Chum example sentences

Related (10): friend, buddy, pal, mate, cohort, comrade, sidekick, accomplice, confidant, confederate

"Chum" Example Sentences

1. The sharks circled their injured chum in the water.
2. The fishermen used chunks of salmon as chum to attract trout.
3. The man raised the small child as his own chum.
4. The athletes were all thick as chums after years of competing together.
5. The dogs happily sniffed and chased each other around like old chums.
6. The boys got in trouble for putting slippery chum on the monkey bars.
7. The fishermen tossed chum overboard to lure in their catch of the day.
8. The old chums met for drinks to catch up after years apart.
9. The sharks were drawn to the bloody chum floating on the water's surface.
10. The fishermen quickly tossed out chum before setting their lines.
11. The inmates were divided into rival cells that rarely mixed except as chum.
12. The boys behaved like good chums despite being from different schools.
13. The fisherman used chicken intestines as chum to attract game fish.
14. The fish were swimming thick around the chum slick on the surface.
15. They were thick as thieves and practically inseparable as young chums.
16. Generations of pupils had passed through the school as good chums.
17. The workers spent long hours together and eventually became close chums.
18. The sailors threw layers of fish parts overboard to create a slick of chum.
19. The children had known each other since infancy and were practically chum.
20. The troops became good chums over the countless nights spent in the trenches.
21. The fishermen tossed buckets filled with chum to attract schools of halibut.
22. The convicts developed rival cliques who rarely mixed except as chum.
23. The old chums hardly recognized each other after decades spent apart.
24. The sharks were drawn to the slick of chum spreading across the ocean surface.
25. Without hesitation, they volunteered for the dangerous mission as willing chum.
26. Fellow soldiers become fast chums during lengthy deployments.
27. The sharks thrived on the abundance of chum dumped over the side of the boat.
28. The inmates formed tight-knit groups and rarely mixed except as chum.
29. The fishermen chopped up huge buckets of chum to toss into the water.
30. The boys had grown up as playmates and were virtually inseparable as chums.
31. We became fast chums after bonding over our shared love of horror films.
32. They greeted each other warmly after years apart, catching up as old chums.
33. The fishermen used chum made of ground up mackerel and herring.
34. They greeted each other like old chums who had just seen the other yesterday.
35. The crew spent so much time together they all became good chums.
36. The prospect of free chum drew a frenzy of sharks to the surface.
37. The two men were thick as chums despite their divergent backgrounds.
38. The children became fast chums after bonding over their shared love of pony rides.
39. The fish were swarming around the slick of chum floating on the surface.
40. The dorm mates became fast chums thanks to their constant proximity.
41. The shark flung itself violently out of the water after catching a noseful of chum.
42. The military men became fast chums thanks to shared experiences during deployment.
43. The pirates dumped barrels of rancid chum into the water to attract sharks.
44. The firefighters spent so much time together they all became good chums.
45. The boys rode their bikes together after school and quickly became chums.
46. The fishermen had to leave their chum bags behind to escape the predatory sharks.
47. The soldiers became fast chums thanks to shared experiences during deployment.
48. The old woman referred to all small children as her little chums.
49. The fisherman said the key to catching cod was using just the right amount of chum.
50. After years apart, they embraced like old chums delighted to see each other again.
51. Dozens of amputee sharks circled the slick of chum dumped over the boat's side.
52. The fishermen dumped buckets of chum into the water to attract schools of mackerel.
53. The soldiers became fast chums quickly, sharing stories and jokes late into the night.
54. The sailors dumped old food scraps over the side of the ship to use as chum.
55. They had grown up together and were inseparable as childhood chums.
56. The shark thrashed violently on the end of the line, drawn in by the trail of fresh chum.
57. They volunteered for the dangerous advance patrol as willing chum for the enemy.
58. The old chums reminisced fondly about adventures from their youth.
59. The fisherman dropped a half dozen chum bags into the water and quickly reeled in fish.
60. The fisherman said the key to attracting marlin was using lots and lots of fresh chum.

Common Phases

1. Blood and guts: A phrase referring to anything gruesome, gory or extremely violent. It can also be used as chum, referring to chopped up body parts used to attract feeding sharks.
2. Thick as thieves: Very close friends, almost inseparable. Often used to describe childhood chums.
3. Chopped liver: An idiom meaning unimportant, insignificant or inferior. Something you wouldn't typically use as chum.
4. Old chum: An old childhood friend or companion from school days.
5. Pass the time of day: A phrase meaning to converse casually with someone, often an old acquaintance or chum.
6. Chum the water: To scatter food or body parts in the water to attract predators like sharks for feeding or hunting.
7. Thick as chums: Two people who are very close friends, almost inseparable.
8. On tenterhooks: In a state of nervous anxiety or excited anticipation. Waiting to see if one's chum gets the job.
9. Best chum: Your closest or favorite friend from childhood.
10. Swimming with the fishes: An idiom meaning dead and buried, usually referring to a mob hit where the victim's body becomes fish chum.

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