Cloudlets example sentences

Related (1): containerization

"Cloudlets" Example Sentences

1. The cloudlets hanging in the sky looked like fluffy cotton balls.
2. As we flew over the city, I could see small cloudlets forming.
3. The sun's rays shining down onto the cloudlets made them glow.
4. The beautiful sunset was enhanced by the presence of cloudlets.
5. The clouds in the sky were forming into little cloudlets of various shapes.
6. The sky was a beautiful blue with clusters of cloudlets scattered around.
7. The birds flew among the cloudlets, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.
8. The clouds appear like little cloudlets, floating serenely above the mountains.
9. The gentle breeze blew the cloudlets over the horizon.
10. The morning sky was filled with small white cloudlets.
11. The sky was covered in a blanket of fluffy cloudlets after the storm passed.
12. The clouds were so thin they were more like mist than cloudlets.
13. The little cloudlets were like bits of cotton wool scattered across the sky.
14. The cloudlets had a silver lining which glittered in the light of the setting sun.
15. The atmosphere was characterized by the presence of numerous cloudlets which only added to the beauty of the day.
16. The cloudlets were a mixture of white and light grey against the blue sky.
17. We could see the cloudlets drifting slowly in the wind, moving like little boats in the sky.
18. The cloudlets created an illusion of a tranquil sea in the sky.
19. The wispy cloudlets seemed to be dancing to the music of the wind.
20. The paintings depicted a peaceful world with fluffy cloudlets and gentle sunshine.
21. The airplane flew through a cluster of cloudlets as it began its descent.
22. The cloudlets looked like fragments of the sky that had broken off and were floating away.
23. The cloudlets were like little pieces of a puzzle slowly fitting together.
24. The cloudlets were both beautiful and mysterious, giving the sky a magical quality.
25. The day was sunny, with just a few cloudlets in the sky, making it perfect for outdoor activities.
26. The sky filled with cloudlets filtered the harsh light of the sun, creating a soft, gentle glow.
27. The clouds were like cloudlets of steam, slowly rising from the earth.
28. The cloudlets on the horizon were the first sign of an approaching storm.
29. The cloudlets were so small that they appeared almost transparent against the blue sky.
30. The sun shone down, casting a warm glow on the fluffy cloudlets above.

Common Phases

1. Cloudlets provide a bridging mechanism between mobile devices and the cloud;
2. By deploying cloudlets, mobile devices can offload computation tasks to nearby servers;
3. Cloudlets can significantly reduce cloud response time by processing information locally;
4. These mini-clouds can improve user experience by reducing latency and increasing data privacy;
5. Increased adoption of cloudlets can also alleviate network congestion and reduce energy consumption;
6. With the emergence of edge computing, cloudlets are becoming more important for delivering real-time services.

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