Celtic example sentences

Related (13): druid, Gaelic, Scotland, Ireland, Welsh, Picts, Eire, Breton, Galicia, Cornish, Manx, Ulster, Highlands

"Celtic" Example Sentences

1. Celtic mythology is full of fascinating stories.
2. The Celtic cross is a symbol of faith and spirituality.
3. The Celts were a powerful and influential people in Europe.
4. Celtic music is a unique and beautiful style of music.
5. The Celtic knot is an intricate symbol of eternity and interconnectedness.
6. The Celtic tribes were known for their fierce warriors and skilled artisans.
7. Celtic art is renowned for its intricate and beautiful patterns.
8. Celtic culture has had a lasting influence on many aspects of modern life.
9. The Celtic language is a unique and ancient form of communication.
10. Celtic warriors were renowned for their skill and courage in battle.
11. Celtic festivals are celebrated throughout the year with music, dancing, and feasting.
12. The Celtic knotwork is an intricate and beautiful design that is still used today.
13. Celtic jewelry is a popular and timeless fashion accessory.
14. The Celts were an ancient people with a rich and varied culture.
15. Celtic mythology is full of stories of gods and goddesses, heroes and villains.
16. Celtic knotwork is a beautiful and intricate design that has been used for centuries.
17. The Celts were a powerful and influential people in Europe and beyond.
18. Celtic music is a unique and beautiful style of music that is still popular today.
19. The Celtic cross is a powerful symbol of faith and spirituality.
20. Celtic warriors were renowned for their skill and courage in battle and were feared by their enemies.
21. The Celts were an ancient people with a rich and varied culture that has had a lasting influence on many aspects of modern life.
22. Celtic festivals are celebrated throughout the year with music, dancing, and feasting, and are a great way to experience the culture.
23. Celtic art is renowned for its intricate and beautiful patterns and designs.
24. The Celtic language is a unique and ancient form of communication that is still used today.
25. Celtic jewelry is a popular and timeless fashion accessory that is still worn today.
26. Celtic mythology is full of fascinating stories of gods and goddesses, heroes and villains.
27. The Celtic knotwork is an intricate and beautiful design that is still used in art and jewelry today.
28. Celtic warriors were renowned for their skill and courage in battle, and were feared by their enemies.
29. The Celts were an ancient people with a rich and varied culture, and their influence can still be seen today.
30. Celtic music is a unique and beautiful style of music that has been enjoyed for centuries.
31. The Celtic cross is a powerful symbol of faith and spirituality that has been used for centuries.
32. Celtic festivals are celebrated throughout the year with music, dancing, and feasting, and are a great way to experience the culture and traditions of the Celts.
33. Celtic art is renowned for its intricate and beautiful patterns and designs, and is still popular today.
34. The Celtic language is a unique and ancient form of communication that is still used in some parts of the world.
35. Celtic jewelry is a popular and timeless fashion accessory that is still worn today and is a great way to show off your Celtic pride.
36. Celtic mythology is full of fascinating stories of gods and goddesses, heroes and villains, and is still an important part of modern culture.
37. The Celtic knotwork is an intricate and beautiful design that has been used for centuries in art and jewelry.
38. Celtic warriors were renowned for their skill and courage in battle, and were feared by their enemies for their ferocity and strength.
39. The Celts were an ancient people with a rich and varied culture, and their influence can still be seen in many aspects of modern life.
40. Celtic festivals are celebrated throughout the year with music, dancing, and feasting, and are a great way to experience the culture and traditions of the Celts and to honor their legacy.

Common Phases

Celtic Knotwork; Celtic Cross; Celtic Mythology; Celtic Music; Gaelic Language; Interlace Pattern; Celtic Design; Celtic Art; Celtic Symbols; Irish Dance.

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