Clique example sentences

Related (8): friends, exclusive, popular, tight-knit, elite, inward-looking, cliquey, insular

"Clique" Example Sentences

1. The popular girls formed a clique in the corner of the cafeteria.
2. The clique of bullies picked on the younger kids.
3. The in-crowd formed an exclusive clique.
4. The cheerleading team functioned as a clique within the school.
5. The clique of boys isolated themselves from the rest of the class.
6. The computer science club acted like a clique, excluding outsiders.
7. The drama students formed a close-knit clique.
8. The high school clique was made up of the popular kids.
9. The senior class formed an exclusive clique.
10. The sorority acted like a clique, excluding girls who were not members.
11. The football players operated as a clique within the school.
12. The private school clique looked down on the public school kids.
13. The clickbait headlines attracted a clique of fans.
14. The students formed into different cliques based on shared interests.
15. The group of friends functioned like a clique within the larger class.
16. The gossiping girls formed a clique in the corner of the cafeteria.
17. The group of hackers operated as a clique within the larger community.
18. The tight-knit clique excluded new students from their group.
19. The student council formed a social clique within the school.
20. The snobby clique looked down their noses at the other students.
21. The fraternity acted as a clique on campus.
22. The clickbait content attracted a loyal clique of followers.
23. The writers formed an exclusive clique based on their esoteric interests.
24. The rude boys formed a disruptive clique in the classroom.
25. The exclusive clique was known for bullying other students.
26. The group of nerds operated as a clique within the larger school.
27. The group quickly formed into different cliques based on shared interests.
28. The athletes formed an exclusive clique within the school.
29. The bullying clique picked on weaker kids.
30. The arts students formed an exclusive clique that excluded others.
31. The popular kids formed a snobby clique.
32. The high school clique excluded any kids who were different.
33. The exclusive clique acted superior to all the other students.
34. The close-knit clique resisted all attempts to integrate new members.
35. The clickbait title attracted a loyal clique of followers.
36. The exclusive clique had its own inside jokes and lingo.
37. The political activists formed an insular clique.
38. The tightly knit clique had few friends outside their own group.
39. The snobby clique looked down on students from different backgrounds.
40. The wealthy kids formed an exclusive clique at the private school.
41. The social clique excluded students with different interests.
42. The lawyers formed a close-knit clique within the larger firm.
43. The computer geeks operated as an outsider clique within the school.
44. The disruptive clique antagonized the teacher on purpose.
45. The online fanbase quickly became a loyal clique of supporters.
46. The exclusive sorority acted like a clique on campus.
47. The bullies formed a clique to isolate and antagonize other students.
48. The gamers formed an insular clique within the larger school.
49. The media-studying students formed an exclusive clique.
50. The tight-knit clique resisted all attempts at integration.
51. The gossiping girls formed an exclusive clique.
52. The loudmouth boys formed an antagonistic clique in the cafeteria.
53. The sports fanatics formed an exclusive clique within the larger school.
54. The private school clique looked down on the public school kids.
55. The group of friends acted like a tight-knit clique within the larger class.
56. The snobby rich kids formed an exclusive clique at the private school.
57. The in-group formed an exclusive clique that excluded outsiders.
58. The cheating clique altered exam answers to benefit all members.
59. The group of rebels formed an antagonistic clique within the school.
60. The bullying clique targeted weaker students for intimidation.

Common Phases

1. In-crowd: An exclusive social clique made up of the most popular people.
E.g "She wanted to be part of the in-crowd."
2. Cliques and clicks: Exclusive social cliques within a larger group.
E.g. "The school was divided into various cliques and clicks."
3. Cliques up: To form cliques or break off into small exclusive groups.
E.g. "The students immediately cliques up based on similar interests."
4. Outsider: Someone excluded from an exclusive social clique or group.
E.g. "He felt like an outsider among the popular clique."
5. Cliquer: A member of an exclusive social group or clique.
E.g. "The so-called cliquers looked down on the rest of the students."
6. Insider: A member of an exclusive clique or group with special knowledge or access.
E.g. "She was an insider in the popular social clique."
7. In-group: An exclusive social group or clique that someone belongs to.
E.g. "He wanted to be part of the in-group."
8. Cliquerati: The members of an exclusive social clique, especially ones that are fashionable or trendy.
E.g. "The cliquerati were more interested in appearances than academics."
9. Cliquerish: Characteristic of or resembling an exclusive clique.
E.g. "The group had a rather cliquerish attitude."
10. Cliquerie: An exclusive social clique or group.
E.g. "She tried to break into the fashionable cliquerie."

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