Cheerless example sentences

Related (15): dreary, dull, dismal, somber, gloomy, bleak, desolate, forlorn, melancholy, depressing, joyless, disheartening, mournful, sullen, morose.

"Cheerless" Example Sentences

1. The dimly lit, damp basement gave a cheerless feeling.
2. The rundown house had a cheerless and gloomy atmosphere.
3. She stared out at the cheerless landscape of empty fields and dirt roads.
4. The old office building had narrow, cheerless corridors and a worn out charm.
5. The overcast sky cast a cheerless light over the city.
6. The hospital ward felt cheerless and soulless with its plain white walls and dull flooring.
7. The abandoned buildings stood cheerless and dilapidated against the gray sky.
8. He strode down the cheerless street, his collar turned up against the rain.
9. The desk seemed cheerless without any personal items scattered across the top.
10. The yard of his childhood home now seemed cheerless and forsaken.
11. They spent their holidays in cheerless rented apartments by the sea.
12. I woke to a cheerless dawn, as the rain spattered against my window.
13. The dingy room was cheerless save for the small lit candle in the corner.
14. The little cottage stood cheerless and dismal amidst the howling wind and driving rain.
15. The cheerless crash of waves against the shore repeated endlessly.
16. I trudged through the cheerless twilight, yearning for home.
17. The cheerless cry of a lone bird rang out across the valley.
18. They sat in the cheerless cafe, watching the people hurry by outside.
19. The air in the cheerless restaurant felt stale and oppressive.
20. She wandered the deserted town with its cheerless and crumbling buildings.
21. His face stared cheerless back at him from the cracked bathroom mirror.
22. The walls of the empty room seemed to close in around him, cheerless and oppressive.
23. The inmates sat gazing listlessly into space in the cheerless prison yard.
24. The sight of the cheerless view from his hospital window filled him with despair.
25. They plowed their lonely furrows in the cheerless field as the rain poured down.
26. The photograph displayed a cheerless dinner, with everyone staring into space.
27. I wandered the dusty shelves in the cheerless secondhand bookstore.
28. The cheerless cry of a sea bird broke the stillness.
29. The dingy pub was cheerless and depressing on a Monday afternoon.
30. The black and white photograph depicted a cheerless wedding party.
31. The sunless yard seemed particularly cheerless that day.
32. The abandoned lot had become a cheerless dumping ground.
33. Her cheerless sigh echoed around the empty room.
34. The inmates sat in small groups in the cheerless prison yard.
35. He stared at the cheerless faces of the commuters rushing past.
36. The abandoned farmhouse stood cheerless against the gray sky.
37. The cheerless wind howled around the eaves of the old house.
38. The bleak landscape lay silent and cheerless under a veil of snow.
39. The old roof leaked cheerlessly, drip by dreary drip.
40. Christmas seemed particularly cheerless that year.
41. The rain drummed cheerlessly against the windowpane.
42. His cheerless expression reminded her of better times.
43. The cheerless wail of the wind echoed down the barren street.
44. The cheerless walls seemed to close in around him as he sat alone.
45. The bland walls of the cheerless house oppressed her spirit.
46. The patients sat in their cheerless beds, gazing blankly into space.
47. The school playground looked particularly cheerless in the winter months.
48. The dim stars shone cheerlessly above the snow-covered land.
49. The ornate but cheerless furniture gave the room an oppressive air.
50. The winos sat in small groups on the cheerless street corner.
51. Her cheerless cry echoed through the empty house.
52. The abandoned playground seemed particularly cheerless that day.
53. The sun rose and set on another cheerless day.
54. The cheerless wind blew lifeless leaves down the deserted street.
55. The doctor walked the cheerless wards, attending to his patients.
56. His cheerless countenance belied his bitter thoughts.
57. The light filtering in through the grimy windows gave the room a cheerless glow.
58. The cheerless cry of a lone wolf rang out across the glacier.
59. The cheerless warehouse stood deserted in the cold winter fog.
60. The faded billboards leered cheerlessly down at the passerby.

Common Phases

1. The old house stood in a state of disrepair, its cheerless windows staring emptily.
2. The winter months seemed long and dreary with their cheerless gray skies and cold winds.
3. The corridor stretched on for what seemed like miles, its dark walls and dim lighting adding to the already cheerless atmosphere.
4. The inmates sat in their cheerless cells, counting the days until their release.
5. He sat in the cheerless prison cell, thinking of better days.
6. The cafe's cheerless ambiance failed to attract customers.
7. The office was decorated with cheap, cheerless furniture that made the staff long for lunchtime to escape.
8. Her mood was as cheerless as the dreary day outside.
9. We huddled around the small fire, trying to keep warm in our cheerless camp.
10. The abandoned building stood in decay, its empty windows staring with cheerless gloom.
11. The holiday season seemed cheerless without friends and family nearby.
12. The orphanage housed many cheerless children with little hope for the future.
13. The rundown house provided shelter from the wind and rain but offered little else to lift one's spirits from its cheerless surroundings.
14. Her spartan room contained only the most basic furniture, imparting an atmosphere of cheerlessness that depressed her spirit.
15. The abandoned mine stood silently, its cheerless walls testifying of long forgotten hopes and dreams.
16. The smoggy city provided a cheerless backdrop for their difficult life.
17. She wandered through the cheerless years of her widowhood with little joy.
18. The cold prison cells stood in linear rows, containing countless cheerless souls.
19. The spare room contained just the barest necessities, its cheerlessness a reflection of the child's life.
20. The celebration felt cheerless without her family's joyful participation.
21. The gloomy sky outside seemed to match her cheerless mood.
22. The years stretched ahead of him, long and cheerless, from his lonely prison cell.
23. The dark alleyway provided a cheerless shelter for the homeless man.
24. We spent the holidays in the cheerless hospital room with little celebration.
25. Their gloomy office provided a cheerless place to spend the working day.
26. The homeless shelter offered cheerless cots but at least a roof over their heads.
27. Her loneliness seemed to her never-ending, a cheerless succession of empty, repetitive days.
28. The rundown hotel provided cheerless lodging for the night.
29. The long years of sickness left her in a state of cheerlessness and despair.
30. Christmas seemed cheerless without friends or family to share it with.
31. Their cheerless room provided cold shelter from the harsh winter.
32. The widower spent many cheerless hours alone after his wife's passing.
33. The homeless wandered the cheerless streets in search of shelter from the cold.
34. Her cheerless mood matched the gray skies outside.
35. His cheerless coworkers failed to lift his spirits at the office.
36. The dim lighting and empty walls gave the hotel lobby an atmosphere of cheerless gloom.
37. The cheerless decor failed to instill any holiday spirit.
38. His cheerless childhood left him with little hope for the future.
39. The bleak landscape seemed to match her cheerless thoughts.
40. The cold cells housed countless cheerless inmates over the years.
41. The rundown store provided cheerless shopping but filled a need in the impoverished community.
42. The sparsely decorated room gave an atmosphere of cheerlessness.
43. The orphan's cheerless life left him longing for a family.
44. The cheerless years stretched ahead, filled with disappointment and regret.
45. Her cheerless mood failed to improve despite the festive decorations.
46. The stark cell provided cheerless lodging for the night.
47. The cheerless landscape provided little beauty to lift one's spirits.
48. The crowd watching provided little support in her cheerless performance.
49. He spent many cheerless hours during his convalescence with few visitors.
50. The dim lighting and drab decor provided a cheerless ambiance for the restaurant.
51. His cheerless students failed to share his enthusiasm for learning.
52. The spare decor left the room with an atmosphere of cheerlessness.
53. The lonely elderly woman spent many cheerless hours alone with few visitors.
54. Her cheerless thoughts prevented her from enjoying the celebrations.
55. The dark sky seemed to match the cheerless mood of the town.
56. Their cheerless life left them with little hope for the future.
57. The festivities felt cheerless without her loved ones there to share them.
58. The dimly lit hallway led to countless cheerless rooms.
59. His cheerless prospects left him with little motivation to improve his situation.
60. The despondent widow spent her cheerless days alone, missing her husband.

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