Gummy example sentences

Related (5): chewy, sticky, elastic, jelly-like, adhesive

"Gummy" Example Sentences

1. The package of gummy bears got stuck in my braces.
2. I love chewing on gummy candy after dinner.
3. The dentist had to scrape the gummy remains of the candy from my teeth.
4. The used piece of gum was stuck gummy and hardened on the bottom of my shoe.
5. The glue had become gummy over time and barely held the piece of wood together.
6. My niece got into my gummy vitamin bottle and ate half the bottle.
7. The toddler grabbed the gummy worms and stuffed a handful into his mouth.
8. The gummy candies got stuck in the toddler's fine hair.
9. The gummy texture of oatmeal cookies is one of my favorite things about them.
10. My dentures felt gummy after I had forgotten them in the cup overnight.
11. The once gooey marshmallows were now gummy and stuck to the inside of the bag.
12. The gelatin had become gummy and barely jiggled anymore.
13. Make sure to chew your gummy bears thoroughly so you don't choke.
14. The gummy candy got stuck in my braces, and I had to work it loose with my tongue.
15. The gummy residue from the edible glitter made my fingers feel sticky.
16. My niece begged me to buy her the entire display of gummy worms at the drugstore.
17. When the unopened pack of gummy bears stayed in the hot car, they melted into a gummy mass.
18. My toddler ended up with gummy candy stuck in his hair and all over his face.
19. After years of neglect, the caulk around the bathtub had turned gummy and brown.
20. The glue had a gummy residue left behind after it dried.
21. My brother's dentures began to feel uncomfortable when they got gummy from his morning coffee.
22. The piece of gum had become gummy and discolored from being stuck under the desk for so long.
23. It took me forever to get the gummy candy out of my braces wires.
24. The toddler had his face, hands, and hair covered in gummy residue from the packet of gummies.
25. The custard had thickened to a gummy consistency overnight.
26. The adhesive had started to become gummy and ineffective.
27. The gummy worms made my niece's teeth and lips sticky for hours.
28. The old piece of gum on the sidewalk was hardened, discolored and gummy.
29. The glue had a gummy, tacky residue left behind after the paper tore loose.
30. The pack of gummy vitamins was spotted sitting on the counter by the curious toddler.
31. The adhesive became gummy and ineffective in the high heat and humidity.
32. My mom loves gummy candies but she has to hide them from her grandkids.
33. After months of neglect, the silicone caulk had turned gummy and discolored.
34. The toddler found the pack of gummy worms and made a slimy, sticky mess of herself.
35. The gummy candies melted and got stuck in the toddler's hair and clothes.
36. The starburst candies left my fingers feeling sticky and gummy.
37. The old glue had hardened into a gummy, yellow substance.
38. My niece licked the gummy residue off her fingers after devouring a pack of gummies.
39. The young child covered her hands, face, and hair in gummy residue from the gummy bears.
40. The glue bottle had become gummy and mostly useless over time.

41. My brother's teeth feel gummy and uncomfortable after he drinks coffee.
42. The gummy candy left a sticky residue on the toddler's hands and face.
43. After sitting out in the sun, the gummy worms became soft and melted together.
44. The toddlers hands and mouth were covered in gummy residue from her packet of fruit snacks.
45. The gummy texture of the candy left a film on my teeth and tongue.
46. The spilled melted gummy bears stuck to the carpet and hardened into a gummy mess.
47. The caulk around the tub and tiles had turned gummy and tan from years of humidity.
48. The toddler's fine blonde hair was covered in sticky red gummy residue.
49. My niece gorged herself on gummy worms until her teeth and fingers were sticky.
50. The tape had become gummy and essentially useless over the years.

Common Phases

1. The old candy was gummy and stuck in my teeth.
2. The little boy had a gummy smile with his front teeth missing.
3. I had a gummy bear candy after lunch.
4. The dentures were loose and gummy.
5. My gum feels gummy and sore after the long flight.
6. The squash plants produced thick gummy strands to grow along the wire support.
7. The nurse used a gummy swab to clean my injury.
8. The young puppy had gummy teeth ready to cut through.
9. The melted chocolate felt gummy and sticky.
10. The gelatin dessert had a gummy texture that I did not enjoy.
11. The old piece of taffy stuck to my fingers and felt gummy.
12. My lips were dry and a little gummy in the cold weather.
13. The sheets of bubblegum felt gummy after chewing so long.
14. The old candy apple had a gummy coating.
15. The plant sap on my hands dried into a gummy residue.
16. The old chewing gum under the desk was brown and gummy.
17. The adhesive tape lost its stickiness and became gummy.
18. The adhesive on the back of the postage stamp was gummy and failed to stick.
19. The old putty felt hard and brittle around the edges but gummy in the middle.
20. The toddler had a gummy mess of food all over his face from dinner.
21. The fruit slices felt gummy and soft after sitting out too long.
22. The shelf paper had peeled up and become gummy.
23. The door seal felt moist and gummy on one side.
24. The gummy residue stained the side of the carton.
25. The baby's pacifier felt gummy and covered in drool.
26. The open container of yogurt in the fridge grew a gummy layer on top.
27. I scrubbed at the gummy stain on the rug but couldn't get it clean.
28. The leftover rice pudding in the refrigerator became gummy and unappetizing.
29. The old pack of silicone caulk had a gummy substance oozing from one end.
30. The grass grew tall then fell over to form thick gummy mats.
31. The glue bottle had become old and gummy, making it difficult to get any out.
32. The earthworms in the shallow pan secreted a gummy slime as they writhed about.
33. The old piece of birthday cake felt dry and gummy.
34. The glue stick felt gummy and lacked adhesive strength.
35. The page edges of the old book became yellowed and gummy.
36. I used a cheese grater to remove the gummy coating from the carrots.
37. The gummy layer left behind after boiling potatoes.
38. The sticky residue left behind was thick and gummy.
39. The gelatin felt gummy and jiggled rather than held its shape.
40. The book binding had begun to feel moist and gummy.
41. I peeled off the gummy label from the old jar.
42. The moth larvae left behind a thick gummy substance.
43. My dentures felt gummy and ill-fitting after leaving them overnight.
44. The old felt pad had become cracked and gummy over time.
45. The gummy residue required mineral spirits to remove.
46. The tree sap on the walkway had dried into thick gummy globs.
47. The lollipop stick became gummy and flexed easily after chewing.
48. The fruit leather felt gummy and stuck to my teeth.
49. I fed the golf balls through a de-gummer to remove the gummy soap residue.
50. The old contact lenses felt gummy and uncomfortable in my eyes.
51. The clay pot had a gummy finish on the exterior.
52. The lid seal had become hardened and gummy, refusing to pull away cleanly.
53. The old rubber glove had a limp and gummy feel instead of being taut.
54. The tube of ointment was dried out and gummy around the edges.
55. The gummy sediment at the bottom of the jar clogged the funnel.
56. The suitcase handle was covered in a thick gummy substance.
57. The gummy scum had formed along the rim of the bucket.
58. The gummy residue took multiple passes with the scraper to remove.
59. The plant was coated in a thick gummy substance that inhibited growth.
60. The marshmallows were browned and had gotten gummy from being over the fire.

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