Carnalis example sentences
Related (5): pleasure, physicality, desire, indulgence, sensuality
sexual, sensual, erotic, lustful, lascivious, libidinous, lecherous, licentious, lewd, prurient, salacious, coarse, gross, lubricious, venereal, physical, bodily, corporeal, spiritual"Carnalis" Example Sentences
"Carnalis" is not a common English word. Did you perhaps mean "carnal"? Carnal means relating to physical desires and appetites.1. Their relationship was purely carnal.
2. She gave in to her carnal desires.
3. The two lovers fulfilled their carnal needs with one another.
4. He pursued her with carnal intentions.
5. Their fleshly, carnal attraction eventually led to love.
6. She resisted his carnal advances.
7. She thought their relationship was more than just carnal.
8. They tried to suppress their carnal urges.
9. He sought only to satisfy his carnal lust.
10. Their carnal relationship became loveless and routine.
11. The bishop condemned their carnal affair.
12. Their attraction was initially carnal but soon became deeper.
13. They satisfied their carnal cravings with each other.
14. Their carnal pleasures soon gave way to affection.
15. She refused his carnal overtures.
16. His carnal appetites got the better of him.
17. Their attraction began as carnal but soon grew into love.
18. Their sinful, carnal passions eventually consumed them.
19. They attempted to keep their carnal urges in check.
20. Their relationship began with carnal desire but soon evolved into love.
21. Their carnal obsession took over their lives.
22. Their relationship remained purely carnal and physical.
23. They started seeing each other solely for carnal gratification.
24. At first, he only wanted her for carnal pleasure.
25. Their carnal needs brought them together.
26. At first, their relationship focused purely on carnal pleasure.
27. She refused to give in to his carnal advances.
28. He realized their relationship was more than just carnal.
29. His carnal desires eventually drove them apart.
30. They bonded over satisfying each other's carnal needs.
31. Their carnal lust grew into affection and eventually love.
32. She finally gave in to his persistent carnal desires.
33. Their relationship had started out purely carnal.
34. Their fleshly desires eventually consumed them.
35. They came together to satisfy their carnal appetites.
36. His carnal obsession eventually drove her away.
37. She resisted his persistent carnal advances.
38. Their relationship began as a carnal affair but soon developed real love.
39. They found comfort satisfying each other's carnal needs.
40. His carnal hunger finally drove her away.
41. They bonded over fulfilling each other's carnal appetites.
42. Their attraction at first felt purely carnal.
43. His carnal needs eventually pushing them apart.
44. Their physical desires eventually became more than just carnal.
45. His carnal desires nearly destroyed their relationship.
46. Their carnal beginnings eventually grew into intimacy.
47. His carnal obsession soon drove her away.
48. Their carnal affair gradually evolved into real romance.
49. Their initial carnal desires eventually blossomed into love.
50. His relentless carnal pursuit eventually wore her down.
51. At first his intentions seemed purely carnal.
52. Their relationship began as carnal but soon evolved into intimacy.
53. Her need for intimacy eventually surpassed his carnal desires.
54. Her resistance to his carnal advances eventually melted away.
55. His carnal appetite eventually outgrew their relationship.
56. They came together to satisfy their base carnal hungers.
57. His carnal demands eventually drove her away.
58. Their initially sinful carnal relationship grew into real intimacy.
59. His insatiable carnal desires eventually consumed their relationship.
60. Their appetite for each other began purely carnally but gradually became more.
Common Phases
1. Potius spiritualis quam carnalis sum. (I am spiritual rather than carnal. )
2. Neglegit carnalem amicitiam et quaerebat amicitiam divinam. (He neglected carnal friendship and sought divine friendship.)
3. Excitabo illos ad gaudium spirituale in loco doloris carnalis. (I will rouse them to spiritual joy in the place of carnal sorrow.)
4. Fugi carnalem luxuriam et quaere castitatem. (Flee carnal luxury and seek chastity.)
5. Per exercise carnale corpus robustum fit. (Through carnal exercise the body becomes strong.)
6. Pugno contra cupiditates carnales. (I struggle against carnal desires.)
7. Ille anhelabat ad divitias carnales. (He longed for carnal riches.)
8. Esurio et sitio iustitiam, non carnalia. (I hunger and thirst for righteousness, not for carnal things.)
9. Religio mea non est carnalis sed spiritualis. (My religion is not carnal but spiritual.)
10. Carnalis amor mutabilis est, amor autem divinus sempiternus. (Carnal love is changeable, but divine love is eternal.)
11. Uxor mea mihi cara est, sed non carnaliter sed spiritualiter. (My wife is dear to me, but not in a carnal way but in a spiritual way.)
12. Desiderium carnale semper deficit, desiderium spirituale numquam deficiet. (Carnal desire always fails, but spiritual desire will never fail.)
13. Vita carnalis brevis est, vita spiritualis aeterna est. (The carnal life is short, the spiritual life is eternal.)
14. Anima carnale delectatur in vanitate mundi, anima spiritualis delectatur in veritate divina. (The carnal soul takes delight in the vanity of the world, the spiritual soul takes delight in divine truth.)
15. Contemne muscas carnales et sequere leonem spiritualem. (Despise carnal flies and follow the spiritual lion.)
16. Laetus sum licet pauper, quia sum dives in animo non carnali sed spirituali. (I am happy though poor, because I am rich in a soul not carnal but spiritual.)
17. Fili, resiste cupiditatibus carnalibus et vince eas viribus spiritualibus. (Son, resist carnal desires and overcome them with spiritual forces.)
18. Caro carnaliter cogitat, spiritus spiritualiter. (The flesh thinks carnally, the spirit thinks spiritually.)
19. Desideria mea carnalia mortua sunt et viva sunt desideria spiritualia. (My carnal desires are dead and my spiritual desires live.)
20. Luxuria carnalis amat tcnebras, castitas spiritualis amat lucem. (Carnal lust loves darkness, spiritual chastity loves light.)
21. Utere carnalibus moderate ut valeas ad spiritualia. (Use carnal things in moderation so that you may be strong for spiritual things.)
22. Contemne carnalia et apprehendc spiritualia. (Despise carnal things and lay hold of spiritual things.)
23. Vincit amor Christi super omne amorem carnalem. (The love of Christ conquers all carnal love.)
24. Carnalis homo non percipit ea quae sunt Spiritus Dei. (The carnal man does not comprehend the things of the Spirit of God.)
25. Contemne estimationem carnalem et apprehendc aestimationem spiritualem. (Despise carnal esteem and lay hold of spiritual esteem.)
26. Rerum carnalium abundantia saepe nocet, rerum spiritualium abundantia semper prodest. (The abundance of carnal things often harms, the abundance of spiritual things always profits.)
27. Anima quae fructificat in spiritualibus non indiget multiplici messc carnalium. (A soul that bears fruit in spiritual things has no need of a plentiful carnal harvest.)
28. Saepe difficultas carnalis est occasio virtutis spiritualis. (Often carnal difficulty is the occasion for spiritual virtue.)
29. Fili, sperne negotia carnalia et intendc negotiis spiritualibus. (Son, despise carnal business and apply yourself to spiritual business.)
30. Appetitus carnalis facit hominem servum sui ipsius, appetitus spiritualis facit hominem liberum in Christo. (Carnal desire makes a man a slave to himself, spiritual desire makes a man free in Christ.)
31. Si esses spiritualis non quaeres gloriam carnalem. (If you were spiritual you would not seek carnal glory.)
32. Caro suggerit Satanam carnaliter, spiritus fugat Satanam spiritualiter. (The flesh suggests Satan carnally, the spirit drives away Satan spiritually.)
33. Liberatio a servitute carnali adducit in libertatem spiritualem. (Deliverance from carnal bondage brings spiritual freedom.)
34. Esuries et sities iustitiam ut expleas esuriem carnalem et sitim carnalem. (You will hunger and thirst for righteousness so as to satisfy your carnal hunger and thirst.)
35. Sapientia carnalis est stultitia coram Deo, sapientia autem spiritualis accepta est coram eo. (Carnal wisdom is folly before God, but spiritual wisdom is acceptable to him.)
36. Pueritia carnalis debet cessare ut incipias virilitas spiritualis. (Carnal childhood must cease so that you may begin spiritual manhood.)
37. Vir unus carnalis mortuus est pro peccatis nostris carnalibus. (One man, though carnal, died for our carnal sins.)
38. Non amabis carnaliter sed amabis spiritualiter. (You will not love carnally but love spiritually.)
39. Deus desiderat sacrificium spirituale non carnale. (God desires a spiritual sacrifice not a carnal one.)
40. Nemo potest Deo servire simul carnaliter et spiritualiter. (No one is able to serve God at the same time both carnally and spiritually.)
41. Multi amici carnales sunt et pauci spirituales. (Many friends are carnal and few are spiritual.)
42. Durities carnalis est vulnus spirituale. (Carnal hardness is a spiritual wound.)
43. Vinc carnales desideria viribus divinis et fis spiritualis. (Overcome carnal desires with divine powers and become spiritual.)
44. Carnalis timor fugit ante periculum, spiritualis fortitudo concrescit in periculo. (Carnal fear flees before danger, spiritual courage grows stronger in danger.)
45. In simplicitate sum carnaliter et in astutia sum spiritualiter. (I am simple carnally and wise spiritually.)
46. Juventus carnalis debet converti in senectutem spiritualem. (Carnal youth ought to change into spiritual old age.)
47. Exerce carnalia ut valeas pro spiritualibus. (Exercise carnal things so that you may be strong for spiritual things.)
48. Amor carnalis est transitorius, amor spiritualis sempiternus. (Carnal love is transitory, spiritual love everlasting.)
49. Vicit Adam carnaliter; Christus vicit spiritualiter. (Adam conquered carnally; Christ conquered spiritually.)
50. Vivam non mihi sed Christo qui vicit carnaliter et spiritualiter. (I will live not for myself but for Christ who conquered both carnally and spiritually.)
51. Oportet me mori carnaliter ut possim vivere spiritualiter. (I must die carnally in order to be able to live spiritually.)
52. Veni ut damnares carnaliter et redimeres spiritualiter. (You came to condemn carnally and redeem spiritually.)
53. Bonum carnale cito transit; bonum spirituale semper manet. (Carnal good quickly passes away; spiritual good always remains.)
54. Deus dedit mihi munera carnalia, sed ego quaero munera spiritualia. (God has given me carnal gifts, but I seek spiritual gifts.)
55. Non militem carnaliter sed spiritualiter. (I will not fight carnally but spiritually.)
56. Laetor quod vici carnaliter in corpore sed vici etiam spiritualiter in animo. (I rejoice that I
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