Decorous example sentences

Related (10): polite, civilized, respectable, well-mannered, courteous, genteel, refined, elegant, tasteful, proper.

"Decorous" Example Sentences

1. The ceremony was conducted with decorous formality.
2. The dignified guest comported himself with decorous propriety at all times.
3. The decorous design of the cathedral allowed for worship in solemn silence.
4. The lady exited the stage with decorous grace and aplomb.
5. The solemn event called for decorous attire and behavior.
6. Her decorous demeanor was befitting of her royal lineage.
7. The decorous observance of traditions contributed to a sense of reverence for the occasion.
8. He exhibited decorous restraint in the face of great provocation.
9. The decorous disposition of the mourners spoke to their profound sense of loss.
10. The decorous furnishings and formal atmosphere lent an air of gravity to the proceedings.
11. The decorous simplicity of the interior design fostered an ambience of contemplation.
12. The decorous performance commanded the rapt attention of the audience.
13. The decorous proceedings accorded a dignified send-off for the departed.
14. She conducted herself with decorous propriety on even the most trying occasions.
15. The decorous mannerisms of the elderly lady spoke to a bygone era.
16. The rules of decorum were strictly observed to preserve the decorous dignity of the event.
17. Her decorous refusal spoke volumes without uttering a single disparaging word.
18. The decorous narrative adopted an instructive tone without resorting to didacticism.
19. His measured and decorous tone belied the depth of his anger.
20. The decorous uniform instilled a sense of discipline and solemnity in the recruits.
21. Despite her cheerful nature, she remained decorous and proper at all times.
22. Her decorous tact prevented the situation from escalating into conflict.
23. His decorous silence allowed him to remain above the fray.
24. The decorous ambience of the restaurant fostered an atmosphere of civility and calm.
25. The actors approached their roles with decorous seriousness of purpose.
26. The decorous procession conveyed a somber sense of duty and loss.
27. The decorous pace of the ritual allowed for quiet contemplation.
28. The decorous stillness of the room commanded respectful silence.
29. The decorous reserve of elderly English gentlemen has entered folklore.
30. The decorous style of his speech appealed to our finer instincts.
31. The decorous brevity of his reply left no room for further inquiry.
32. He wore his decorous facade for years until finally breaking down in tears.
33. The decorous phrasing of the insult allowed her to maintain a veneer of civility.
34. Her decorous manner masked a deeply passionate nature.
35. The decorous simplicity of the décor emphasized substance over style.
36. The decorous restraint of her critics only served to underscore the depth of her failings.
37. The decorous arrangement of flowers lent a solemn air to the memorial event.
38. The decorous choreography enhanced the mystical theme of the dance performance.
39. The decorous atmosphere imparted a sense of dignity and solemnity upon the occasion.
40. The decorous adherence to social norms helped keep tensions at bay.
41. The decorous tone of his refusal masked the pain he felt at having to deny her request.
42. Their decorous attire helped command the respect due to persons of their position.
43. The decorous austerity of the setting fostered an atmosphere of sobriety and seriousness.
44. His decorous humility masked a fierce ambition.
45. The decorous period music added to the poignancy of the performance.
46. The decorous quiet of the library demanded focused concentration.
47. The venerable lady maintained a decorous demeanor despite her desperate circumstances.
48. Her decorous demurral masked a passionate desire to accept his proposal.
49. The decorous rhythms of the hymn fostered an attitude of solemn introspection.
50. The decorous language of the posting allowed him to express vehement disapproval in an appropriate manner.

Common Phases

1. She comported herself with decorum and decorous grace.
2. Her mother taught her to always be decorous in her behavior and speech.
3. His decorous demeanor and respectable attire put others at ease.
4. She sat with decorous poise, back straight and eyes forward.
5. The lady walked with decorous strides down the avenue.
6. They spoke in decorous whispers so as not to disturb the other patrons.
7. He gave a decorous bow before taking his leave.
8. The headmaster expected all students to comport themselves in a decorous manner at all times.
9. She smiled with decorous restraint.
10. The decorous groom patiently awaited his blushing bride at the altar.
11. The judges appreciated the decorous manner in which the competitors behaved.
12. The actors delivered their lines with decorous solemnity.
13. The reporter asked the question in a decorous tone.
14. The decorous young lady curtsied politely to her elders.
15. The boy spoke in a decorous voice, promptly saying "sir" and "ma'am."
16. The diplomats were known for their decorous behavior and impeccable manners.
17. Her decorous answer belied her youth.
18. The fashion models walked with decorous grace down the runway.
19. The old-fashioned etiquette guide taught ladies how to behave with decorous reserve.
20. Her decorous silence belied her inner turmoil.
21. The mourners maintained a decorous solemnity throughout the funeral.
22. The decorous students abided by the strict rules of their religious school.
23. Their decorous correspondence followed all the rules of proper etiquette.
24. The knight treated the fair maiden with decorous gallantry.
25. The decorous clerk diligently attended to his professional duties.
26. He gave a decorous cough to attract attention.
27. The new professor ensured all class discussions maintained a decorous tone.
28. His decorous bow was a gesture of pure respect.
29. The decorous woman spoke softly but firmly.
30. The children were taught to walk in a decorous manner.
31. The decorous young queen conducted herself with grace and dignity.
32. His decorous silence conveyed disapproval.
33. The decorous bride and groom quietly recited their heartfelt vows.
34. The decorous spectators remained silent throughout the solemn ceremony.
35. The decorous guests mingled discreetly at the cocktail party.
36. His decorous smile hid his true feelings.
37. The decorous official delivered his speech in a measured tone.
38. The decorous guests observed proper etiquette at all times.
39. The decorous candidate gave a staid response to every question.
40. The fully decorated halls were lined with decorous poinsettias and holly wreaths.
41. She greeted her parents with a decorous hug and peck on the cheek.
42. The decorous words of comfort meant more than her tears ever could.
43. The decorous official barely hid his disdain for the uncouth commoner.
44. His mother's friend commented on his decorous behavior.
45. The decorous speech made an impact through the care taken with each word.
46. Her decorous demureness hid a playful spirit within.
47. The decorous memorial service honored the great man with dignity and respect.
48 Her decorous manner masked a fiery temperament.
49. The decorous minister delivered his sermon with restraint and grace.
50. Her decorous dress and gentle manners gave her a timeless quality.
51. The decorous gentleman did not wish to make a faux pas.
52. The decorous elders watched the youths with disapproving glances.
53. His decorous response satisfied polite society but caused him inward pain.
54. The decorous writer crafted sentences of dignified poise and grace.
55. The decorous young woman conducted herself with quiet grace and composure.
56. Her decorous image hid a secret rebellious streak.
57. The decorous girl curtsied to her elders.
58. He greeted her with decorous courtesy.
59. The woman's decorous demeanor masked her passionate nature.
60. The decorous official maintained a strictly professional relationship.

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