Dark example sentences

Related (10): Dusk, Shadow, Blackout, Gloomy, Dim, Midnight, Twilight, Murky, Obscure, Sinister.

"Dark" Example Sentences

1. The boy was afraid of the dark.
2. The cellar was cold and dark.
3. She turned on the lights to dispel the dark.
4. The stormy clouds darkened the sky.
5. The movie had dark and sinister themes.
6. The dark alley held secrets and shadows.
7. The forest was silent and dark.
8. They emerged from the dark cave into the daylight.
9. The lights flickered and then went dark.
10. The dark rumors swirled around town.
11. Shadows danced in the dark corners.
12. Dark thoughts clouded his mind.
13. His dark sense of humor amused his friends.
14. The fire burned brightly, warding off the dark.
15. I couldn't see well in the dark of the night.
16. She put on her dark sunglasses.
17. The dark stain spoiled the carpet.
18. There was a dark figure lurking under the bridge.
19. Night brought a dark peace.
20. The abandoned house had dark, haunted windows.
21. His dark eyebrows were heavy over his angry eyes.
22. The hair on the back of her neck stood up in the dark.
23. The curtains were drawn to keep the dark at bay.
24. The dark clouds threatened rain.
25. She added a few dark strokes to her painting.
26. I've always been drawn to dark chocolate.
27. His dark oath shook the room.
28. The dark passenger within him wanted revenge.
29. The furniture had dark patterns and carvings.
30. Blackberries stain your hands with their dark juice.
31. Her dark secret haunted her.
32. The room seemed darker after she left.
33. The dark realm held no light.
34. Fear clung to the dark corners.
35. The man's complexion was very dark.
36. She felt drawn into the dark night sky.
37. The shadow had a dark and sinister form.
38. I waited in the dark for a sign.
39. The darkroom held all my developing trays.
40. Their words carried a dark undertone.
41. The dark dungeons were dank and cold.
42. Her gaze was dark and unfathomable.
43. Dark magic filled the air.
44. Her mind wandered into dark places.
45. The trees were a dark tangle of branches.
46. Darkness blanketed the valley.
47. The horse drank from the dark pool.
48. A dark mood came over him.
49. The failing sun cast dark shadows on the wall.
50. The dark forest was a place of mystery.
51. I sat alone in the dark as tears fell.
52. Dark thoughts clouded his once-bright mind.
53. He wore a dark scowl on his face.
54. The villain's dark plans were finally revealed.
55. Her black hair surrounded her pale face like a dark halo.
56. Dark times lay ahead.
57. The man vanished into the dark night.
58. Dark stains marred the once-white dress.
59. His dark secret consumed him.
60. The light faded, leaving only dark behind.

Common Phases

1. In the dark - Not knowing or understanding something. "The students were left in the dark about what would be on the exam."
2. Dark ages - A time period marked by ignorance, violence, or lack of progress.
3. Dark horse - An unknown competitor that emerges to rival the more established ones. "The small company is considered a dark horse to win the contract."
4. Dark side - The morally bad or harmful aspects of something. "The video game focused on the dark side of human nature."
5. Dark humor - Humor based on morbid, grotesque, or macabre topics.
6. Dark secret - Something that is deliberately hidden or concealed due to being socially or morally unacceptable. "The family had harbored a dark secret for years."
7. Dark cloud - Something that causes pervasive unhappiness or trouble. "A dark cloud hung over his marriage for years until they finally divorced."
8. Dark horse candidate - A candidate for election who emerges from being relatively unknown to being a strong competitor.
9. Dark places - Troubled or depressive thoughts and feelings. "Listening to that kind of music just takes me to dark places."
10. Dark period - A time marked by difficulty, unhappiness, or little progress. "The economic crisis was a dark period for many families."

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