Cheerings example sentences
Related (10): encouragement, jubilation, exultation, rejoicing, elation, enthusiasm, celebration, gladness, joyfulness, rapture
"Cheerings" Example Sentences
1. We raised our glasses and joined in a hearty round of cheerings.2. The crowd erupted in cheerings and applause.
3. He was met with loud cheerings and applause.
4. Cheerings and clapping filled the room.
5. I heard the cheerings of the crowd.
6. The team was greeted with loud cheerings.
7. We heard the cheerings of the fans.
8. The audience erupted in cheerings and applause.
9. The crowd was filled with loud cheerings.
10. The stadium was alive with cheerings.
11. The team was welcomed with cheerings.
12. The cheerings of the crowd echoed through the stadium.
13. There was a chorus of cheerings from the crowd.
14. The crowd erupted with cheerings and applause.
15. Cheerings and applause filled the hall.
16. Cheerings and applause rang out from the stands.
17. The audience was filled with cheerings.
18. The crowd gave a loud cheerings.
19. We could hear the cheerings of the crowd.
20. The crowd cheered with loud cheerings.
21. Everyone cheered with enthusiastic cheerings.
22. The crowd responded with loud cheerings.
23. The fans responded with loud cheerings.
24. The stadium was filled with cheerings.
25. The audience gave a cheerings of approval.
26. The stadium was filled with raucous cheerings.
27. The crowd erupted in a roar of cheerings.
28. The team was greeted with a roar of cheerings.
29. The audience gave a cheerings of encouragement.
30. The crowd was filled with thunderous cheerings.
31. The stadium was filled with deafening cheerings.
32. The fans gave a cheerings of support.
33. The crowd erupted in a chorus of cheerings.
34. The crowd responded with a huge cheerings.
35. The audience cheered with joyous cheerings.
36. The crowd cheered with wild cheerings.
37. The fans cheered with raucous cheerings.
38. The stadium was filled with tumultuous cheerings.
39. The people erupted in a roar of cheerings.
40. The crowd cheered with enthusiastic cheerings.
Common Phases
Cheer up; Have a great day; Hang in there; You got this; Keep going; You can do it; Best of luck; You're amazing; Believe in yourself; You can do it!Recently Searched
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