Categorize example sentences
Related (18): classify, group, sort, organize, catalog, label, file, arrange, compartmentalize, systematize, differentiate, distinguish, divide, grade, rank, assign, index, tabulate.
"Categorize" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. We can categorize the books into fiction and nonfiction.
2. Scientists categorize living things into domains, kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species.
3. Online stores categorize their products into departments to make them easier for customers to browse and locate items.
4. The grocer categorizes the produce into fruits and vegetables.
5. The museum categorizes its exhibits based on time period and genre.
6. They categorized the letters into piles of junk mail, bills, and personal mail.
7. Companies categorize their customers based on spending habits and demographic profiles.
8. The options can be categorized as basic, standard, or premium.
9. The zoo categorizes its animals by habitat types like arctic, desert, rainforest, and savanna.
10. People can be categorized according to age, gender, race, income level, and profession.
11. Employees are categorized as hourly or salaried workers.
12. Political parties divide candidates into categories like conservative, moderate, and liberal.
13. Restaurant menus categorize entrees as appetizers, soups and salads, main courses, and desserts.
14. The chemicals can be categorized as acids, bases, or neutrals.
15. The labels help categorize the items as either dangerous or safe for use.
16. We tend to automatically categorize people based on first impressions.
17. The outcomes were categorized as positive, neutral, and negative.
18. The students were told to categorize the sentences as statements, questions, or commands.
19. The viewers tend to categorize the characters as either heroes or villains.
20. The options can be categorized as passive, moderate, and aggressive.
21. The job postings were categorized into entry-level, mid-level, and executive positions.
22. The causes were categorized as either environmental, economic, or social issues.
23. I recommend categorizing the tasks into high priority, medium priority, and low priority.
24. We categorized the responses as strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.
25. The judge categorized the evidence as either admissible or inadmissible in court.
26. Categorize the applicants into three piles based on their qualifications.
27. The professor will categorize the assignments into three buckets based on difficulty.
28. The athletes were categorized into groups based on age and skill level.
29. The roles were initially categorized as either leading or supporting characters.
30. The magazines were categorized into topics like fashion, sports, travel, and technology.
31. The new hires will be categorized as either full-time or part-time employees.
32. The products are categorized into groups for easier shopping and comparison.
33. The historical events were categorized by decade and by geographic region.
34. We must categorize the options more accurately to make the best decision.
35. The arguments were categorized as either valid or invalid.
36. The games were categorized as either single-player or multiplayer options.
37. The counties were categorized by population size and by population density.
38. Chemical compounds are categorized into families based on their chemical structures.
39. The topics must be clearly categorized and labeled to avoid confusion.
40. The complaints were categorized into either valid or invalid claims.
41. Let's categorize these ideas into three distinct sections for the proposal.
42. The professor categorized the students into small groups for the semester project.
43. His work life was easily categorized into busy seasons and slower seasons.
44. The data will need to be categorized into logical groups before analysis.
45. The librarian will categorize the new books by subject and then alphabetize them.
46. The colors can be categorized as either warm, cool, muted, or bright.
47. The teacher categorized the students into groups based on reading level.
48. The financial planner categorized his clients into risk profiles.
49. The options will need to be further categorized in order to narrow down our choices.
50. I recommend categorizing your tasks between those that are urgent and important.
51. The strategies were categorized as offensive, defensive, or neutral.
52. The teacher will categorize the questions into those that require factual and conceptual answers.
53. The genres were categorized as either fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.
54. The responses were categorized into three groups: positive, neutral, and negative.
55. The arguments were categorized as either deductive or inductive.
56. The reports were categorized based on their status as draft, final, or approved versions.
57. The dishes were categorized into appetizers, soups, entrees, and desserts.
58. The teaching methods were categorized as teacher-centered or student-centered.
59. The accounts must be categorized by client and date for ease of filing and auditing.
60. Let's categorize our goals into both short-term and long-term objectives.