Cloaked example sentences

Related (10): hidden, disguised, concealed, veiled, obscured, camouflaged, masked, shrouded, covered, screened

"Cloaked" Example Sentences

1. The magician cloaked himself in a shimmering robe before stepping onto the stage.
2. The thief cloaked themselves in darkness and slipped away unnoticed.
3. The spy cloaked their true intentions behind a polite smile.
4. The forest was cloaked in mist, creating an eerie atmosphere.
5. The mysterious figure was cloaked in a hooded cloak that concealed their face.
6. The superhero cloaked themselves in a cape before taking flight.
7. The castle was cloaked in shadow, making it appear even more ominous.
8. The knight cloaked themselves in armor before heading off to battle.
9. The clouds cloaked the sun, casting a dark shadow over the landscape.
10. The killer cloaked their identity by wearing a mask.
11. The mountain was cloaked in snow, making it a stunning winter wonderland.
12. The city was cloaked in darkness as a blackout swept across the area.
13. The prince cloaked his true feelings behind a façade of indifference.
14. The vampire cloaked themselves in stealth, quietly stalking their prey.
15. The monument was cloaked in scaffolding as it underwent renovations.
16. The trees were cloaked in vibrant autumn colors, creating a picturesque setting.
17. The spymaster cloaked the details of the mission in secrecy to protect their agents.
18. The detective was cloaked in doubt as they tried to solve the perplexing case.
19. The angel cloaked their wings as they walked among the mortals.
20. The conspiracy theorist believed that the truth about the government was being cloaked from the public.
21. The mermaid cloaked her lower half with seaweed to blend in with her surroundings.
22. The ship was cloaked in fog, making it difficult to navigate through the treacherous waters.
23. The race car driver cloaked their fear behind a confident facade before the big race.
24. The wizard cloaked his wand to conceal its true power from prying eyes.
25. The enemy was cloaked in propaganda to sway public opinion and win support.
26. The old castle was cloaked in myths and legends, with tales of ghosts and curses.
27. The astronaut was cloaked in his spacesuit before stepping out into the vacuum of space.
28. The artist cloaked their emotions in their paintings, using colors and brushstrokes to express themselves.
29. The monster was cloaked in darkness, lurking in the shadows and striking when least expected.
30. The hacker cloaked their identity by using multiple fake profiles and anonymous accounts.

Common Phases

1. The car was cloaked in a thick layer of dust; it had been sitting in the garage for months.
2. The mysterious figure walked through the forest, cloaked in a dark hooded cape; no one knew who he was or what he was doing there.
3. As the ship sailed closer to the shore, it became easier to identify the cloaked figure standing on the docks; it was their contact, waiting for them to arrive.
4. The spy was able to move undetected through the enemy camp, cloaked in a set of stolen military garb; no one suspected a thing.
5. The wizard cast a spell, causing himself to become cloaked in invisibility; he could now sneak past his enemies without being seen.

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