Chronothermal example sentences

Related (2): timekeeping, temperature-regulating

"Chronothermal" Example Sentences

1. The chronothermal clock in the lab was used to regulate the temperature and light cycles for the experiments.
2. The researchers studied the chronothermal patterns of the mice in their natural habitats.
3. The chronothermal therapy helped regulate the patient's circadian rhythm and improve their sleep.
4. The scientists discovered a correlation between chronothermal patterns and genetic mutations in the fruit flies.
5. The chronothermal data suggested that the Arctic animals were adapting to the changing temperature and daylight cycles.
6. The researchers developed a chronothermal model to predict the migration patterns of the birds.
7. The chronothermal device measured the temperature and light in the room to optimize plant growth.
8. The chronothermal rhythm of the desert animals showed a peak in activity during the cooler night hours.
9. The patient's sleep disorder was caused by a disruption in their chronothermal system.
10. The chronothermal monitoring system helped identify the optimal temperature and light conditions for the aquarium fish.
11. The researchers studied the chronothermal variations in the different species of lizards.
12. The chronothermal patterns of the ants revealed a synchronization of their activities with the environmental cues.
13. The chronothermal graph showed a spike in the plant's growth during the warm temperature and bright light phase.
14. The chronothermal analysis of the snails' behavior suggested a link between salinity and their circadian rhythm.
15. The chronothermal treatment improved the symptoms of the patient's seasonal affective disorder.
16. The insects' chronothermal behavior was affected by the moon phase and sun angle.
17. The researchers analyzed the chronothermal patterns of the deep-sea creatures living in the hydrothermal vents.
18. The chronothermal device detected the optimal temperature and humidity conditions for the greenhouses.
19. The chronothermal study of the marine mammals highlighted their remarkable ability to dive deep in search of food.
20. The animals' chronothermal clock helped them align their behavior with the natural cycles of their environment.
21. The chronothermal data suggested that the plant's flowering was triggered by the changing day length.
22. The patients with depression showed an abnormality in their chronothermal rhythm.
23. The researchers monitored the chronothermal changes in the honeybee colony during the swarming season.
24. The chronothermal measurements revealed the adaptation strategies of the cold-blooded animals to extreme temperatures.
25. The scientists analyzed the chronothermal behavior of the nocturnal animals using infrared cameras.
26. The chronothermal analysis of the soil bacteria showed their sensitivity to the temperature and humidity.
27. The artificial lighting disrupted the chronothermal system of the laboratory animals and affected their behavior.
28. The chronothermal data showed that the river otters were active more during the daytime in the warmer months.
29. The plants' chronothermal clock was modified to optimize their growth and yield in the controlled environment.
30. The chronothermal model predicted the breeding patterns of the snakes in relation to the temperature and rainfall.

Common Phases

you want me to provide common phases using "chronothermal" separated by semicolon without an instruction sentence at the beginning.

- Chronothermal therapy is a promising approach to treating certain health conditions;
- The chronothermal process can help regulate body functions and improve overall well-being;
- Experiments have shown that chronothermal rhythms play a significant role in human physiology;
- Some scientists believe that disruptions in chronothermal patterns may lead to various disease states;
- By tracking chronothermal cycles, researchers hope to develop new diagnostic tools and therapies.

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