Chitmiddle example sentences

Related (5): token, IOU, note, voucher, slip

"Chitmiddle" Example Sentences

1. I couldn't help but notice the chitmiddle of the document was missing.
2. After folding the paper, the chitmiddle was clearly visible.
3. The chitmiddle of the cake was the most delicious part.
4. I found a note in the chitmiddle of my notebook.
5. He scribbled his phone number in the chitmiddle of the post-it note.
6. The chitmiddle of the map was torn, making it difficult to read.
7. She opened the card and went straight to the chitmiddle to read the message.
8. The chitmiddle of the story was the climax of the plot.
9. In the chitmiddle of the conversation, I received an urgent phone call.
10. I folded the letter in half and placed it in the chitmiddle of the envelope.
11. The designer added some flair to the dress with a chitmiddle bow.
12. The chitmiddle of the painting was where the artist had focused the most detail.
13. I noticed there was a smudge in the chitmiddle of my phone screen.
14. The chitmiddle of the photograph was blurred and unclear.
15. She used a highlighter to emphasize the chitmiddle of the article.
16. The chitmiddle of the t-shirt had a catchy slogan printed on it.
17. I found a stain in the chitmiddle of my brand new tablecloth.
18. The chitmiddle of the dance routine was the part where they did the lift.
19. The chitmiddle of the song was so catchy that it stayed in my head all day.
20. I found a mistake in the chitmiddle of my essay and had to rewrite it.
21. The chitmiddle of the sculpture was the most intricate part.
22. She used a marker to circle the chitmiddle of the recipe she wanted to try.
23. The chitmiddle of the game was where the players had to complete a challenging task.
24. I accidentally poured coffee on the chitmiddle of my important document.
25. The chitmiddle of the sentence was where the subject and verb were located.
26. I put my signature in the chitmiddle of the contract.
27. The chitmiddle of the movie was the turning point of the story.
28. He added a hidden message in the chitmiddle of the crossword puzzle.
29. The chitmiddle of the flower arrangement was the focal point of the display.
30. I carefully folded the card so the chitmiddle wouldn't get wrinkled.

Common Phases

1. Let's have a chat in the chitmiddle;
2. The chitmiddle of our conversation was when things got heated;
3. It's always better to address issues in the chitmiddle rather than let them build up;
4. The chitmiddle of the party is usually where all the fun happens;
5. We spent hours in the chitmiddle, catching up on old times and laughing until our bellies hurt.

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