Chat example sentences

Related (5): conversation, talk, dialogue, discussion, exchange

"Chat" Example Sentences

1. Let's have a chat.
2. We chatted for hours.
3. I chatted with my friend online.
4. The teacher chatted with her students.
5. I chatted with my grandma on the phone.
6. We had a nice chat over coffee.
7. The students chatted noisily after class.
8. I enjoyed chatting with the elderly woman.
9. I chatted with my co-worker about work.
10. The children were chatting animatedly.
11. I chatted with my pen pal every week.
12. Let's chat later this week.
13. We quickly chatted about the latest news.
14. The group chatted about their summer vacations.
15. I tried to chat with the cute boy.
16. We randomly chatted about the weather.
17. The co-workers chatted in the break room.
18. I like to chat with my neighbor over the fence.
19. The stand-up comedian chatted with the audience.
20. My grandmother loved to chat on the phone.
21. I chatted briefly with my teacher.
22. My friends and I chat almost every day.
23. We chatted about our plans for the weekend.
24. Let's catch up and chat soon.
25. The couples chatted quietly at their tables.
26. The girl chatted away while brushing her hair.
27. We chatted happily in the cafe.
28. I chatted with my sister while cooking dinner.
29. The friends chatted loudly over lunch.
30. The siblings chatted while washing the dishes.
31. The two old friends chatted nonstop.
32. Customers often chatted with the shopkeepers.
33. During breaks, the preschoolers would chat.
34. My mother loves to chat with the neighbors.
35. The grandmother chatted with her grandchildren.
36. Let's chat some time when you're free.
37. I chatted about my day while on my walk.
38. The group chatted about their spring break plans.
39. The two married couples chatted over cocktails.
40. People chat more online than in person these days.
41. The teenagers were chatting about boys.
42. I love chatting with my best friend.
43. We chatted about our childhood memories.
44. The coworkers often chat during their lunch break.
45. The friends chatted about their summer vacation plans.
46. She chatted away while doing dishes.
47. Let's continue this conversation later and chat.
48. I often chat with my family members on WhatsApp.
49. Customers often chat with bartenders.
50. The girls chatted excitedly about the cute boy in class.
51. The old friends chatted about their families.
52. The senior citizens chatted about the old days.
53. My friend and I chatted nonstop for over an hour.
54. The cousins chatted about their college plans.
55. Let's continue this discussion later and chat some more.
56. I love to casually chat with strangers.
57. The colleagues chatted about work gossip.
58. The girlfriends chatted about their crushes.
59. My brother and I chatted about our crazy summer plans.
60. The teenagers were endlessly chatting on their phones.

Common Phases

1. Let's chat for a while.
2. I enjoy having a good chat over coffee.
3. I saw Jack at the coffee shop this morning, we had a nice chat.
4. We chatted about our plans for the weekend.
5. She enjoys chatting with her friends online.
6. I'll be online tonight if you want to chat.
7. The two friends chatted for hours.
8. The kids were happily chatting away at the lunch table.
9. The students were chatting amongst themselves before the class started.
10. Let's chat more about this when you have time.
11. I had a good chat with my mom on the phone last night.
12. Why don't we grab some lunch and have a chat?
13. I enjoy video chatting with my friends.
14. After the meeting ended, people were chatting in small groups.
15. My coworker and I often chat while we have our lunch break.
16. She chatted pleasantly with the customer to make her feel comfortable.
17. The teacher had to interrupt the students who were chatting during the lesson.
18. My boss wanted to have a quick chat about an project issue.
19. We chatted away as we walked down the street.
20. My friend and I love to chat for hours on end.
21. The senators were chatting amiably before the debate started.
22. I enjoy just sitting down with a cup of tea and chatting with my wife.
23. My grandparents always have us over for Sunday dinner and a good chat.
24. I need to go chat with John before we begin the meeting.
25. He was chatting up the new girl in the office.
26. Let's chat tomorrow after work, I have some news to share.
27. My daughter loves to chat my ear off about her day at school.
28. My coworkers and I often chat while we make the morning coffee run.
29. I spend hours chatting with my grandma on the phone.
30. I wanted to chat with my boss about a raise.
31. Our professor often chats with students before and after class.
32. I chatted with an old friend on Facebook today.
33. We chatted about what we wanted to do over the weekend.
34. My son was happily chatting away in his crib this morning.
35. The children were happily chatting in the schoolyard.
36. I enjoy skyping with friends and having a good chat.
37. I had a good long chat with my sister yesterday.
38. The women were happily chatting away at their weekly book club.
39. Let's grab a cup of coffee and have a good catch up chat.
40. My daughter loves to video chat with her grandma who lives across the country.
41. The old friends happily chatted away, catching up on each other's lives.
42. I'm going to give my mom a call later and have a good chat.
43. Why don't we grab lunch this weekend and have a catch up chat?
44. I enjoy having stimulating chats with knowledgeable people.
45. The teens were happily chatting away on their phones.
46. I chatted with a customer for over an hour today.
47. My daughter could chat for hours if I let her.
48. My husband and I love sitting on the porch and chatting in the evening.
49. The two friends happily chatted away, unaware of the time passing.
50. We had a good long chat about our future plans.
51. Why don't we meet up for brunch on Sunday and have a proper chat?
52. The two business associates chatted amiably before getting down to business.
53. I'm planning to give my mom a video call this weekend so we can have a good chat.
54. My colleague was happily chatting away on the phone when I walked in.
55. The barber chatted pleasantly with his clients while cutting their hair.
56. My friend and I chatted for hours about everything under the sun.
57. After dinner, the family sits down to chat about their day.
58. My coworker and I chatted on our lunch break about our weekend plans.
59. The grandmother happily chatted with her granddaughter on the phone.
60. My best friend and I could chat for hours without running out of things to say.

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