Centermost example sentences
- adjective form of center
centre (noun) · centres (plural noun) · center (noun) · centers (plural noun)
- the middle point of a circle or sphere, equidistant from every point on the circumference or surface.
- a point or part that is equally distant from all sides, ends, or surfaces of something:
- a political party or group holding moderate opinions:
- (in many sports) the middle player in a line or group:
- the player who is positioned near the basket and is typically tallest on the team:
- a core, such as the filling in a piece of chocolate:
- a pivot or axis of rotation:
- short for center field.
- a conical adjustable support for a workpiece in a lathe or similar machine.
- the point from which an activity or process is directed, or on which it is focused:
- the most important place in the respect specified:
- a place or group of buildings where a specified activity is concentrated:
- occur mainly in or around (a specified place):
- have or cause to have (a specified concern or theme):
- place in the middle:
- (in soccer, hockey, and other team games) kick, hit, or throw the ball from the side to the middle of the playing area:
- pass (the ball) back from the ground to another player to begin a down; snap:
- play the central position in (a line of three forwards):