Chasteness example sentences

Related (8): abstinence, purity, innocence, virginity, celibacy, modesty, virtue, decency



  - noun form of chaste



chaste (adjective)

  - abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse:

  - not having any sexual nature or intention:

  - without unnecessary ornamentation; simple or restrained:


chaste, virginal, virgin, intact, maidenly, maiden, unmarried, unwed, celibate, abstinent, nunlike, innocent, pure, guiltless, sinless, uncorrupted, incorrupt, uncontaminated, undefiled, unsullied, virtuous, good, decent, moral, proper, decorous, demure, modest, wholesome, upright, immaculate, vestal, continent, promiscuous, immoral, nonsexual, friendly, platonic, innocent, passionate, plain, simple, bare, unadorned, undecorated, unornamented, unembellished, restrained, unaffected, unpretentious, unfussy, uncluttered, functional, spartan, austere, ascetic, monastic, ostentatious

"Chasteness" Example Sentences

1. Her chasteness and purity were unquestionable.
2. The daughter adhered to the strict rules of chasteness imposed upon her.
3. He admired her modesty and chasteness.
4. The monk lived a life of chasteness and celibacy.
5. The nuns demonstrated great chasteness and virtue.
6. Chasteness and modesty are important values to uphold.
7. She dressed and behaved with great chasteness and decorum.
8. The teacher praised the student's chasteness of speech and actions.
9. They demanded chasteness and obedience from female servants.
10. Her beautiful robes could not disguise her lack of chasteness.
11. Her parents had instilled a strong sense of chasteness in her.
12. The maiden valued chasteness above all else.
13. The ideal woman was expected to be a model of chasteness and virtue.
14. Her chasteness was sullied by his unwanted advances.
15. Chasteness of mind and spirit were their central values.
16. The queen lived a life of strict chasteness behind palace walls.
17. Chasteness was presented as the greatest virtue for women.
18. Their chasteness and devotion to God were beyond question.
19. Chasteness was seen as the sign of a good Christian woman.
20. The heroine's chasteness was constantly under threat.
21. Her chasteness was her most cherished possession.
22. Demanding chasteness from servants is often hypocritical.
23. Virginity was seen as an outward sign of inner chasteness.
24. His intentions questioned her claims of chasteness.
25. Poverty and hardship could not diminish her chasteness of spirit.
26. Lack of chasteness often led to social condemnation.
27. True chasteness comes from within, not outward displays.
28. Chasteness was required of all novices entering the convent.
29. Protests against demands for female chasteness grew louder.
30. Enforcing female chasteness often served male desires.
31. Judging people based solely on their outward chasteness is wrong.
32. Her reputation for chasteness had been tarnished.
33. Chasteness became a badge of honor for women.
34. Anything that threatened female chasteness was condemned.
35. Society placed a high value on female chasteness.
36. Female chasteness allowed men greater freedoms.
37. The woman championed women's rights over chasteness.
38. Chasteness was demanded as compensation for women's lack of power.
39. Society's obsession with female chasteness created double standards.
40. Chasteness was equated with morality and virtue.
41. Girls were taught chasteness from an early age.
42. Chasteness and purity were considered feminine ideals.
43. Demanding female chasteness maintained patriarchal systems.
44. True liberation meant freedom from demands of chasteness.
45. Chasteness was seen as the highest virtue for women.
46. Her chasteness won her many admirers.
47. A woman's worth was judged based on her chasteness.
48. She fought against societal demands for female chasteness.
49. Chasteness was rewarded in women yet punished in men.
50. The young woman zealously guarded her chasteness.
51. Chasteness distinguished "good" women from "bad."
52. Feminists fought for women's liberation from chasteness.
53. Double standards hypocritically demanded female chasteness.
54. She battled against social expectations of female chasteness.
55. Her stoic chasteness in the face of adversity inspired many.
56. Chasteness was depicted as beauty's crowning glory in art.
57. Demanding chasteness of women perpetuated patriarchy.
58. Chasteness was considered the feminine ideal.
59. Laws often protected female chasteness over women's basic rights.
60. Women fought for the right to define chasteness on their own terms.

Common Phases

1. She demonstrated chasteness of spirit.
2. A symbol of chasteness and purity.
3. Known for her chasteness and virtue.
4. Demanded chasteness from her daughters.
5. Valued chasteness above all else.
6. Embodied the ideals of chasteness and modesty.
7. She guarded her chasteness zealously.
8. Taught the importance of chasteness from an early age.
9. Equated chasteness with morality and goodness.
10. Upheld as the model of chasteness and decorum.

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