Ceremoniousness example sentences

Related (10): pomp, formality, decorum, protocol, protocolar, etiquette, ritualistic, punctiliousness, courtliness, solemnity.



  - noun form of ceremonious



ceremonious (adjective)

  - relating or appropriate to grand and formal occasions:

  - excessively polite; punctilious:


ceremonious, dignified, majestic, imposing, impressive, solemn, stately, regal, imperial, elegant, grand, glorious, splendid, magnificent, resplendent, important, august, portentous, formal, courtly, punctilious, courteous, civil, deferential, stiff, rigid, affected, measured, deliberate, precise, scrupulous, starchy, unceremonious

"Ceremoniousness" Example Sentences

1. The celebration was marked with great ceremoniousness and splendor.
2. She appreciated the dignified ceremoniousness of the occasion.
3. The ceremoniousness of the inauguration ceremony symbolized the gravitas of the office.
4. The coronation proceedings were marked by excessive ceremoniousness and pageantry.
5. The ceremoniousness of their greeting belied the informality of their relationship.
6. The ritualistic ceremoniousness seemed out of place in our modern world.
7. The ceremony was marked by needless formalism and ceremoniousness.
8. The ceremoniousness of the ancient ritual had been largely lost over time.
9. The ceremoniousness of the induction made her feel like she had truly joined an elite group.
10. The ceremoniousness surrounding the crowning of a new king had changed little over the centuries.
11. They viewed the ceremoniousness surrounding weddings as superfluous and antiquated.
12. The excessive ceremoniousness around her promotion seemed contrived and performative.
13. The ceremoniousness of their celebration felt excessive and over the top.
14. The ceremoniousness of the proceedings lent an air of gravitas and historical weight.
15. The excessive ceremoniousness of the event made it tiresome rather than enjoyable.
16. There was an impersonal ceremoniousness to their daily greetings.
17. They criticized the ceremoniousness of the church service as needless ritual and pretense.
18. His ceremoniousness during the proceedings seemed forced and awkward.
19. The ceremoniousness surrounding a knighthood stemmed from a bygone era.
20. He viewed the ceremoniousness of etiquette rules as signs of a stiflingly rigid class system.
21. She appreciated the tradition and dignified ceremoniousness of a state funeral.
22. The ceremoniousness of the holiday celebrations added to their charm and festivity.
23. The ceremoniousness of their farewells belied their closeness as siblings.
24. The ceremoniousness surrounding graduations seems unnecessary in this modern age.
25. Some saw the ceremoniousness of oaths of office as an anachronism in a post-religious society.
26. Modern audiences often find the ceremoniousness of Shakespearean language stilted and artificial.
27. Her ceremoniousness around holidays suggested an overly nostalgic connection to rituals of the past.
28. They viewed with suspicion the excessive ceremoniousness surrounding religious observances.
29. The ceremoniousness made the usual family dinner feel like a special occasion.
30. Her ceremoniousness masked a deeply insecure personality.
31. He viewed the ceremoniousness surrounding debutante balls as an outdated social ritual.
32. The ceremoniousness of the public commemoration seemed pointless when compared to acts of true compassion.
33. His disdain for ceremoniousness led him to skip many traditional rituals.
34. They criticized the ceremoniousness of graduations as waste of time and resources.
35. The ceremoniousness around weddings showed how people cling to outdated traditions.
36. Audiences found the ceremoniousness and pageantry of the royal wedding refreshing and heartwarming.
37. The ceremoniousness surrounding American presidential inaugurations remains little changed since Andrew Jackson.
38. The celebrants complained that the ceremoniousness surrounding the rite diminished its true spiritual meaning.
39. The traditional ceremoniousness around religious services appealed to her nostalgic sensibility.
40. Their ceremoniousness suggested a formality in their relationship that had long since disappeared.
41. Modern church weddings tend toward excessive ceremoniousness at the expense of substance.
42. The ceremoniousness surrounding prizewinners seemed disproportionate considering their achievements.
43. The ceremoniousness surrounding religious rituals often serves to mask human failings.
44. He viewed with disfavor the excessive ceremoniousness surrounding academic ceremonies.
45. Audiences found the ceremoniousness of the Oscar ceremony gratuitous and outdated.
46. His ceremoniousness masked deep feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
47. Some saw excessive ceremoniousness as a way for institutions to parade their tradition and importance.
48. The ceremoniousness surrounding the burial felt hypocritical given his lonely life.
49. The ceremoniousness of the ceremony surprised and moved them despite their secular outlook.
50. The ceremoniousness surrounding historical events helps lend them a sense of seriousness and gravitas.
51. Critics viewed the ceremoniousness surrounding professional sports as strange spectacle for entertainment.
52. They criticized as hypocritical the ceremoniousness surrounding memorials for the deceased.
53. The ceremoniousness surrounding awards ceremonies often fails to match the true worth of those honored.
54. The ceremoniousness surrounding rituals helps people feel like they're part of something lasting and significant.
55. The ceremoniousness made it feel like a significant event despite its small scale.
56. His disdain for ceremoniousness extended even to his own birthday celebrations.
57. The ceremonial robes and other trappings added a solemn ceremoniousness to the occasion.
58. He valued more than ceremoniousness the spirit of goodwill that animated the celebration.
59. The ceremoniousness contrasted sharply with the informality of how they spoke to one another.
60. The ceremoniousness surrounding religious services belied their lack of spiritual meaning for congregants.

Common Phases

1. With great ceremoniousness
2. marked by ceremoniousness
3. characterized by ceremoniousness
4. a needless/excessive ceremoniousness
5. the ceremoniousness of the occasion
6. the ceremoniousness surrounding ~
7. criticize the ceremoniousness of ~
8. mask/hide under a facade of ceremoniousness
9. a disdain for ceremoniousness
10. belied the lack of ceremoniousness
11. the ceremoniousness seemed forced
12. ceremoniousness for ceremoniousness' sake

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