Chairwomanship example sentences

Related (10): leadership, management, stewardship, directorship, governance, presidency, oversight, administration, control, headship

"Chairwomanship" Example Sentences

1) The Chairwomanship of the committee is a key leadership role.
2) She is the first woman to hold the Chairwomanship in the organization's history.
3) The election for Chairwomanship will take place at the next meeting.
4) Her experience and expertise make her a strong candidate for Chairwomanship.
5) The Chairwomanship carries many responsibilities and duties.
6) She was appointed to the Chairwomanship position after a competitive selection process.
7) With her leadership skills, she has managed to excel in her Chairwomanship role.
8) The Chairwomanship involves leading and coordinating various projects and initiatives.
9) The transition from normal member to Chairwomanship can be challenging.
10) The organization recognizes the Chairwomanship as an essential leadership role.
11) The Chairwomanship position requires effective communication and problem-solving skills.
12) The Chairwomanship term typically lasts for two years.
13) She was thrilled when she was offered the Chairwomanship position.
14) As the new Chairwoman, she is determined to make a positive impact in her community.
15) The current Chairwoman has done an excellent job in leading the committee.
16) The Chairwomanship position is highly respected within the organization.
17) She was nominated for the Chairwomanship position by her colleagues.
18) The Chairwomanship requires strategic planning and decision-making skills.
19) Her dedication and hard work have earned her the Chairwomanship position.
20) She is known for her effective leadership in her previous Chairwomanship roles.
21) The Chairwomanship position is challenging but rewarding.
22) She has successfully managed to balance her Chairwomanship duties with her personal life.
23) The Chairwomanship in this particular committee is a highly sought-after position.
24) As a Chairwoman, she is responsible for leading and motivating her team.
25) The Chairwomanship requires the ability to handle complex issues and conflicts.
26) She is excited to start her new journey in the Chairwomanship role.
27) The previous Chairwoman mentored her to prepare her for the role.
28) She understands the importance of networking and building relationships as a Chairwoman.
29) The Chairwomanship comes with a high level of accountability and transparency.
30) She feels privileged to have been given the opportunity to serve in the Chairwomanship position.

Common Phases

1. Her successful chairwomanship of the company;
2. The committee praised her effective chairwomanship;
3. She showed excellent leadership in her chairwomanship role;
4. The organization benefited greatly from her dedicated chairwomanship;
5. Her chairwomanship of the board was instrumental in the company's growth;
6. Many people were inspired by her fearless chairwomanship;
7. Her fair and inclusive chairwomanship style garnered respect from all members;
8. The team relied on her experienced and steady chairwomanship during challenging times;
9. She was recognized for her outstanding chairwomanship at the awards ceremony;
10. Her visionary chairwomanship brought about positive changes in the organization.

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