessed the truth.
6. She could no longer hide the truth and decided to confess.
7. The priest listened patiently as the man confessed his sins.
8. Confessing his crimes brought him a sense of relief.
9. The guilty man was unable to confess even when confronted with evidence.
10. The pressure became too much and she finally broke down and confessed.
11. He confessed to hacking the company's database.
12. Under threat of police involvement, the thief confessed to stealing the purse.
13. She confessed her feelings to him in a letter.
14. He decided it was time to confess his plagiarism.
15. She insisted he confess everything if he wanted a second chance.
16. Confessing eased his guilt but did not absolve him of responsibility.
17. The man finally confessed to the murder after 20 years.
18. I confessed that I had eaten the last piece of cake.
19. She decided to confess her secret crush on him.
20. The embarrassed child confessed to breaking the vase.
21. He confessed to his crime and accepted the consequences.
22. The priest made him promise to confess his sins regularly.
23. The teacher made the child write a letter confessing his misbehavior.
24. Confessing his mistake allowed him to move forward.
25. He confessed all the details of the crime to the police.
26. The suspect was finally persuaded to confess the truth.
27. I confessed that I had lied to her.
28. He confessed his love for her after years of hiding it.
29. Her diary entries were filled with confessions of her deepest thoughts.
30. He finally confessed the truth to his exasperated wife.
31. The police interrogator pressured the suspect to confess.
32. The truth will out - eventually you have to confess.
33. After much deliberation, she decided to confess her feelings.
34. The woman confessed her crime and sought forgiveness.
35. She decided the only way to ease her guilt was to confess.
36. The look of relief on his face after he confessed showed how much guilt he had been carrying.
37. I confessed to her that I had been the one to break her vase.
38. She confessed her fears and doubts to her closest friend.
39. He confessed to illegally downloading music.
40. The suspect finally confessed after hours of interrogation.
41. The girl confessed she had lied to her parents.
42. He confessed his regret over their failed relationship.
43. I confessed that I was the one who ate the last piece of cake.
44. The boy finally confessed to stealing money from his mother's purse.
45. The accused confessed to the crime to avoid the death penalty.
46. The actress confessed she had plagiarized parts of her autobiography.
47. Confessing her lie allowed her to finally move on.
48. The reporter tricked the source into confessing the truth.
49. The priest heard the man's confession in the confessional booth.
50. He confessed to secretly spending the company's money on vacations.
51. Confessing his guilt brought about a sense of relief.
52. After a long struggle, he finally decided to confess his sins.
53. The suspect confessed to robbing the bank.
54. She confessed her deepest secrets in her journal.
55. The priest urged the troubled man to confess his sins.
56. The interrogator pressured the suspect to finally confess the truth.
57. Confessing his wrongdoing was the first step towards making amends.
58. After hours of denials, he finally confessed to the crime.
59. The girl confessed to her mother that she had broken the vase.
60. The cheating husband finally confessed after years of lies.

Common Phases

1. confess to something
2. forced to confess
3. finally confess
4. refuse to confess
5. persuade to confess
6. confess one's sins
7. confess one's crime
8. confess one's feelings
9. confess one's mistakes
10. confess one's guilt
11. be unable to confess
12. pressure to confess
13. confess under interrogation
14. compel a confession
15. break down and confess
16. confess voluntarily
17. confess in private
18. seek absolution by confessing
19. confess the truth
20. confess by letter

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