Contribute example sentences

Related (8): donate, support, give, provide, assist, subsidize, back, participate

"Contribute" Example Sentences

1. The fundraiser hopes to contribute $10,000 to the charity.
2. I hope to contribute my time and talents for a good cause.
3. His innovative ideas contributed greatly to the project's success.
4. The employees were asked to contribute ideas for improvement.
5. Scientists continue to contribute new discoveries to their field.
6. The student contributed an essay to the school literary magazine.
7. The family hoped to contribute to the down payment for a new house.
8. Many factors contributed to the company's financial troubles.
9. Her research contributed important new insights into the problem.
10. His many years of knowledge and experience contribute to his wisdom.
11. The volunteers contributed their labor to build houses for the needy.
12. The economic recession contributed to rising unemployment rates.
13. I hope to contribute more of my free time to charitable efforts.
14. His volunteer work contributes to improving his community.
15. The donation will contribute to funding a new library wing.
16. The witnesses contributed valuable clues to solving the mystery.
17. Their hard work contributed to the success of the event.
18. The business owner hopes to contribute to economic growth in the area.
19. Her kindness contributes greatly to the positive atmosphere at work.
20. The scientists contributed meaningfully to their respective fields.
21. Pollution contributed to the decline of fish populations.
22. Experts continue to contribute new insights into the problem.
23. Her generous donation will contribute to the scholarship fund.
24. The misunderstanding contributed to tension in the relationship.
25. The charity hopes the event will contribute $200,000 this year.
26. Global climate change contributes to rising sea levels.
27. The engineer hopes his ideas will contribute to better products.
28. She hopes her blog will make a positive contribution to society.
29. Your positive attitude contributes to a happy and healthy life.
30. His articles have contributed significantly to the scientific journal.
31. The lawyer hopes to contribute pro bono work to underprivileged clients.
32. Pollution contributes to the degradation of our natural habitats.
33. The teacher hopes to contribute quality education to her students.
34. Overuse of natural resources contributes to environmental problems.
35. Please feel free to contribute your ideas and suggestions.
36. The candidates were asked to contribute new policy proposals.
37. The theory contributed important context for understanding the issue.
38. The chef hopes his culinary skills will contribute to the success of the restaurant.
39. Weather conditions contributed to the poor harvest that year.
40. Teamwork and collaboration contribute greatly to innovation.
41. I hope my donations will continue to contribute to important causes.
42. The investors hoped their money would contribute to future growth.
43. Misinformation continues to contribute to the misunderstanding.
44. The company hopes its products will continue to contribute meaningfully.
45. The musician hopes his music will make a positive contribution.
46. His artworks contribute beauty and inspiration to public spaces.
47. The founder hopes his venture will contribute jobs to the community.
48. The writer contributed humor and wisdom through her column.
49. His inventions have contributed greatly to modern society.
50. Please feel free to contribute your thoughts to the ongoing discussion.

Common Phases

1. She contributed $50 to the charity fundraiser.
2. His research contributed greatly to the scientific community's understanding of the problem.
3. The volunteers contributed their time and energy to helping rebuild the community center after the fire.
4. Their combined talents contributed to the success of the project.
5. Their donations contributed toward buying new equipment for the school.
6. Your ideas and suggestions will contribute to making this a better place to work.
7. The celebrity contributed $1 million to help fund the new children's hospital.
8. Students were asked to contribute an item of clothing for the homeless shelter.
9. The extra revenue will contribute toward funding the new program.
10. Her name will always contribute to the long list of distinguished alumni from the university.
11. The pollution contributed to the poor air quality.
12. Factors that contribute to rising health care costs include an aging population and higher drug costs.
13. We all contributed what we could to help the family after the accident.
14. He contributed many amazing songs to the music world.
15. His story contributed greatly to drawing attention to the issue.
16. Their hard work contributed much of the company's early success.
17. Factors that contribute to global warming include burning fossil fuels and deforestation.
18. She contributed a delicious potluck dish to the office party.
19. Thank you for contributing your feedback and suggestions.
20. The group discussed how each member could contribute their skills and strengths.
21. His inventions contributed significantly to modern technology.
22. The music contributed to creating a festive atmosphere.
23. The article failed to contribute any new information on the topic.
24. Their efforts contributed to making the event a success.
25. The discovery could contribute toward finding a cure.
26. Several factors contribute to the rising costs.
27. His vote contributed to passing the bill into law.
28. The students were asked to contribute ideas for the school project.
29. Their fundraising efforts contributed thousands of dollars to the charity.
30. Team members were asked to each contribute what they could to the presentation.
31. The writer contributed four novels to literature during his lifetime.
32. The teacher encouraged students to contribute to class discussions.
33. Volunteers contributed much-needed labor and materials for the relief effort.
34. The new machines will contribute to increasing our productivity.
35. His research findings contributed significantly to the field.
36. They contributed desks and chairs to the new school.
37. The students were asked to contribute examples from their own experience.
38. Lack of exercise contributes to obesity and other health problems.
39. Safety training will contribute to reducing accidents in the workplace.
40. The drug may contribute to Parkinson's disease later in life.
41. Social interaction contributes to mental well-being.
42. Overeating contributes to many health problems.
43. Cigarette smoking contributes to thousands of deaths each year.
44. Pollution of our waterways contributes to the decline of marine wildlife.
45. Forgiveness can contribute to feelings of relief and peace.
46. Lack of sleep contributes to poor job performance and accidents.
47. The farmer contributed fresh produce to the food drive.
48. The activists contributed their story to raising awareness of the issue.
49. Do your part and contribute what you can.
50. Our internship program contributes many valuable new employees every year.
51. She contributed some helpful ideas to the discussion.
52. The best chefs contribute their own signature twist to the recipes.
53. Technology contributes greatly to our modern lifestyle.
54. Helping others contributes to building a stronger community.
55. Environmental damage contributes to conflict and displacement of people.
56. Their experiences contributed much to shaping their views on life.
57. Diet contributes significantly to health and longevity.
58. Baked goods were contributed to the bake sale fundraiser.
59. Employee morale contributes to productivity and overall company success.
60. Different art forms contribute to our cultural richness and diversity.

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