Carb example sentences

Related (15): carbohydrates, carburetor, carbamazepine, carbonara, carbide, carbuncle, carbonation, carb-loading, carboxyl, carbonyl, carburizing, carbide-tipped, carb-counter, carb-free, carbocation.

"Carb" Example Sentences

1. I try to limit my carb intake to avoid weight gain.
2. Whole grain breads and pastas are complex carbs that provide fiber and nutrients.
3. Simple carbs like white bread and sugar are digested quickly, causing blood sugar spikes.
4. Complex carbs take longer to digest and provide a more sustained release of energy.
5. A low-carb diet can help with weight loss and controlling blood sugar levels.
6. Potato chips and pretzels are high in empty carbs that provide few nutrients.
7. On my low-carb diet, I avoid foods like pasta, bread, and rice.
8. Fruits and vegetables are low in carbs compared to grains and starchy foods.
9. Protein and fat can help you feel fuller for longer and control your carb intake.
10. Beans and legumes are a good source of carbs, fiber, and plant-based protein.
11. I aim to get less than 40% of my calories from carbohydrates each day.
12. Increasing your protein intake can help balance out the carbs in a meal.
13. A piece of fruit makes a good low-carb snack alternative to chips or cookies.
14. The ketogenic diet is very low in carbs to put the body into a state of ketosis.
15. I logged my carb intake with a nutrition app to help me stay within my daily limit.
16. The plate method visually limits your portion of higher carb foods like rice and potatoes.
17. Fish and chicken are good low-carb protein sources to pair with non-starchy vegetables.
18. Adding extra vegetables can help fill you up while keeping your total carb intake in check.
19. Before meals, I check the carb counts on food labels to help me choose lower carb options.
20. Grilled or baked chicken thighs have far fewer carbs than breaded fried versions.
21. The higher the fiber content of a carb, the slower it is absorbed and the less it impacts blood sugar.
22. I count net carbs, which subtracts fiber from total carbs, when tracking my intake.
23. Exercise can improve your body's sensitivity to carbs, allowing you to enjoy them in moderation.
24. Staying well hydrated helps your body metabolize carbs effectively and avoids unnecessary cravings.
25. Traditional low-carb diets strictly limit all types of carbohydrates for quick weight loss.
26. A moderate carb diet still allows for reasonable amounts of whole grain carbs along with protein and fat.
27. Cravings for carbs are often related to deficiencies in other nutrients like protein, fat and fluids.
28. Having one or two lower carb meals per day and spacing carbs out throughout the day can help regulate blood sugar.
29. Minimally processed carbs from whole foods like sweet potatoes and quinoa provide the most nutrients.
30. An endurance athlete requires a higher carb intake to fuel intense and prolonged exercise.
31. During the summer, I try to combine my carb sources with non-starchy veggies to stay satisfied but not overdo it.
32. Bulking up on carbs the day before an athletic event can improve performance by replenishing glycogen stores.
33. Many high-carb foods tend to be calorie dense which can lead to unintended weight gain over time.
34. Staying active and building muscle mass helps your body make good use of the carbs you do consume.
35. The balance of carbs, protein and fat in a meal determines the overall impact on blood sugar and insulin levels.
36. Tracking my macro nutrient ratios helped me realize I was eating too many of my daily calories from carbohydrates.
37. Plant-based sources of carbs like vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains offer the most nutrition.
38. My doctor recommended reducing my carb intake to help manage my elevated hemoglobin A1C levels.
39. The pancreas secretes insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels as carbohydrates are digested.
40. Monitoring my carb intake and following a consistent daily limit has helped me achieve my weight loss and health goals.
41. nutritious diet rich in vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats can provide sustainable energy without excess carbs.
42. Fad diets that severely restrict entire food groups like carbohydrates are difficult to sustain long-term.
43.Most chronic health issues like obesity, diabetes and heart disease are linked to excess carb consumption and sedentary lifestyles.
44.Reading food labels and counting carbs has become second nature to me and an important part of my daily health routine.
45. The fiber in many whole grain carbs helps slow digestion and reduce the total impact of these carbohydrates on blood sugar.
46. Drinking water, herbal tea and other zero-carb beverages helps me avoid mindless snacking just because I'm thirsty.
47. Adding low-carb vegetables to grain-based dishes like salads, tacos and sandwiches can significantly decrease the overall carb content.
48.Measuring out my serving sizes has been an eye-opening exercise to see just how many excess carbs I was consuming before.
49. Many people lose more weight in the first weeks of a low-carb diet due to water weight loss from reducing glycogen stores.
50.Modifying family recipes to lower the carb content without sacrificing flavor has become a hobby of mine.
51.Carbs are a necessary part of a balanced diet but consuming them in moderation is key to optimizing health and weight.
52.Medical conditions like PCOS and insulin resistance often improve with reduction of high glycemic load carbohydrates.
53. Low-carb diets may initially cause side effects like headaches, fatigue and insomnia as the body adjusts to burning fat for energy.
54. The glycemic index ranks carbohydrates based on how quickly and how much they raise blood sugar levels after consumption.
55. I began swapping out high glycemic carbs for lower glycemic alternatives to better manage my cholesterol and blood sugar.
56. Finding low-carb alternatives to my favorite recipes and traditional carb-heavy dishes has made reducing carbs sustainable long-term.
57. A nutritionist recommended I reduce empty carb sources from processed and refined grains in favor of whole food sources.
58. Modifying recipes and meal plans to lower glycemic load helps manage appetite and may reduce risks for diabetes and heart disease.
59. Incorporating more non-starchy vegetables, healthy fats and sources of lean protein with fewer processed carbs has greatly improved my energy levels and overall health.
60. I try to avoid high glycemic index carbs and snacking between meals in order to maximize the benefits of limiting my carb intake.

Common Phases

1. Avoid carb loading and eating too many carbs the day before an event.
2. Eating too many carbs from high-glycemic foods can cause blood sugar spikes.
3. Whole wheat pasta has fewer carbs than regular white pasta.
4. Sweet potatoes are a good source of carbs and nutrients.
5. She needs to cut back on simple carbs like sugar and white bread.
6. Brown rice and quinoa are complex carbs that won't spike your blood sugar.
7. He switched to low-carb diet to help lose weight.
8. Beans and legumes are complex, fiber-rich carbs that help you feel full.
9. Limiting carb intake can help with weight loss for some people.
10. Fruit is a healthy source of natural carbs and fiber.
11. He ate high-protein, low-carb meals all day.
12. The low-carb diet eliminated sugar, grains, and starchy vegetables.
13. She ate a bowl of oatmeal for a healthy start to the day with complex carbs.
14. Berries, carrots, and zucchini are low in carbs.
15. I keep a stash of low-carb snacks like almonds and string cheese.
16. Proteins and fats will keep you full longer than carbs alone.
17. Carbs provide energy in the form of glucose for the body and brain.
18. Complex carbs should make up the bulk of your daily carb intake.
19. Experts recommend getting about 45-65% of your daily calories from carbs.
20. A high intake of refined carbs has been linked to health problems.
21. She has to watch her carb intake or her blood sugar spikes.
22. Noodles, bread, and pasta are high in carbs.
23. All carbohydrate-rich foods are broken down into glucose.
24. Potatoes have a decent amount of nutrients but also contain many carbs.
25. Low-carb diets led to initial weight loss but not sustained results.
26. He usually hits the gym after a carb-rich lunch.
27. A nutritionist can help you determine the right amount of carbs for your goals.
28. Cutting carbs can make you feel sluggish and tired at first.
29. A balance of fiber, protein and healthy fats along with carbs is important.
30. Even fruits and veggies contain some carbs in the form of natural sugars.
31. They were assigned to follow a moderate-carb diet for the study.
32. A bunch of grapes has about 20 grams of carbs.
33. Atkins was one of the first well-known low-carb diets.
34. High carbs foods are generally the cheapest options at the grocery store.
35. She does a carbo-load the night before a marathon with pasta and bread.
36. Carbs are an essential macronutrient for fueling muscles and the brain.
37. She tried a variety of fad diets including Atkins and South Beach's low-carb plans.
38. The focus should be on eating whole, minimally processed carbs sources.
39. Starchy vegetables like corn, peas and potatoes are also high in carbs.
40. Whole grain bread has less refined carbs than white bread.
41. High-carbs meals tend to make me tired after eating.
42. Consuming too many refined carbs may increase the risk for diabetes.
43. A low-carb diet can help with PCOS and insulin resistance issues.
44. Limiting carb intake between meals may aid weight loss.
45. Bananas are an excellent source of complex carbs.
46. I try to keep my carb intake under 100 grams per day.
47. The pizza is loaded with carbs but I'm going to indulge just this once.
48. Low-carb diets are popular for quick weight loss.
49. My doctor recommends fewer gluten-containing and high-glycemic carbs.
50. Legumes such as beans, lentils and chickpeas are high in complex carbs.
51. Healthy carb choices include whole grains, starchy vegetables and some fruit.
52. I ate so many carbs today that I expect to gain a couple pounds overnight.
53. Some people obtain more energy from carbs while others feel sluggish after eating them.
54. Steer clear of candies, cookies and other high-sugar carb options.
55. People typically categorize food as proteins, fats or carbs.
56. For my metabolism, low-carb meals work best for weight loss.
57. Carbs are converted into glucose which the body uses for energy.
58. She switched to almond flour to reduce the carbs in her baking.
59. Complex carbs take longer to digest and absorb, helping with blood sugar control.
60. Exercise helps the body use carbs from food more efficiently.

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